Nevada to join National Popular Vote compact

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I would ask Ben Carson, but he would probably just start drooling on himself and ask to touch my shoes.
Case in point.
That didn't make sense. You're a bit delusional, aren't ya?
He said: Progressives are accepting.
I said: Progressives hate black conservatives
You mock a black conservative
I said: Thanks for proving my point

Do I need to say it in dumber terms or do you understand now?
Neither Oregon or Washington would be stupid enough to leave the United States. If you can’t figure it out after all the links I posted, I’m not wasting my time. Best to you on your quest, you might want to go to other states and see how great they actually are, you sound pretty ignorant outside of California.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I would ask Ben Carson, but he would probably just start drooling on himself and ask to touch my shoes.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I would ask Ben Carson, but he would probably just start drooling on himself and ask to touch my shoes.
But funny...

And there's no need to respond to the fallacious point anyway. I will leave the over generalizations to the retards.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I would ask Ben Carson, but he would probably just start drooling on himself and ask to touch my shoes.

That is all he ever has.
We can do all that through trade. Tell me how Japa. And countries do it.
You dont have to have everything....we give you food you give us your energy, water, etc...and WA and OR will be good addition as they have the same ambitions.

You know what makes me laugh, all these propaganda about how terrible California is, but yet the state is still the biggest economy, outpaced the US GDP growth and job creation national average, most technology you use comes from here, the entertainment that you watch comes from here, your unfortunate migrate here to make it. Everywhere I step a foot is busy and booming. Who are you kidding ?

Neither Oregon or Washington would be stupid enough to leave the United States. If you can’t figure it out after all the links I posted, I’m not wasting my time. Best to you on your quest, you might want to go to other states and see how great they actually are, you sound pretty ignorant outside of California.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.
Neither Oregon or Washington would be stupid enough to leave the United States. If you can’t figure it out after all the links I posted, I’m not wasting my time. Best to you on your quest, you might want to go to other states and see how great they actually are, you sound pretty ignorant outside of California.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.

You sure but into stereotypes.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.

You sure but into stereotypes.
Most are.
While we're stereotyping, maybe someone can explain why almost all Republicans are open minded, live and let live types while all progressives are closed minded, my way or the highway totalitarians.
Neither Oregon or Washington would be stupid enough to leave the United States. If you can’t figure it out after all the links I posted, I’m not wasting my time. Best to you on your quest, you might want to go to other states and see how great they actually are, you sound pretty ignorant outside of California.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.

The GOP is NOT a racist party. I would argue that the left is far more racists than the right. They are the ones using identity politics at every turn. Everything is about race and/or gender with the left...everything. There are a few out-right racists on both sides, but the middle of the road leftist gets away with racist policies without being scrutinized, while the middle of the road Republican gets labeled a racist when he/she disagrees with racist policy set for by the left.
Its as relevant now as its ever been. The moment the EC goes away, is the exact moment that most states will secede from our union.
Than let it be...why leading states like California has to be held back by states that dont wanna progress and go forward ?
Countries are going high tech and clean energy, and some wanna go back to coal and diesel.

Where would California get it’s power? In 2010 California paid 45% more for their energy than the average American 25% of its energy was imported. 2016, California imports 33% of its energy. California leads the nation in blackouts with 470 a year. Try surviving without other states.

California uses fire fighters from other states, including the military, leave the US and you lose fire fighting help.

California has the highest homeless population, it now has an outbreak of a third world country disease typhus and other diseases because of unsanitary living conditions. ‘Medieval’ Diseases Flare As Unsanitary Living Conditions Proliferate

Valley Fever is getting worse, with record outbreaks coming this year. Valley Fever cases in California continue to increase

STDs are on the rise in California a 244% increase with infants contracting congenital syphilis. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates Continue To Rise In California

Lyme disease is on the rise in California. Lyme Disease is On the Rise – An Expert Explains Why

California also faces a skilled worker shortage which is projected to get worse by 2025. California is at almost a crisis state in finding qualified teachers.

Lack of workers will hurt the California economy. Labor shortage could slow California's economy | CALmatters

California is facing a worker shortage on farms which could produce higher cost for produce.

There is also a doctor and nursing shortage.

