Netanyahu won

How Bibi won:
"PRIME MINISTER BENJAMIN NETANYAHU: Right-wing rule is in danger. Arab voters are streaming in mass to the polling stations. Left-wing nonprofit organizations are bringing them in buses. Go out to the polling station, bring your friends and family, and vote Likud, in order to close the gap between us and the Labor Party. With your help and God’s help, we will form a national government and protect the state of Israel."
After Netanyahu Wins Israel Vote with Racism Vow of Permanent Occupation How Will World Respond Democracy Now
By appealing to the racism of Israeli conservatives.
Sound familiar?
It was pretty accurate.

The Obama machine was putting arab on buses to get them to vote against Likud.

Who are the racists again?
I don't know about the buses, but they certainly were working to not have the Prime Minister re-elected.
"TEL AVIV – A consulting firm almost entirely composed of former staffers of President Obama’s re-election campaign has been hired to run an election effort in Israel aimed at defeating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The conservative blogosphere is reporting Jeremy Bird, national field director for Obama’s 2012 campaign, is now working for a new non-profit group, V15, that is running an effort to defeat Netanyahu in the upcoming election.

The conservative blogosphere is right to be concerned about US meddling in Israeli elections, but its concern comes off as hypocritical when it doesn't oppose the same crimes when committed in places like Ukraine and Venezuela.

Obama army deploys to Tel Aviv to topple Netanyahu
georgephillip - your liberal rant gets tiring.

GOP officials have been quite vocal about the totalitarian regime in Venezuela and its close ties with Cuba.

It's your Dear Leader Obumbler who has not spoken out or done anything about the totalitarian regime in Venezuela!!!
GOP officials have been quite vocal about the totalitarian regime in Venezuela and its close ties with Cuba.

It's your Dear Leader Obumbler who has not spoken out or done anything about the totalitarian regime in Venezuela!!!
Are you under the impression the US has not been meddling in the internal affairs of Venezuela, Cuba, and Ukraine?

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