Neo-con Ben Shapiro threatens the possibility of nuclear war if America doesn’t supply Israel with weapons

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Seems like these talking heads are turning this into more of a blackmail campaign....

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel....”

Further, I noticed that fellow neo-con Mark Levin was echoing the same narrative over on FOX News; basically miror image...

Relevant reading...

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism
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Off-topic, but, I, for one, really can't stand listening to either one of those two hawks talk for more than a few seconds as they both sound like someone has their nuts in a vice.

But..since they're provided the luxury of a platform in mainstream public ''programming,'' I think it's relevant to pay attention to the fear mongering they invoke for the purpose of soliciting sympathy and support for their worldviews/investments.
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Seems like thesr talking heads are turning this into a blackmail campaign....

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel....”

Further, I noticed that fellow neo-con Mark Levin was echoing the same narrative over on FOX News, basicall miror image...

Relevant reading...

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

If Iran enters the equation and they threaten the use of nukes, Israel is far more vulnerable to a few nukes than Iran is. It's a simple matter of population density and country size.
Seems like these talking heads are turning this into more of a blackmail campaign....

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel....”

Further, I noticed that fellow neo-con Mark Levin was echoing the same narrative over on FOX News, basicall miror image...

Relevant reading...

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

They need to direct their crazy anger to the GOP in the House.....
If Israel nuked Gaza, how much of Israel would be affected?

I highly doubt anyone is dumb enough to start popping off nukes. I think it's really just a scripted sort of blackmail campaign by these types of talking heads to mediate public perception and to stimulate support for the same old game at a time when mainstream Americans are struggling to decide whether to put food on the table or fuel in their cars to get to work and ordinarily wouldn't support more of this stuff under these circumstances.

Once one nuke gets dropped, the rest of the world will start dropping them.

I think it's more of a propaganda campaign to kind of scare mainstream folks into just going along with supporting their agendas at the expense of putting America further into the poor house.

To steal a quote from the real great one, “It is no coincidence that the century of total war coincided with the century of central banking.”

Relevant reading...

Janet Yellen: America can 'certainly' afford to support Israel and Ukraine

''Janet Yellen has told Sky News the United States can "certainly" afford to support wars on two fronts, as the conflict between Israel and Hamas threatens stability in the Middle East and the US continues to back Ukraine's fight against Russia.''

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Seems like these talking heads are turning this into more of a blackmail campaign....

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel....”

Further, I noticed that fellow neo-con Mark Levin was echoing the same narrative over on FOX News, basicall miror image...

Relevant reading...

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

He laid out a scenario how he fuck do you get a threat out of that ?
They need to direct their crazy anger to the GOP in the House.....


Unfortunately, America itself seems to come last in the halls of Congress these days...

I try to listen to Ben but on every broadcast he never fails to assail Trump or Trump's chances to win in 24... He was and is a big Bush neocon.....
Seems like these talking heads are turning this into more of a blackmail campaign....

“If Hezbollah gets in, Israel will have no choice but to unleash the air force… If Israel is forced to the wall, the possibility of nuclear exchange is extremely high… That is why it is very important that the United States provide the material aid to Israel....”

Further, I noticed that fellow neo-con Mark Levin was echoing the same narrative over on FOX News; basically miror image...

Relevant reading...

Anti-Defamation League Capitalizes on Hamas Attacks, Pushes Censorious DEI Fascism

Ever have any thoughts of your own?
If you nuke your neighbor, that shits gonna be in your own water supply for generations. Besides, Israel wants the gas and oil under Gaza. The glassy ground might be a detriment to that.
Ever have any thoughts of your own?

Oh, I think I might be able to come up with some if I try real hard. I do thoroughly enjoy learning, though. Largely through observation.

Ever tinkered around with a rattlesnake?

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