Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

States Rights to determine how they distribute their Electoral Votes....if the people of that state don't like it that way, they vote in state legislators who set up the state's distribution of Electoral Votes to their liking.

And how does this go against Equal Protection Under the Law? Explain, please.

The States are still bound by the Constitution.

It's the same thing that killed things like the Board of Estimates in NYC, where each Boro had representation regardless of population. The 14th guarantees 1 person, 1 vote. Now a person's vote in a State is meaningless with regards to the IN STATE election for electors, because the outcome would be determined by people OUTSIDE the State.
Exactly...the states are still bound by the Constitution. Now show how this would be against the Constitution.

I pointed it out, Article 4 Clause 1, and the 14th amendment equal protection clause.

That you want to ignore both because you think this end run would suit you isn't my problem.
You talk of both but you don't show how they make what Nevada is doing against the Constitution. I can play that game too.......the 12th Amendment.....there. See?

I did explain, you just choose not to listen. be ignorant if you want.
Saying "Article 4 Clause 1" and saying "the 14th Amendment" is not an explanation.

What IS it in Article 4, Clause 1"?

What IS it in the 14th Amendment?
How ironic.....states rights and the CRCs have a cow against it this time.

Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
The States are still bound by the Constitution.

It's the same thing that killed things like the Board of Estimates in NYC, where each Boro had representation regardless of population. The 14th guarantees 1 person, 1 vote. Now a person's vote in a State is meaningless with regards to the IN STATE election for electors, because the outcome would be determined by people OUTSIDE the State.
Exactly...the states are still bound by the Constitution. Now show how this would be against the Constitution.

I pointed it out, Article 4 Clause 1, and the 14th amendment equal protection clause.

That you want to ignore both because you think this end run would suit you isn't my problem.
You talk of both but you don't show how they make what Nevada is doing against the Constitution. I can play that game too.......the 12th Amendment.....there. See?

I did explain, you just choose not to listen. be ignorant if you want.
Saying "Article 4 Clause 1" and saying "the 14th Amendment" is not an explanation.

What IS it in Article 4, Clause 1"?

What IS it in the 14th Amendment?

I explained my reasoning in previous posts in this thread. if you want to be educated read them.

Then you might actually be able to respond in a matter besides "I think this will help my party win FOREVER so I'll dig up some reasons and repeat them ad nauseum"
That is what happens right now
If 49 percent of the voters vote for a candidate and 51 percent vote for another then the candidate with 51 gets ALL the EVs

The vote of the 49 percent are not counted
Is California and New York in on this? Of course eventually then the EC is moot point. Perhaps the deplorables can elect their own President and you can elect yours.
The popular vote is not moot
EVERY vote would be registered for each candidate
EVERY vote would count as one vote
I'm assuming that you want to take this country from a republic to a democracy, RW.
Five or six states can elect a president, and the rest of the states just has to pound sand?
Not being represented very well, IMO.
No one is saying that. In fact some of us have made it VERY clear that it is thru our representative form of government at the state level that these changes are occurring WITH the consent of state citizens. If they did not approve of these changes, their legistators would be voted out. That is a representative form of government.
Just because you're not saying that, that is the end result, Bodie.
What do you think one person one vote would be?
That is a democracy.
Not if those people are voting for representatives. Not if voting is LIMITED by the Constitution.

True democracy: everyone votes on representatives
True democracy: two wolves can vote to eat one civil rights protections for the sheep

We don't have either.

We are a Constitutional Republic.
What I am really worried about is this backfiring on progressives.

So no more, concern troll.

Nice dodge, dickless.

Did I dodge anything worthwhile?

Just accountability and decorum, you dime store hack.
Name calling

It's what Happytwat deserves in this thread, and what you deserve in most of yours.
The intent of the electoral college is to give states with lower populations an equal voice in presidential elections. Since Nevada ranks 32 in population it seems that they would be cutting their own throats if their obvious political stunt became a reality.

