Neocon Republican Cindy McCain Endorsing Slow Joe to Spite Trump!

Cindy is super, her Dad so much the hero.
Cindy was John McCain's old lady, not his daughter. His daughter is Megan, a chubby blonde still on TV.
BTW, McCain scored a LOWER percentage of the black vote than Trump. He was considered by the D's not to be a "hero" but to be Literally Hitler.
Lol, it is adorable how you try to explain things to Jake the Fake when he couldnt give a shit less what anyone tells him. He is a groveling ideological nit wit
I relish explaining the defaults of Trump to his toadies. McCain personally and professionally opposes Trump that is clear.

The McCains are racist, the patriarch of the clan was pointed out to be a nazi and a klansman in 2008. I remember when Democrat toadies declared he was Literally Hitler. I guess that's why libs love him
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
John McCain was a Communist POS and a traitor to this Great Nation.

Of course his widow would endorse the Marxist Left.
I don't see how this is really earth shattering.

After all, I can't imagine anyone from the McCain family endorsing Trump...
Polishprince, not the McCains, has trouble with race. We are glad McCain transcended family defects, as we wish the Trumpbumplicans would work on theirs instead of denying them. The growing awareness of the impending Republican debacle embitters them more every day,
And here's the endorsement my friends.
Not good for Trump in Arizona

LMAO @ the Delusional Shit Leftist believe ......

Hillary Clinton won only 4 counties in Arizona in 2016 even after all the comments Trump made about McCain and now somehow an endorsement from Commie McCain's widow is gonna give Arizona to the guy with Dementia hiding in the basement.

LOL ....

You can't make this up folks.
McCain's wife and daughter are perfect examples of how your emotions can override your common sense.
Nor supporting a man who murdered 100,000 people by denying what he knew about covid-19 on tape in his own words is common sense. Still supporting him is emotional wreckage.
Oh so at least you don't blame Trump for all the alleged COVID deaths, just half of them. How did you arrive at that figure? I'm sure there were some fine analytics at work. Supporting Trump is emotional wreckage? That doesn't even makes sense Mr. Gator.
Please. Call me City. You say Mr Gator and I’m looking for my dad.

Covid was gonna hit us regardless. How bad was up to our response. I lowballed deaths as not to seem inflammatory. We should have 5% of world deaths to be fair and really more like 2-3% since we are wealthier and have great resources. At 5% we’d be at 50k not 200k. So I cut Trump a break on 50k of the 150k souls he killed.
We have less---china russia and others are known to be flat out lying about their covid deaths........while african, central and south america including brazil, and Mexico are known to have massive covid death but arent testing all of their victims. Without Trump we would have had far more deaths......

Trump is best president ever.

Please show us the underlining evidence for your assumptions...

US would have been the second worse country in Europe. The worst country in Europe, Spain have admitted they made mistake after mistake... UK second worse went for herd immunity and gave up months ago... Trump touts herd immunity last week...

US had more time than EU & more resources. If Obama was in chearge they would have been far better informed...
Polishprince, not the McCains, has trouble with race. We are glad McCain transcended family defects, as we wish the Trumpbumplicans would work on theirs instead of denying them. The growing awareness of the impending Republican debacle embitters them more every day,

I wasn't the one who was identified as a "Racist" and "Literally Hitler" by the Democrat Party under Obama.

The evidence is out there if you look.

And these are McCain's FRIENDS, the libs, who point out that he was a bigoted son of a bitch. Not his enemies. Black people knew that too. McCain got a RECORD LOW number of black votes, half of how many Trump got.
That's because Trump puts America first and the McCains put their globalist greed first. John obviously spread his misguided TDS throughout the family. The McCains must be one of the most ignorant affluent families in America. MAGA
That's because Trump puts America first and the McCains put their globalist greed first. John obviously spread his misguided TDS throughout the family. The McCains must be one of the most ignorant affluent families in America. MAGA

McCain's vindictiveness is what really got me. The fact that he was part of the "Trump dossier" crowd who cooked up the lies about Trump hiring Russian hoes to ruin mattresses in 5 star hotels and even banned the President from his funeral showed he was a real ingrate.
McCain's vindictiveness is what really got me. The fact that he was part of the "Trump dossier" crowd who cooked up the lies about Trump hiring Russian hoes to ruin mattresses in 5 star hotels and even banned the President from his funeral showed he was a real ingrate.
McCain was ALWAYS a traitor to this Great Nation.

