Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with British Prime Minister

And tell the UN to go to Hell.

Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with British Prime Minister - Recalls Ambassadors to Senegal and New Zealand

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the Foreign Ministry to “reevaluate all of our ties to the UN within a month,” and said he had already cut NIS 30 million in funding to five UN institutions. “Five institutions that are particularly hostile towards Israel,” he explained.
Maybe Nutandyahoo should just withdraw from the UN and get it over with and cut ties with all of the SC members.
22 days and our back stabbing muslim president is GONE. Then we can get back to a normal relationship with our friends and start to undo all the bullshit of the last 8 years.
obama isn't done yet. He and Kerry are going to announce his final peace plan for Israel. Then he intends to begin punishing Russia in a way that no one can undo.

I hope that if that maniac orders a military strike on Russia, our military will refuse to carry it out.
So he's going to whine to Britian about keeping his illegal settlements now. This guy should win crybaby of the year award.
Having self-created a massive ghetto for its people, Israel now isolates itself more and more from the rest of the world. Obviously, this is dangerous for everyone, especially as nuclear weapons are now involved.
The Jews of Europe should have come to America, where they were safe and relatively welcome (I was raised thinking of Jews as shining examples of family, industry and morals). The fact that extremists equate any comment less than positive toward the modern state of Israel as somehow 'racist', 'bigoted' or 'anti-semitic' makes objective discussion nearly impossible.
It is not pro-'Palestinian', un-American nor anti-Jewish to say that 'Israel' was the result of activists working off of emotion, and was a strategic mistake for its populace and the world. We need to make the best of the situation now, not worsen it. Jews deserve to live in peace wherever they are, just as any other humans. They aren't different.
Jews at work, nothing unusual, they devour every country they move to.
Having self-created a massive ghetto for its people, Israel now isolates itself more and more from the rest of the world. Obviously, this is dangerous for everyone, especially as nuclear weapons are now involved.
The Jews of Europe should have come to America, where they were safe and relatively welcome (I was raised thinking of Jews as shining examples of family, industry and morals). The fact that extremists equate any comment less than positive toward the modern state of Israel as somehow 'racist', 'bigoted' or 'anti-semitic' makes objective discussion nearly impossible.
It is not pro-'Palestinian', un-American nor anti-Jewish to say that 'Israel' was the result of activists working off of emotion, and was a strategic mistake for its populace and the world. We need to make the best of the situation now, not worsen it. Jews deserve to live in peace wherever they are, just as any other humans. They aren't different.

If only they wanted to. They did come to America, and they pretty much own the US.
And tell the UN to go to Hell.

Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with British Prime Minister - Recalls Ambassadors to Senegal and New Zealand

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the Foreign Ministry to “reevaluate all of our ties to the UN within a month,” and said he had already cut NIS 30 million in funding to five UN institutions. “Five institutions that are particularly hostile towards Israel,” he explained.
Do the Jews have anything to negotiate with?
So he's going to whine to Britian about keeping his illegal settlements now. This guy should win crybaby of the year award.

This is just a silly comment. Will he be sucking on his pacifier too. Come off it.
And tell the UN to go to Hell.

Netanyahu Cancels Meeting with British Prime Minister - Recalls Ambassadors to Senegal and New Zealand

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the Foreign Ministry to “reevaluate all of our ties to the UN within a month,” and said he had already cut NIS 30 million in funding to five UN institutions. “Five institutions that are particularly hostile towards Israel,” he explained.
Would love to be a fly on the wall of his office...watching him melt down and throw his hissy fit as he realizes literally ONLY America under Trump will save his ass....he must know the end is coming. :)
Jews at work, nothing unusual, they devour every country they move to.

Nah B, you're confusing Jews with Muzzlums. Don't be jealous that Jews are immensely wealthy and powerful wherever they go.

She should have a look at this. Won't do a bit of good though. Libs are nothing if not bigots.

How Islam progressively takes over countries | God Reports

Seems to me the Palestinians were there first. As a matter of fact I know they were. Pubs are the biggest biggots, Jews are known for white collar crimes. Thief's and Bibi wants permission to steal more..
Nitwitand yahoo is a total ass & should get along with the total ass Trump.

The US has always been against these settlements. Nitwitandyahoo knew this & chose to piss on the US & you Trump kissers think its raining. Fuck Israel is they continue to move away from a peace agreement. They love war.
Jews at work, nothing unusual, they devour every country they move to.

Nah B, you're confusing Jews with Muzzlums. Don't be jealous that Jews are immensely wealthy and powerful wherever they go.

She should have a look at this. Won't do a bit of good though. Libs are nothing if not bigots.

How Islam progressively takes over countries | God Reports

Seems to me the Palestinians were there first. As a matter of fact I know they were. Pubs are the biggest biggots, Jews are known for white collar crimes. Thief's and Bibi wants permission to steal more..

Palestinians are a bunch of maggots. F*ck Arabs.

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