Netanyahu makes suprise appearance at major American internet convetion

Wow. You're an idiot. It appears we have an anti-Semite on our hands. If you're joking, then I'll apologize in advance. But it seriously doesn't look that way. Even still, your sense of humor leaves a lot to be desired. I wonder why you would refer to Benjamin Netanyahu that way?
Bibi isn't a representative of Judaism as a whole. Insulting him isn't being anti-Semitic.

Half the Jews in Israel don't like him.
Wow. You're an idiot. It appears we have an anti-Semite on our hands. If you're joking, then I'll apologize in advance. But it seriously doesn't look that way. Even still, your sense of humor leaves a lot to be desired. I wonder why you would refer to Benjamin Netanyahu that way?

He has to dress for the part he wants right?

Free Palestine.
Bibi isn't a representative of Judaism as a whole. Insulting him isn't being anti-Semitic.

Half the Jews in Israel don't like him.

What? He's the prime minister of Israel. Therefore he represents the nation of Israel, regardless of whether they like him or not. Anyone who presumes to insult him has the intention of insulting Israel as a whole.

You can rationalize all you wish.
Wow. You're an idiot. It appears we have an anti-Semite on our hands. If you're joking, then I'll apologize in advance. But it seriously doesn't look that way. Even still, your sense of humor leaves a lot to be desired. I wonder why you would refer to Benjamin Netanyahu that way?

He has to dress for the part he wants right?

Free Palestine.


See what I mean? Case in point. I have nothing further to say.
Wow. You're an idiot. It appears we have an anti-Semite on our hands. If you're joking, then I'll apologize in advance. But it seriously doesn't look that way. Even still, your sense of humor leaves a lot to be desired. I wonder why you would refer to Benjamin Netanyahu that way?

He has to dress for the part he wants right?

Free Palestine.


See what I mean? Case in point. I have nothing further to say.
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Bibi isn't a representative of Judaism as a whole. Insulting him isn't being anti-Semitic.

Half the Jews in Israel don't like him.

What? He's the prime minister of Israel. Therefore he represents the nation of Israel, regardless of whether they like him or not. Anyone who presumes to insult him has the intention of insulting Israel as a whole.

You can rationalize all you wish.

You do realize that's the same as claiming insulting Obama is the same as insulting the US?

Not to mention, Israel =/= Jews.

Anti-Israel protesters clash with police outside Paris synagogue
Some carry signs reading 'Gaza is a concentration camp' and call out 'Death to Jews.'

Pro-Palestinian protesters tried to force their way into a Paris synagogue Sunday with bats and chairs, then fought with security officers who blocked their way, according to police and a witness.

Recent violence in Gaza has raised emotions in France, home to Western Europe's largest Muslim population and largest Jewish community.

A police spokeswoman said the Don Isaac Abravanel synagogue in eastern Paris was targeted during a service, and worshippers were blocked inside while police pushed protesters back. The spokeswoman said all those inside left safely by Sunday evening.

Aline Le Bail-Kremer watched the incident unfold from her window across the street. She said protesters came from two directions and converged on the synagogue, grabbing chairs from sidewalk cafes and wielding bats as they tried to push past security guards.

Some 150 people were inside for a ceremony honoring three Israeli teens recently killed, said Le Bail-Kremer, a representative of anti-racism group SOS Racisme.
Sunday's protest, involving about 10,000 people, had been largely peaceful.

Among the protesters were those who carried signs reading "Gaza is a concentration camp" and "Anti-Zionism," according to local reports, and some called out "Death to Jews."
I think Bibi is an assclown. So does my entire family.

Does that make us "self-hating" Jews?

You said that Doc, I didn't.

Well, you did conflate insulting Bibi with being anti-Semetic.

I don't know if the OP is in fact an anti-Semite, he could be. But "anti-Semite" is thrown around as casually by many on the the right as "racist" is by many on the left.

The irony being that most American Jews are in fact leftys.

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