He just didn't bother to hide it there at the end.
Turtlesoup does not understand that in Europe only Spain has done worse than the U.S.

Polishprince, I hope that you understand you don’t want to be known as a racist.

McCain was no bigot at all: no evidence exists for that. McCain always put America first, wamose, unlike Trump. The ‘vindictiveness’ was all Trump.
Who f*cking cares if this neocon burned out Republican isn't endorsing Trump. Her songbird hubby took his bitterness to the grave turning against the constitution. Still cannot believe he voted down to not fix the broken and fail nObamacare. Not to mention Cindy McCain believing that Fake News Atlantic story. Pathetic!

Biden says Cindy McCain will endorse him
If it was a who cares? Why would you care enough to report it to us. I didn't see the story today, until now. Good advertising dude. Any publicity is good publicity if it gets your name out in the public, right?

Yeah, it's good publicity for Trump. Especially when numerous democrats have crossed over to the Republican side. The neocon McCain's cannot get over themselves. For the sake of Songbird's grave.
Yes, saying "who cares?" when you care very deeply is just the kind of disingenuous line one should expect from a trump supporter. I applaud anyone that stands up and speaks their mind, unless outright lying or being a hypocrite. This includes former dedicated generational republicans. Her father would be proud, as he stood to defend his country and was a man of good personal conscience throughout his life. The only reason I did not vote for him for President, was the lack of judgement shown picking or being saddled with his running mate. I have stated many times, I disapprove of trump for being a liar, manipulator, liking our enemies too much, honoring our friends, our constitution, and traditions too little.
Despite being celebrated and hailed as a great American patriot, hero, and man of honor, buried as such prominently at the nations Naval Acadamy where future Navy and Marine officer will learn and honor his name and deeds forever, a few handfuls of low life cowardly scum here on USMB mentally masturbate by disparaging him and even his elderly wife and his family for bringing a perverse pleasure to their sick minds.
McCain will be remembered with honor, Trump will simply be disdained and forgotten
I took decades for a National Memorial to Eisenhower to recently be built-in the nation's Capitol. Does anyone believe a memorial will ever be built for Trump?

Former Vice President Joe Biden is touting the endorsement of Cindy McCain, the widow of the late Sen. John McCain (R-AZ). Biden claimed Monday — falsely — that President Donald Trump had disparaged soldiers as “suckers” and “losers.”
Biden actually said far worse about McCain while he was still alive, and the two were on opposing sides in the 2008 election.
After the McCain’s running mate, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, pointed out then-Sen. Barack Obama’s (D-IL) ties to unrepentant former domestic terrorist William Ayers, then-Sen. Biden (D-DE) attacked McCain as a coward who would not dare say that to Obama directly.
“In my neighborhood where I came from if you got something to say to a man, look him in the eye and say it,” Biden said.
In addition, Biden belittled McCain: “You can’t call yourself a maverick when all you’ve ever been is a sidekick,” he said in a speech in Florida. Biden also called the Vietnam War hero “an angry man, lurching from one position to another.”
Obama also frequently attacked McCain’s “temperament,” while other Democrats questioned his age (72 at the time, five years younger than Biden is today).
The hard feelings appeared to be mutual. Though Biden and McCain had once worked together in the Senate, the campaign drove a wedge in between them for years. In 2009, McCain and the late Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) ripped Biden for his mismanagement of the economic recovery, saying Biden was responsible for the waste in the $862 trillion stimulus.

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