Neil DeGrasse Tyson on morality of deniers

Neil deGrasse Tyson: Those ?who cherry pick science simply don?t understand how? it works

he went to Columbia, University of Texas, Harvard, etc...

"He also said that he wouldn’t debate anti-scientific people — as Bill Nye famously did last month — because “I don’t have the time or the energy or the interest in doing so. As an educator, I’d rather just get people thinking straight in the first place, so I don’t have to then debate them later on.”"

How anti scientific can one be to say he won't debate. So, he has some doubts about his science that he knows he won't win. LOL................way to go Neil!!!!!hahahahahaahaha, he gets no respect from me with that attitude.

To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....
Well excuse me, but those who don't know ought to be taught. So that's what it is you're against is actually teaching people why things might be the way they are. Those folks ask astonishing questions. Might learn a thing or two himself in that arena. But you, you're just too smart for everyone so the heck with the others. Right? it's a waste of time. LOL! Yep you have all the answers.
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I agree, but when they cross over to political activism they lose their scientific blindness as it were. That's when bad science begins to occur. That's when eugenics and "final solutions" are passed from the horrible to the accepted norms of society.

What action could they take that could not be characterized as "political" by individuals such as yourself seeking only to quash certain viewpoints by ad hominem attacks? Any action in the public sphere or attempt to affect the behavior of our government or the masses who rule it is inherently political.

Present accurate data.

Stop accusing sceptics of being "deniers" and accept that we have legitimate concerns about how the science is being done.

Stop calling for the incarceration or death of those who's scientific observations run counter to yours.

Refrain from the claim of scientific certainty when that is patently false.

I can go on, but that's a start.
Once again, even if I accepted that statement as fact, did you hear Tyson call anyone a denier?

Many, many times....

[ame=]Neil deGrasse Tyson Explains Climate Change Deniers - YouTube[/ame]

In that clip I heard him use the word "deny" and I heard him use the word "denial". They were used appropriately in the context in which he spoke.

I did not hear him use the word "deniers", much less use it as a pejorative.

I see the problem.

You're a fucking moron.
There are people who don't believe that pi is an irrational number.

You don't invite them to your math symposia and give them equal time to speak about why you should ignore all the math which follows from the assumption that pi is irrational.

That's pretty much the gist of what I hear from Tyson.

But that's not what the valid dissent against AGW hype and hysteria is composed of..
MOST of the SCHOLARS dissenting are simply dissenting because there is no evidence for the Magic Multipliers that appear in all the IPCC projections and AGW studies..

To believe the OFFICIAL version of AGW science, you have to believe in a FRAGILE earth. One that will commit planetary SUICIDE if any relatively mild heating forcing function is experienced.

Atmos physics says that a doubling of CO2 will produce about a 2.2degF rise in surface temperature.. MOST ALL of the "deniers" accept this and the GreenHouse physics.. The SPLIT is over the complex reaction of the climate to any change in excitation. Magic Multipliers are derived factors to describe the results. There is not even a CONSENSUS on what these values are.. But yet -- the shouting becomes "the science is settled" and anyone daring to question these invented factors are "flat-earthers"..

So Neil is becoming part of the embarrassment of SHOUTING DOWN any questions, any dialogue, any debate.. Because Warmers are CONVINCED that the public policy implications of their simplified science are too important for all that. He becomes part of the "settled science" embarrassment by participating in this.. Particularly in light of the spectacular FAILURES of their predictions and their late discoveries of VITAL features of the climate system that SHOULD HAVE been noted decades ago...

Best way to handle "flat-earthers" ??? Mock them INTELLIGIENTLY.. With arguments and empirical observations.. Make them PAY for their silly beliefs..

Go ahead -- Try it out on me.. Your first 2 shots are on the house...
Scientists are not required to divorce themselves from concern about whether people will acknowledge their findings and about the possible ramifications of people ignoring their findings. (Or the possible ramifications of people use their findings for ill, but that is another subject.)

Science does not exist in a vacuum. It is perfectly legitimate for people who study the planet -- or planets -- and who live on said planet to discuss the future of the planet, especially when what they are learning could affect that future.

Dot used the word "morality". Tyson spoke of stewardship.

Correct, science does not exist in a vacuum. That's why it MUST divorce itself from "morality". Personal biases lead to falsification of data, and the corruption of scientific enquiry to support a personal goal.

There are bad scientists everywhere, just like there are bad people. That's why the scientific method was developed, to control scientists with personal goals that are outside that of science in general.

It is telling that during the Napoleonic wars English scientists regularly travelled to Paris to confer with their French counterparts on scientific matters.

Scientists aren't obligated to sit back and collect data and analyze and never act on their findings.

