Netanyahu backs up: Israeli Arabs won't be released before negotiation


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
Many of the ministers in Netanyahu's government pressing against the releasing of terrorists, now it seems that the pressure is carrying fruit. Netanyahu says this morning that any Arab Israeli prisoner being released, will by only after votes of the entire government, and not before start of negotiation

Reducing to the number of prisoners in question to about 80 (instead of 104)

Source: Walla!news, Reshet-Bet


Thank you God, for this small amount of sanity!:eusa_pray:
Many of the ministers in Netanyahu's government pressing against the releasing of terrorists, now it seems that the pressure is carrying fruit. Netanyahu says this morning that any Arab Israeli prisoner being released, will by only after votes of the entire government, and not before start of negotiation

Reducing to the number of prisoners in question to about 80 (instead of 104)

Source: Walla!news, Reshet-Bet


Thank you God, for this small amount of sanity!:eusa_pray:

Many of the ministers in Netanyahu's government pressing against the releasing of terrorists, now it seems that the pressure is carrying fruit. Netanyahu says this morning that any Arab Israeli prisoner being released, will by only after votes of the entire government, and not before start of negotiation

Reducing to the number of prisoners in question to about 80 (instead of 104)

Source: Walla!news, Reshet-Bet


Thank you God, for this small amount of sanity!:eusa_pray:
What happens when a wolf and a lamb negotiate dinner?
Let's ask Uri Avnery:

"WHEN YOU have a conflict between two parties, the way to solve it is clear: you put them in the same room, let them thrash out their differences and emerge with a reasonable solution acceptable to both.

"For example, a conflict between a wolf and a lamb. Put them in the same room, let them thrash out their differences and emerge with…

"Just a moment. The wolf emerges. Now where’s that lamb?

IF YOU have a conflict between two parties who are like a wolf and a lamb, you must have a third party in the room, just to make sure that Party 1 does not have Party 2 for dinner while the talks are going on.

"The balance of power between Israel and the Palestinian Authority is like that between a wolf and a lamb. In almost every respect – economic, military, political – Israel has a vast advantage."

The Wolf, the Lamb and the Third Party » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Let's ask Uri Avnery.

Let's not!

Why ask a leftist? Why not ask somebody normal, Like Naftalie Bennet, for instance?

Why you get to decide who to ask?

(Reading Uri Avnery, I didn't continue to the rest of your writings, simply for being a waste of time)
There is a reason that the Chosen People are stereotyped as people who can't keep their word.

And this provides yet another example of Jews reneging on a deal. .. :cool:

No, there is a reason why the democratic State of Israel has listened to its Government's and its citizens' voices, and decided to release the jailed terrorists when the talks start, and not as a precondition to the talks starting. Otherwise the terrorists will be released and the Palestinian Authority will refuse to come to the negotiating table.
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There is a reason that the Chosen People are stereotyped as people who can't keep their word.

And this provides yet another example of Jews reneging on a deal. .. :cool:

No, there is a reason why the democratic State of Israel has listened to its Government's and its citizens' voices, and decided to release the jailed terrorists when the talks start, and not as a precondition to the talks starting. Otherwise the terrorists will be released and the Palestinian Authority will refuse to come to the negotiating table.

It doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen in those fake peace talks anyway.
There is a reason that the Chosen People are stereotyped as people who can't keep their word.

And this provides yet another example of Jews reneging on a deal. .. :cool:

No, there is a reason why the democratic State of Israel has listened to its Government's and its citizens' voices, and decided to release the jailed terrorists when the talks start, and not as a precondition to the talks starting. Otherwise the terrorists will be released and the Palestinian Authority will refuse to come to the negotiating table.

It doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen in those fake peace talks anyway.

It will be interesting to see what transpires in the peace talks.
No, there is a reason why the democratic State of Israel has listened to its Government's and its citizens' voices, and decided to release the jailed terrorists when the talks start, and not as a precondition to the talks starting. Otherwise the terrorists will be released and the Palestinian Authority will refuse to come to the negotiating table.

It doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen in those fake peace talks anyway.

It will be interesting to see what transpires in the peace talks.

It will be interesting if anything transpires in those fake peace talks.
It doesn't matter. Nothing is going to happen in those fake peace talks anyway.

It will be interesting to see what transpires in the peace talks.

It will be interesting if anything transpires in those fake peace talks.

That makes you sound very pessimistic. Ok, we know the Palestinian Authority has refused to talk peace without preconditions, and/or has refused land offered to them in the past, but perhaps, maybe, this time will be different and Abbas will decide peace will be the best outcome to their current situation.
Ok, so the prisoners are going to be released before the talks start. Then I am doubtful if the Palestinian Authority will even meet Israel halfway and will be very uncooperative during the talks. They will blame the failure on Israel of course.
Minister Bennett said, before the vote, that the government is on a slippery slope as regards terrorist releases.

