Netanyahu says Palestinian gave Hitler idea for the Holocaust

When I first saw a blip of this on the news today I was like, 'oh they just paraphrased what he said, he couldn't have said that'.

He said it.


The leader of the Jewish people just gave Hitler a pass on the Holocaust. If you ever made up such a thing before today people would think you a monster, yet here is Nut N Yahoo trying to tie 'palestinians' to Hitler, and making Hitler look like some guy that was shrugging his shoulders in meetings, "meh, vut to do vist da Jews? We can't just kill them". And then the omni-powerful 'mufti of Jerusalem' (whatever the hell that is or was) told him what to do and Hitler did it.

Even conservatives in other countries have completely given up on reality. Wholly f#$king shit.

I had read several years ago that Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany and Austria but nobody else wanted them.

That is the case, they actually deported the Jews out of each country into neighboring countries as they conquered territory. But once they conquered all of Europe there wasn't anywhere to send them. Thus Hitler and Himmler came up with the final solution.

To try to remove blame from these festering boils of bubonic plague and put it on someone else is inhuman to say the least. And it was the leader of the Jewish state doing this.

I'm still having trouble registering this. He actually said this.

It is true that there were war crimes at the camps. However, they happened due to the lack of control over the camps. They weren't ordered by Hitler. If looking at the official German records, the only orders were to resettle them outside of Europe, not to kill them (which is why Jews were alive instead of being killed right away). I actually mentioned this on the Straight Dope, & they banned me out of ignorance. The camps killed, raped, etc the Jews because they had no regards for the well being of the Jews & got carried away, not because such things were ordered. This is a matter of getting the history straight.
It is true that there were war crimes at the camps. However, they happened due to the lack of control over the camps. They weren't ordered by Hitler. If looking at the official German records, the only orders were to resettle them outside of Europe, not to kill them (which is why Jews were alive instead of being killed right away). I actually mentioned this on the Straight Dope, & they banned me out of ignorance. The camps killed, raped, etc the Jews because they had no regards for the well being of the Jews & got carried away, not because such things were ordered. This is a matter of getting the history straight.

What are your sources for this particular, erm, viewpoint?
The German people didn't need the encouragement of the Grand Mufti or anyone else to seek revenge and removal of the juden from their land.

The juden bankers had stabbed Germany and its soldiers in the back during WWl and caused the loss of the war.

In reality, the German juden got off lightly. ........ :cool:

So, genociding 6 million people is "getting off lightly?"...can I ask your views on 9/11 if genociding 6 million human beings is "getting off lightly?"......
That Netanyahu is a liar comes as no surprise.
Liar, or carried-away or mistake-maker in the heat of a moment, or metaphor-painter, or delusional, or opportunisitic political bullshit artist?

Several possibilities.

In any event, it seems clear that Bibi "lost it" on that one, and got called on his bullshit, as he should have been.

The guy had a bad day.

Everybody has them.

Now, the question becomes, is he going to hold to his claim, or climb-down, as most folks would?

That will be the real test or whether or not he's fit to continue in a leadership position.


There seems to be very little doubt that the (then) Grand Mufti of Jerusalem encouraged Hitler, regarding the Nazi approach to The Jewish Question.

Bibi seems to have confused Encouragement with Idea-Planting.
Netanyahu says Palestinian gave Hitler idea for the Holocaust
Wow it looks like Jews were lying about the Holocaust for all that time. In fact Hitler didn't want to exterminate them but just wanted to resettle their population to Palestine where they are actually living now. So it probably means that Jews and Nazis were somehow allied since creating their own country was the only thing they wanted and they actually got what they wanted in the very end.

quiet idiot
The ultimate revelation would be when Netanyahu openly admits the so called Holocaust is just a myth invented by zionist juden to fleece money from the gullible goyim. ....... :cool:
Netanyahu says Palestinian gave Hitler idea for the Holocaust
Wow it looks like Jews were lying about the Holocaust for all that time. In fact Hitler didn't want to exterminate them but just wanted to resettle their population to Palestine where they are actually living now. So it probably means that Jews and Nazis were somehow allied since creating their own country was the only thing they wanted and they actually got what they wanted in the very end.

there is another thread on this being disgusted with references and evidence.
When I first saw a blip of this on the news today I was like, 'oh they just paraphrased what he said, he couldn't have said that'.

He said it.


The leader of the Jewish people just gave Hitler a pass on the Holocaust. If you ever made up such a thing before today people would think you a monster, yet here is Nut N Yahoo trying to tie 'palestinians' to Hitler, and making Hitler look like some guy that was shrugging his shoulders in meetings, "meh, vut to do vist da Jews? We can't just kill them". And then the omni-powerful 'mufti of Jerusalem' (whatever the hell that is or was) told him what to do and Hitler did it.

Even conservatives in other countries have completely given up on reality. Wholly f#$king shit.

He is tying the mufti, MB and the incitement against the jews in the middle east to hitler and millions a year in nazi gold. The connection goes back to before the '41 draft for the final solution. It was a common goal.
When I first saw a blip of this on the news today I was like, 'oh they just paraphrased what he said, he couldn't have said that'.

He said it.


The leader of the Jewish people just gave Hitler a pass on the Holocaust. If you ever made up such a thing before today people would think you a monster, yet here is Nut N Yahoo trying to tie 'palestinians' to Hitler, and making Hitler look like some guy that was shrugging his shoulders in meetings, "meh, vut to do vist da Jews? We can't just kill them". And then the omni-powerful 'mufti of Jerusalem' (whatever the hell that is or was) told him what to do and Hitler did it.

Even conservatives in other countries have completely given up on reality. Wholly f#$king shit.

I had read several years ago that Hitler wanted the Jews out of Germany and Austria but nobody else wanted them.

That is the case, they actually deported the Jews out of each country into neighboring countries as they conquered territory. But once they conquered all of Europe there wasn't anywhere to send them. Thus Hitler and Himmler came up with the final solution.

To try to remove blame from these festering boils of bubonic plague and put it on someone else is inhuman to say the least. And it was the leader of the Jewish state doing this.

I'm still having trouble registering this. He actually said this.


Hitler's public statement following the '41 meeting with the mufti and the document of agreement between them states the extermination of the jews was the goal. With in months the draft for the final solution was implemented. Mufti's speeches on german radio were for the death of all jews in Europe and the middle east.

None of this is new. It's been documented by germans vast records since the 50's

Many books have been written on the hitler / mufti connection. Correspondance between the mufti and Germany, and hitler specifically, goes back to '33, as does the support for the actions of the MB. Hitler was not paying the Mufti over $12 million a year, and the MB and the muslim SS army because hitler like the mufti's smile.

>>British secret intelligence files have been released in London about a German wartime plan for subversion in Palestine, when the territory was administered by Britain.
The plot involved parachute landings, thousands of gold coins and the Arab Muslim leader, Mohammed Amin el-Hussaini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, who was then living in exile in Berlin, with approval of Hitler's security chief, Heinrich Himmler. <<

Why is any of this news now?
The ultimate revelation would be when Netanyahu openly admits the so called Holocaust is just a myth invented by zionist juden to fleece money from the gullible goyim. ....... :cool:

And why does the US give BILLIONS more to the Arab countries that are so wealthy they don't even NEED the money? :cool:
People that actually want to shift blame for the Holocaust away from Hitler and onto someone else.


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