It is natural and acceptable for them to feel an impulse to help save the planet for future generations to enjoy. If they conclude that they have enough information to act on, then there is nothing wrong with them acting and encouraging others to do so too.
So, for you no need for checks and balances then? So you don't agree with the democratic society? Much like many political subjects, this is not settled and may never be. To conclude something based on theoretical models that are wrong, is well, wrong. Good scientist ought to embrace someone correcting a blatant error in data.
There are people who don't believe that pi is an irrational number.

You don't invite them to your math symposia and give them equal time to speak about why you should ignore all the math which follows from the assumption that pi is irrational.

That's pretty much the gist of what I hear from Tyson.

New memebers of the APS "Global Warming" Team

Professor Richard Lindzen, formerly Alfred P Sloan Professor of Meteorology at Massachussetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a highly regarded physicist who once described climate change alarmism on The Larry King Show as "mainly just like little kids locking themselves in dark closets to see how much they can scare each other and themselves."

John Christy, Professor of Atmospheric Science at the University of Alabama in Huntsville, who has written: "I'm sure the majority (but not all) of my IPCC colleagues cringe when I say this, but I see neither the developing catastrophe nor the smoking gun proving that human activity is to blame for most of the warming we see."

Judith Curry, Chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at Georgia Tech, a former Warmist (and still a self-described "luke warmer") who has infuriated many of her more extremist colleagues by defending skeptics and by testifying to the US House Subcommittee on the Environment that the uncertainties in forecasting climate science are much greater than the alarmists will admit."

American Physical Society Sees The Light: Will It Be The First Major Scientific Institution To Reject The Global Warming 'Consensus'?

In that clip I heard him use the word "deny" and I heard him use the word "denial". They were used appropriately in the context in which he spoke.

I did not hear him use the word "deniers", much less use it as a pejorative.

I see the problem.

You're a fucking moron.

You would say that to me after the many good exchanges we have had?

I'm not a fucking moron. I'm a mathematician. But thanks for playing the partisan hack game with me. :thup:
There are people who don't believe that pi is an irrational number.

You don't invite them to your math symposia and give them equal time to speak about why you should ignore all the math which follows from the assumption that pi is irrational.

That's pretty much the gist of what I hear from Tyson.

But you also don't declare that the news sources stop giving equal time to opposing views, or in this case, reading of the data or questioning the validity of data on the subject of climate change, AGW etc..

Every example here has been related to climate change and he has been clear he has no interest in any longer discussing the issue with those who will deny the science he deems fact, those who deny.

You giving him the benefit of doubt is surprising to me. I think he is quite clear in his repeated message on the issue
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Neil deGrasse Tyson: Those ?who cherry pick science simply don?t understand how? it works
When asked specifically about climate change, Tyson said that the deniers have the same “tools of science” as everyone else, they merely misuse them. “You are equipped and empowered with this cosmic perspective, achieved by the methods and tools of science, applied to the universe,” he said.

The question is, “are you going to be a good shepherd, or a bad shepherd? Are you going to use your wisdom to protect civilization, or will you go at it in a shortsighted enough way to either destroy it, or be complicit in its destruction? If you can’t bring your scientific knowledge to bear on those kinds of decisions, then why even waste your time?”

he went to Columbia, University of Texas, Harvard, etc...


You mean tools like the scientific method?
Can you point to the experimental trials conducted in determining that CO2 is driving global temperature? And no, I do not want the computer models that have been wrong with every projection.

the funniest thing to see here is this asshat calling those who keep level about this science as misusing the tools available. Meanwhile, the AGW crowd has done NOTHING but misuse scientific tools to draw their conclusions.

Poor dumb old bastard, the vital experiment was done in 1859 when the Tyndall measured the IR absorption of the various atmospheric gases.

John Tyndall : Feature Articles

John Tyndall was a man of science—draftsman, surveyor, physics professor, mathematician, geologist, atmospheric scientist, public lecturer, and mountaineer. Throughout the course of his Irish and later, English life, he was able to express his thoughts in a manner none had seen or heard before. His ability to paint mental pictures for his audience enabled him to disseminate a popular knowledge of physical science that had not previously existed. Tyndall's original research on the radiative properties of gases as well as his work with other top scientists of his era opened up new fields of science and laid the groundwork for future scientific enterprises.
In January 1859, Tyndall began studying the radiative properties of various gases. Part of his experimentation included the construction of the first ratio spectrophotometer, which he used to measure the absorptive powers of gases such as water vapor, "carbonic acid" (now known as carbon dioxide), ozone, and hydrocarbons. Among his most important discoveries were the vast differences in the abilities of "perfectly colorless and invisible gases and vapors" to absorb and transmit radiant heat. He noted that oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen are almost transparent to radiant heat while other gases are quite opaque.
Correct, science does not exist in a vacuum. That's why it MUST divorce itself from "morality". Personal biases lead to falsification of data, and the corruption of scientific enquiry to support a personal goal.

There are bad scientists everywhere, just like there are bad people. That's why the scientific method was developed, to control scientists with personal goals that are outside that of science in general.