I wonder if the morons even know that they just outsourced their Presidential vote?

Of course it was the filthy ass Democrats in the state that did it. The idiots that were butt hurt because their girl didn't win.

You can always depend upon Democrats to be assholes.
Democracy in action

It gives power to the people not the states
Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.
Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.

True and I never said there was. However you're making a very poor argument for an individual state exercising its right to assign it's electoral votes as it sees fit.
When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.

Based on what number? What agency conducts polling and does the math for a national popular vote?

What constitutional organization certifies the results?

I swear you morons just want to do everything to take power permanently, by any means nessasary, without thinking through the mechanics.

How does the State's electors figure out who won the national popular vote when there is NO ORGANIZATION that can constitutionally certify said vote?
When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.

True and I never said there was. However you're making a very poor argument for an individual state exercising its right to assign it's electoral votes as it sees fit.

The fact that there isn't one means the whole compact thing has a giant, fatal flaw mechanically, never mind constitutionally.

Show me ANY State, that in the past, has given up it's right for ITS OWN PEOPLE to select their State's electors.
The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.

Based on what number? What agency conducts polling and does the math for a national popular vote?

What constitutional organization certifies the results?

I swear you morons just want to do everything to take power permanently, by any means nessasary, without thinking through the mechanics.

How does the State's electors figure out who won the national popular vote when there is NO ORGANIZATION that can constitutionally certify said vote?

I would assume it's a sum of all the 50 state elections, but that's just me.
The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.

Based on what number? What agency conducts polling and does the math for a national popular vote?

What constitutional organization certifies the results?

I swear you morons just want to do everything to take power permanently, by any means nessasary, without thinking through the mechanics.

How does the State's electors figure out who won the national popular vote when there is NO ORGANIZATION that can constitutionally certify said vote? are saying that we cannot do the math of adding up all the certified votes from all fifty states? I'm sorry, how poor in math skills do you think we are in this country?
All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.

Based on what number? What agency conducts polling and does the math for a national popular vote?

What constitutional organization certifies the results?

I swear you morons just want to do everything to take power permanently, by any means nessasary, without thinking through the mechanics.

How does the State's electors figure out who won the national popular vote when there is NO ORGANIZATION that can constitutionally certify said vote?

I would assume it's a sum of all the 50 state elections, but that's just me.

You just made an ass of yourself. Not the first time, I am sure.
All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.
It's not a national popular vote, it's still states voting for our EC electors.

Based on what number? What agency conducts polling and does the math for a national popular vote?

What constitutional organization certifies the results?

I swear you morons just want to do everything to take power permanently, by any means nessasary, without thinking through the mechanics.

How does the State's electors figure out who won the national popular vote when there is NO ORGANIZATION that can constitutionally certify said vote?

I would assume it's a sum of all the 50 state elections, but that's just me.

Who certifies that number? States have Election Board that Certify elections in their own State? What national level body would certify the number?

Also, I forgot another constitutional issue:

Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3. The Compacts Clause.

No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.
Conservatives only protect states rights for very specific circumstances, they usually involve taking away peoples' rights.

When it is mandated by the Constitution, or when the Constitution is mute on a subject.

It's called being consistent, something progressives can't handle.

The Constitution doesn't stipulate how sates assign their ec votes, that's up to the states. States rights...maybe conservatives should be consistent on that.

All of those allowable methods involved people IN THE STATE voting, be it only property owners, then white men, then all men, then women, then everyone over 18.

Show me where a State has outsourced it's EV's to another voting bloc OUTSIDE the State in question.

It's not a "voting bloc" it's the national popular vote, most Americans are in favor of that.

There is no such thing Constitutionally as a National Popular vote. it isn't even counted officially by any governmental agency.

Did you know that electors in the past have voted for someone other than who won their state? And it was mostly perfectly legal unless they broke a state law.

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