In the past, he noted, Israel released a terrorist in exchange for a living soldier. Then it released hundreds of terrorists for a living soldier, then terrorists for a dead soldier, and now it is releasing terrorists for "a process.”

Gov't Approves Release of 104 Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


]Israel is weak, and it makes me sick. It is weak in dealing with the world, with the UN, with its enemies, etc. No wonder there is so much anti-Israel feeling. Israel has lost its respect.

Israel needs to now draft the haredim, of both genders, to cope with the increase in terrorism which will inevitably follow this prisoners release deal. There surely can be something for them to do, even if in back-room tasks and or voluntary work. Israel needs more power to its elbow now.

The caricature on this link is very true.

Political Cartoon - Israel National News
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There is a reason that the Chosen People are stereotyped as people who can't keep their word.

And this provides yet another example of Jews reneging on a deal. .. :cool:

Double Talk is normal for Netanyahoo...
It will be interesting to see what transpires in the peace talks.

It will be interesting if anything transpires in those fake peace talks.

That makes you sound very pessimistic. Ok, we know the Palestinian Authority has refused to talk peace without preconditions, and/or has refused land offered to them in the past, but perhaps, maybe, this time will be different and Abbas will decide peace will be the best outcome to their current situation.

Share Jerusalem or whoever gives it up may be assasinated.
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Let's ask Uri Avnery.

Let's not!

Why ask a leftist? Why not ask somebody normal, Like Naftalie Bennet, for instance?

Why you get to decide who to ask?

(Reading Uri Avnery, I didn't continue to the rest of your writings, simply for being a waste of time)
Why ask a secular Jew who lived in Palestine before the Jewish state lurched into existence, one who risked his life in your War of Independence when you can consult a right-wing Orthodox politician whose parents moved to Israel after the Six Day War and supports the unilateral annexation of Judea and Samaria, is that your question?

Naftali Bennett - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Minister Bennett said, before the vote, that the government is on a slippery slope as regards terrorist releases.

In the past, he noted, Israel released a terrorist in exchange for a living soldier. Then it released hundreds of terrorists for a living soldier, then terrorists for a dead soldier, and now it is releasing terrorists for "a process.”

Gov't Approves Release of 104 Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Israel is weak, and it makes me sick. It is weak in dealing with the world, with the UN, with its enemies, etc. No wonder there is so much anti-Israel feeling. Israel has lost its respect.

Israel needs to now draft the haredim, of both genders, to cope with the increase in terrorism which will inevitably follow this prisoners release deal. There surely can be something for them to do, even if in back-room tasks and or voluntary work. Israel needs more power to its elbow now.

The caricature on this link is very true.

Political Cartoon - Israel National News

perhaps you are not aware that the font in a red colour is sort of the "domain" of administrators and moderators and used by them for the function of administrating and moderating. they do not use it in their ordinary posts.

the readers have become accustomed to that practise and as a courtesy to them/us, you may want to discontinue using it in your posts.

i am sure this was not your intent and i would PM you normally but it does serve as a reminder to other posters.

i think that israel has lost its respect among the countries of the world is not because it is weak but, instead, because it is extraordinarily inconsiderate, duplicitous, and dismissive of the feelings and values of other countries.

seriously, i almost cry sometimes, and i shake my head at their stupidity when it comes to diplomacy. maybe it is the culture but i am baffled. like i said, i shake my head.
Minister Bennett said, before the vote, that the government is on a slippery slope as regards terrorist releases.

In the past, he noted, Israel released a terrorist in exchange for a living soldier. Then it released hundreds of terrorists for a living soldier, then terrorists for a dead soldier, and now it is releasing terrorists for "a process.”

Gov't Approves Release of 104 Terrorists - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Israel is weak, and it makes me sick. It is weak in dealing with the world, with the UN, with its enemies, etc. No wonder there is so much anti-Israel feeling. Israel has lost its respect.

Israel needs to now draft the haredim, of both genders, to cope with the increase in terrorism which will inevitably follow this prisoners release deal. There surely can be something for them to do, even if in back-room tasks and or voluntary work. Israel needs more power to its elbow now.

The caricature on this link is very true.

Political Cartoon - Israel National News

perhaps you are not aware that the font in a red colour is sort of the "domain" of administrators and moderators and used by them for the function of administrating and moderating. they do not use it in their ordinary posts.

the readers have become accustomed to that practise and as a courtesy to them/us, you may want to discontinue using it in your posts.

i am sure this was not your intent and i would PM you normally but it does serve as a reminder to other posters.

i think that israel has lost its respect among the countries of the world is not because it is weak but, instead, because it is extraordinarily inconsiderate, duplicitous, and dismissive of the feelings and values of other countries.

seriously, i almost cry sometimes, and i shake my head at their stupidity when it comes to diplomacy. maybe it is the culture but i am baffled. like i said, i shake my head.

I have changed the font color to blue in my post above.

Israel is more diplomatic than you make out. You simply need to open your eyes more. Stop shaking your head as you don't see things straight when you do that.

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