Netflix Lost In Space series debut - some spoilers

OMG! Now our intrepid daddy is driving a pole into the ground for a super duper security fence that has the little weapon thingies that screw on to the top of the pole, and he's driving it into the ground by pounding on the threaded end with a hammer!

And look! Isn't this the millennium falcon?

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No worries. It's made from a space-age alloy. Hammer all you want. You won't damage it. Wait. What's the hammer made of? hmmm...
I watched the first episode...haven't decided how I feel. I watched the original series as a kid, the one thing I HATED is the girls (Penny especially) never got to do anything interesting...Will had all the fun. Then they changed actress' with Penny and she got worse. Ended up just like Judy...needing to be rescued all the time. If they change that, it will be an improvement.
Oh my! I'm watching the third episode now and they are getting stupider and stupider. They have crashed on an alien planet and there is also a crashed alien space ship.They have a retarded alien robot with them. There are unknown animals there, and they have no long term food stores. Strange things are happening and when daddy tells momma they need a gun for protection, it's "No! You know who I feel about weapons in my home!" Yes, hollywood libtards are that STUPID! I am entertained just watching how stupid hollywood is.
Is this worth abusing my braincells for?
I watched the first episode...haven't decided how I feel. I watched the original series as a kid, the one thing I HATED is the girls (Penny especially) never got to do anything interested...Will had all the fun. Then they changed actress' with Penny and she got worst. Ended up just like Judy...needing to be rescued all the time. If they change that, it will be an improvement.
I always liked the robot. "Danger Will Robinson, DANGER!"
My question is why didn't they space the doctor after the first episode?
And now Don West is walking around with a live chicken!
My question is why didn't they space the doctor after the first episode?
It's different than the original. The real Doctor Smith was only on for a short while in the first episode, where the mother ship was attacked by aliens. It is carrying a lot of ships like the Jupiter 2 that carry different families and crew. While they were evacuating, the real Dr. Smith (played by Bill Mumy) is injured and left for dead by the evil bitch that takes his id.
Oh my! I'm watching the third episode now and they are getting stupider and stupider. They have crashed on an alien planet and there is also a crashed alien space ship.They have a retarded alien robot with them. There are unknown animals there, and they have no long term food stores. Strange things are happening and when daddy tells momma they need a gun for protection, it's "No! You know who I feel about weapons in my home!" Yes, hollywood libtards are that STUPID! I am entertained just watching how stupid hollywood is.
Is this worth abusing my braincells for?
You would love it.
Now the end of the ep. The Jupiter 2 is buried under a trillion tons of glacial ice. The gas eating lizards are eating the fuel faster then a drunk at a free beer party. At 15 percent fuel left mom declares that's enough to lift us out of the ice, so she lights the candles! But you get the standard Hollywood engine didn't start sound. What do they do? Penny says the fuel ports or something are clogged by as the gas sucking snakes so she says they must jettison all the fuel. They do, and then they blast off with no fuel and fly away up out of the trillion tons of ice to a serene park setting by a lake about a mile away from the frozen tundra. This show is fantastic!
I gotta watch this shit for sure.
All in all a typical Hollywood waste of time.

Why bother wasting my time when I have the original on DVD or can watch it for free OTA on MeTV. The first season in B&W had a great many superb episodes for its time, My Friend Mr. Nobody, Invaders From The 5th Dimension, and Wish Upon A Star.
All in all a typical Hollywood waste of time.

Why bother wasting my time when I have the original on DVD or can watch it for free OTA on MeTV. The first season in B&W had a great many superb episodes for its time, My Friend Mr. Nobody, Invaders From The 5th Dimension, and Wish Upon A Star.
This is the new Netflix series. I am lmao about it.
For the record, I like this show.

One of the things that made the original show so laughable by today's standards was the raging gender stereotyping. Mom and the girls served dinner while the boys went off and had adventures.


The new show is similarly a show about survival in an alien environment. Any survival situation would have to be a meritocracy. The leader will be the one with the best idea on how to identify resources and solve problems.

In the new show, the mother is a scientist (as seems to be the oldest daughter). She will have the ability to synthesize survival solutions based on what they encounter. The father, is a soldier. He will be mentally and physically tough, resourceful, and focused on the task at hand. Both have survival skills applicable to basic survival and defense from threats.

I see very much that they will work together as the show progresses to ensure the survival of their children.

But, what I REALLY wanted to see in the show was Marta Kristen in a silver jumpsuit ..

Damn April blizzard out. Netflix binge day. Just watched first episode.
So cheesy, that I actually like it so far.
About 4 episodes in and pretty much forcing myself to watch it at this point. Can't stand the conman woman AT ALL and the script feels like it was written by amateurs or high school kids. The kids do a good enough job it's just that I think the script is bad.
Likely wont finish it unless I am really bored at some point.
Watched the opener.

Alas, poor Will Robinson.

In the original series, he was a plucky kid with a backbone. In an early episode, Prof Robinson and Major West were attacked by a Kong-sized cyclops tossing big rocks at them. What did Young Will do? He grabbed a ray gun, ran to the scene and shot the bastard dead, rescuing Dad and West. He got a lecture for disobeying but still, he did it.

This Will Robinson V.3 appears on the verge of tears ALL THE TIME. It may be the creators feel this is a more realistic portrayal of a ten-year-old in such a predicament, but the show itself isn't exactly realistic, and as goofy as the original was ( and boy, it got worse) the characters were all played larger than life. NOTHING got to those people. They were the Uber-Optimists.

Also, I think copying the old Irwin Allen technique of a new disaster every five minutes is a mistake. It gets old very fast, and the global warming pie-in-the-face was gratuitous at best.

I don't much like these Robinsons. Too much 21st Century angst for my taste. And Dr. Smith ... ummm ... underwent "the change"? :eek-52: What the hell is that?
Not only is Will always on the brink of tears but so is Judy.

I guess that brings the drama?

Maybe Don will give Judy the chicken as a service animal to cure her PTSD.
Unless of course he eats it first.

I'm only on ep 4 though so...
2 episodes left.
I actually find it entertaining. I am sucked into the mystery of the robot.

I really want to see Dr. Smith die.
I started watching it over the weekend. Only on ep 4...but already I hate the mother and Judy.

Ones a know it all harpy...the other is weepy constantly.

So annoying.

We will see how far I get into this show.
Watched the opener.

Alas, poor Will Robinson.

In the original series, he was a plucky kid with a backbone. In an early episode, Prof Robinson and Major West were attacked by a Kong-sized cyclops tossing big rocks at them. What did Young Will do? He grabbed a ray gun, ran to the scene and shot the bastard dead, rescuing Dad and West. He got a lecture for disobeying but still, he did it.

This Will Robinson V.3 appears on the verge of tears ALL THE TIME. It may be the creators feel this is a more realistic portrayal of a ten-year-old in such a predicament, but the show itself isn't exactly realistic, and as goofy as the original was ( and boy, it got worse) the characters were all played larger than life. NOTHING got to those people. They were the Uber-Optimists.

Also, I think copying the old Irwin Allen technique of a new disaster every five minutes is a mistake. It gets old very fast, and the global warming pie-in-the-face was gratuitous at best.

I don't much like these Robinsons. Too much 21st Century angst for my taste. And Dr. Smith ... ummm ... underwent "the change"? :eek-52: What the hell is that?
Not only is Will always on the brink of tears but so is Judy.

I guess that brings the drama?

Maybe Don will give Judy the chicken as a service animal to cure her PTSD.
Unless of course he eats it first.

I'm only on ep 4 though so...

Me too. Letting it run its course.

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