Net neutrality. Don't know much about it. Read some stuff.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
This asshole belongs to my club (dick head liberal hypocrite.) Was talking to me what a disaster it was that Trump stopped net neutrality.

I am assuming that the democrats disguised it to look like they are protecting Americans, but in actuality it is yet another way to create more government intrusion. Of course they always sell it as some robin hood type action where the poor are being protected.

What is it and are my assumptions right?
With net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Without net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
With net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Without net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Uhhh, did you repeat the exact same thing on purpose.
This asshole belongs to my club (dick head liberal hypocrite.) Was talking to me what a disaster it was that Trump stopped net neutrality.

I am assuming that the democrats disguised it to look like they are protecting Americans, but in actuality it is yet another way to create more government intrusion. Of course they always sell it as some robin hood type action where the poor are being protected.

What is it and are my assumptions right?

Essentially, people and companies will not be permitted pay more for better service tiers offered.

Like the public school system, the dummies are by law mixed in with the smart, slowing everything down.

Typical Democrat MO. Demanding equality of outcome to support their phony sense of universal equality.

And yes, more government intrusion.
With net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Without net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Uhhh, did you repeat the exact same thing on purpose.
You're kidding, right? If you're really that dense and/or uninformed, perhaps you should do more reading and less posting.
When I do a google search, sometimes I scroll down to the bottom to get past the links at the top because they're obviously paid or prominent for reasons that do not help me.

Getting government involved only protects people too stupid to shop around.

With net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Without net neutrality: All data the government desires has to be handed out
Uhhh, did you repeat the exact same thing on purpose.

"Under capitalism, man exploits man.
Under communism -- it's the other way around".
Oh,.so you have experienced living in communist conditions?

No wonder people from all over the world are desperately trying to live in communist countries.


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