Zone1 Neither Trump nor Biden should be our next president

A vote for Trump is a vote against the complete corruption of our political and judicial processes. A vote for Biden is an admission that such corruption is an acceptable method of enforcing one's will on others.
A vote "against" is a lie. It's a weak-assed excuse for voting for a bad candidate on purpose.
As a reasoned person, don't you think the court best serves the country when it is balanced?
I sure do.
Right now it is a right wing period.
If a conservative judge leaves and is replaced by a liberal judge the court will still be conservative as their are 6 conservative justices.
If a liberal judge is vacated do you, even as a conservative want a 7-2, conservative court?
Of course not. No good can come of that.
Now factor in that 60% of the population is more left than right.
A court with such bias always at odds with the majority of the people will have no positive outcomes.

No, you can't vote based on having a 7-2.
That would be unhealthy.
Most disturbing and disastrous that 60% are stupid, ignorant, greedy parasites working to undo what was started in 1776.
Had this nation had that sort of divide in the population back in 1776 we would likely still be a colony of England with 60% Tories, not the USA.
Nothing peaceful about Rump the Fascist Communist...... he is DOA.

All bogus republicans running for office will push the ALEC and MAGA agendas. None of them have the backbone to do right by the nation. Both ALEC and MAGA are Fascist Communist in nature.

Mayor Pete
Jamie Raskins
Elizabeth Warren
Marianne Williamson
Kamala Harris
Amy Klobuchar

are good enough for the white house and can take out any Fascist Communist posing as a republican. The GOP has been dead approximately 41 years.
Thank you Komrade!
Spoken like a true Communist dis-informationist.
You paychecks from Moscow and Beijing are in the mail.
But the problem is that right now one or the other will in fact be elected president for the next 4 years. Or at least it looks that way, but what an awful choice to have to make. The best I can hope for is some kind of split gov't where neither party has the White House and a majority in both Houses of Congress. IOW, gridlock. We've got so many problems that need to be addressed, but I don't see that happening unless we have a one-party gov't. Which IMHO could be disastrous if that party is the Democrats, so I just cannot vote for Biden. At least with Trump, he really doesn't have total control over his own party; do we not see that playing out in the House? He ain't getting what he wants now, so why will it be any different if he gets elected? Wouldn't he be a lame duck president from Day 1?

The one issue I see that is the tie-breaker for me is the Supreme Court. If Biden is re-elected and one or more vacancies open up on the court, he will put a progressive liberal on it. I would far rather see Trump nominating a more conservative person, whoever that might be. So, for right now that is pretty much my biggest reason to vote for Trump.
Based on the thread title you chose, it is incumbent upon you to suggest who would be either than those two.
Otherwise, consider not bothering to vote anyway.
Most disturbing and disastrous that 60% are stupid, ignorant, greedy parasites working to undo what was started in 1776.
Had this nation had that sort of divide in the population back in 1776 we would likely still be a colony of England with 60% Tories, not the USA.
Igorant post.
Maga is the cult that will not compromise on any issues hence no union would have formed, you fuckin idiot.

You need to respect your superiors words. That is me. Your superior.
Igorant post.
Maga is the cult that will not compromise on any issues hence no union would have formed, you fuckin idiot.

You need to respect your superiors words. That is me. Your superior.
Principles compromised are not principles.
And you clown are the ignorant one here. Neither are you superior, but rather inferior.
Thank you for your input, Torie.
A vote for Trump is a vote against the complete corruption of our political and judicial processes. A vote for Biden is an admission that such corruption is an acceptable method of enforcing one's will on others.

Typical Trump post.

Say the opposite of what everyone knows to be true.


But you won't stop.
Trump has faults for certain... but it was only three years ago when I watched him as president... we had a great economy his son in law was working to finally bring peace to the middle east... he defeated Isis and had gas cheaper than the past 10 years which brought down food prices.... we certainly don't want Biden again but Trump has proven himself...
But the problem is that right now one or the other will in fact be elected president for the next 4 years. Or at least it looks that way, but what an awful choice to have to make. The best I can hope for is some kind of split gov't where neither party has the White House and a majority in both Houses of Congress. IOW, gridlock. We've got so many problems that need to be addressed, but I don't see that happening unless we have a one-party gov't. Which IMHO could be disastrous if that party is the Democrats, so I just cannot vote for Biden. At least with Trump, he really doesn't have total control over his own party; do we not see that playing out in the House? He ain't getting what he wants now, so why will it be any different if he gets elected? Wouldn't he be a lame duck president from Day 1?

The one issue I see that is the tie-breaker for me is the Supreme Court. If Biden is re-elected and one or more vacancies open up on the court, he will put a progressive liberal on it. I would far rather see Trump nominating a more conservative person, whoever that might be. So, for right now that is pretty much my biggest reason to vote for Trump.
The key is for Republicans to win both houses of Congress by a wide margin. Trump needs to start talking about this.
The one issue I see that is the tie-breaker for me is the Supreme Court. If Biden is re-elected and one or more vacancies open up on the court, he will put a progressive liberal on it. I would far rather see Trump nominating a more conservative person, whoever that might be. So, for right now that is pretty much my biggest reason to vote for Trump.
So you want to give a mentally ill man control of nuclear weapons because he might appoint a conservative to the court?

That's... stupid.
So you want to give a mentally ill man control of nuclear weapons because he might appoint a conservative to the court?

That's... stupid.

NOTHING is stupider than defending a lying, treasonous, bribing, incompetent who has permitted millions of illegals to invade America, bringing in their poverty, ignorance, criminals, rapists and murderers with fentanyl for America's youth.
You are a very sick SOB. I hit the button to read someone else's comments who is on my Ignore List and it also exposes your sickening tripe.
NOTHING is stupider than defending a lying, treasonous, bribing, incompetent who has permitted millions of illegals to invade America, bringing in their poverty, ignorance, criminals, rapists and murderers with fentanyl for America's youth.
You are a very sick SOB. I hit the button to read someone else's comments who is on my Ignore List and it also exposes your sickening tripe.
That pretty much covers every president since Nixon.
But the problem is that right now one or the other will in fact be elected president for the next 4 years. Or at least it looks that way, but what an awful choice to have to make. The best I can hope for is some kind of split gov't where neither party has the White House and a majority in both Houses of Congress. IOW, gridlock. We've got so many problems that need to be addressed, but I don't see that happening unless we have a one-party gov't. Which IMHO could be disastrous if that party is the Democrats, so I just cannot vote for Biden. At least with Trump, he really doesn't have total control over his own party; do we not see that playing out in the House? He ain't getting what he wants now, so why will it be any different if he gets elected? Wouldn't he be a lame duck president from Day 1?

The one issue I see that is the tie-breaker for me is the Supreme Court. If Biden is re-elected and one or more vacancies open up on the court, he will put a progressive liberal on it. I would far rather see Trump nominating a more conservative person, whoever that might be. So, for right now that is pretty much my biggest reason to vote for Trump.
So you support puting a political person ( of your political party choice) on the court, as apposed to an honest educated more neutral one?

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