It is telling that during the Napoleonic wars English scientists regularly travelled to Paris to confer with their French counterparts on scientific matters.

Scientists aren't obligated to sit back and collect data and analyze and never act on their findings.

It is natural and acceptable for them to feel an impulse to help save the planet for future generations to enjoy. If they conclude that they have enough information to act on, then there is nothing wrong with them acting and encouraging others to do so too.
So, for you no need for checks and balances then? So you don't agree with the democratic society? Much like many political subjects, this is not settled and may never be. To conclude something based on theoretical models that are wrong, is well, wrong. Good scientist ought to embrace someone correcting a blatant error in data.

Where is the blatant error in the fact that the Arctic Sea Ice is melting much faster than even the 'alarmists' predicted? Where is the error in the fact that the alpine glaciers worldwide are in retreat? Where is the error in the fact that Greenland and Anarctica are losing giga-tons of ice annually?
A AGW cult mentality is not much different from the far left cult mentality. Both are dis connected from reality and both hate real science.

And this thread is empirical evidence to my statements.
"He also said that he wouldn’t debate anti-scientific people — as Bill Nye famously did last month — because “I don’t have the time or the energy or the interest in doing so. As an educator, I’d rather just get people thinking straight in the first place, so I don’t have to then debate them later on.”"

How anti scientific can one be to say he won't debate. So, he has some doubts about his science that he knows he won't win. LOL................way to go Neil!!!!!hahahahahaahaha, he gets no respect from me with that attitude.

To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....
Well excuse me, but those who don't know ought to be taught. So that's what it is you're against is actually teaching people why things might be the way they are. Those folks ask astonishing questions. Might learn a thing or two himself in that arena. But you, you're just too smart for everyone so the heck with the others. Right? it's a waste of time. LOL! Yep you have all the answers.

As he said, would you debate with flat Earthers? Well, would you?
To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....
Well excuse me, but those who don't know ought to be taught. So that's what it is you're against is actually teaching people why things might be the way they are. Those folks ask astonishing questions. Might learn a thing or two himself in that arena. But you, you're just too smart for everyone so the heck with the others. Right? it's a waste of time. LOL! Yep you have all the answers.

As he said, would you debate with flat Earthers? Well, would you?

The dissent to the CATASTROPHIC version of Global Warming is nowhere near Flat Earthers. That's just more of "the science is settled" shouting.. Can you give me a short list of what the Deniers are actually denying??? If you had the list in front of you, it would become obvious that the debate needs to happen...

This rhetoric is like the REST of the Global Warming fable.. Kept compact and simple and deployable to the masses.. So that policy makers can capitalize on the scientific "consensus" that doesn't actually exist.. That's why no one KNOWS what the deniers are saying.. They only know them as "flat-earthers"...

Oh that's correct.. On the AGW side -- there IS NO consensus.. If there was --- the estimates of the Earth's surface temperature in 2090 wouldn't have a 5degC RANGE to them now --- would they? Papers wouldn't say Hurricanes MAY be more numerous and intense, etc...

Dr Neil is treading on thinner ice than a Polar Bear in August...
And WTF is that manipulative little weasel [MENTION=23102]dotcom[/MENTION] .. You know the one that promotes these :meow: and then vanishes with the gate reciepts? And dontcha dare tell me you're sitting there with your little :popcorn: and :wine: emoticons enjoying all this.. :eusa_hand:

To put it in terms you might understand, what Tyson is saying is that he doesnt want to waste is time trying to teach the ignorant. it's like the high school coach from ShitStain, Nowheresville trying to tell Babe Ruth how to hit a ball....
Well excuse me, but those who don't know ought to be taught. So that's what it is you're against is actually teaching people why things might be the way they are. Those folks ask astonishing questions. Might learn a thing or two himself in that arena. But you, you're just too smart for everyone so the heck with the others. Right? it's a waste of time. LOL! Yep you have all the answers.

As he said, would you debate with flat Earthers? Well, would you?

So you're saying that there is proof that CO2 is causing temperature increases? Funny, I keep asking and I get none, nada, zip, zero. So, i can prove the earth is round, but you can't prove that C02 is causing a climate change. Apples and oranges.
Well excuse me, but those who don't know ought to be taught. So that's what it is you're against is actually teaching people why things might be the way they are. Those folks ask astonishing questions. Might learn a thing or two himself in that arena. But you, you're just too smart for everyone so the heck with the others. Right? it's a waste of time. LOL! Yep you have all the answers.

As he said, would you debate with flat Earthers? Well, would you?

So you're saying that there is proof that CO2 is causing temperature increases? Funny, I keep asking and I get none, nada, zip, zero. So, i can prove the earth is round, but you can't prove that C02 is causing a climate change. Apples and oranges.

I've been asking for years! They tell me to watch the Weather Channel for proof

As science, well it just ain't.

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