California faces a shortage of legal marijuana. California is working to avoid a shortage of legalized marijuana, state pot czar says

And of course California has a water shortage. California Household Water Shortage Data

Then there is the issue of education. California's children fall behind before they start school, and some never catch up, study finds

All the while the affordable housing crisis in California hurts the states ability to attract and keep teachers. California's housing affordability crisis looms over the state's problems with teachers

So the rest of the United States is holding California back on power? Nope! Supplying teachers? Nope. Third world diseases? Nope. Job shortages? Nope! Affordable housing? Nope. Fire fighting? Nope. Water? Nope. Some of California’s progress seems to be going in reverse.
We can do all that through trade. Tell me how Japa. And countries do it.
You dont have to have everything....we give you food you give us your energy, water, etc...and WA and OR will be good addition as they have the same ambitions.

You know what makes me laugh, all these propaganda about how terrible California is, but yet the state is still the biggest economy, outpaced the US GDP growth and job creation national average, most technology you use comes from here, the entertainment that you watch comes from here, your unfortunate migrate here to make it. Everywhere I step a foot is busy and booming. Who are you kidding ?

Neither Oregon or Washington would be stupid enough to leave the United States. If you can’t figure it out after all the links I posted, I’m not wasting my time. Best to you on your quest, you might want to go to other states and see how great they actually are, you sound pretty ignorant outside of California.
We the citizens of the world know about the US more than Americans themselves, thanks to our education system and is a known fact that California is where it is happening. All economic indicators, factors of success, business possibilities are present...add to that the infrastructure ( major ports, airports, consulates, etc...) threats why most of us move to mainly blue cities and states....the other major factor is diversity and acceptance...that diminishes once you live blue areas.

Now tell me how how does Japan, thrive without having energy and mineral sources?
We can trade a nano product with other states vs millions of gallons of water ;).
Ohhh you need us more than we need you, trust me. Especially now the drought Is over.

and the streets of LA and SFO are full of homeless, covered with human waste and used needles. Is that your definition of success?
So that's why the Senate has a 60 vote minimum for most legislation?
No, that's a new development due to the unprecedented obstruction of the republican babies in obama's Congress. Welcome to the new norm, brought to you by apoplectic fear of president blackenstein.

Where have you been? It was always 60 votes until corrupt harry reid changed the rules to a simple majority in order to ram obamacare up our collective asses.
Good for you, if you believe you are that superior good luck, California will never leave the US because most Californians, including my relatives there are a lot smarter than you.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.

You sure but into stereotypes.
Most are.

I disagree, there are a few more racists that are Republican than Democrat however it is not a majority in either case.
Demographics in California are shifting dramatically, trust me in few years you will be super shocked.....Lot of polls actually indicated that Californians favor leaving the Union.....and let's be rational here.
You cons hate California so much, just look at how many topics are anti California....also most of us here think that we are not compatible with views of the red states....i'm conservative myself (not pro abortion, don't agree with same sex marriage, don't like too much government....) But i opt to cheer for the progressives because they tend to be more accepting, they are rational, they aim for the future and I can't say the same about the cons.

I think it will be more beneficial for California to leave. Than After we go all green, you guys can drink your oil and inhale your gas (kidding).....or we can just import it from Venezuela and Iran just to piss you off lol.
"More accepting?" Talk to a black Conservative and ask them how accepting progressives are. Ask them how many times they've been called "Uncle Tom" and "Coon" by progressives.
I agree with that term, as the GOP is a racist party.

You sure but into stereotypes.
Most are.

I disagree, there are a few more racists that are Republican than Democrat however it is not a majority in either case.
There are more racists in the Democrat party if you include racism against whites. Democrats tend to cover up their racism in false caring and deceit emotions.
The GOP is NOT a racist party. I would argue that the left is far more racists than the right. They are the ones using identity politics at every turn. Everything is about race and/or gender with the left...everything. There are a few out-right racists on both sides, but the middle of the road leftist gets away with racist policies without being scrutinized, while the middle of the road Republican gets labeled a racist when he/she disagrees with racist policy set for by the left.

But why is it this way?
It's this way because the left DEMANDS it to be this way, and the passive Right rolls over and bellys up in submission with no pushback.
Therefore, the Left will continue to do it, get away with it, and intensify the abuse.

I wonder if the Right will collectively ever speak up for itself? Maybe when they're being loaded into the trains and showers? Nah, still utter silence. The left can count on it ;)
I disagree, there are a few more racists that are Republican than Democrat however it is not a majority in either case.

Just because someone is "possibly" racist and white and "claims" to be Republican, doesn't make them Republican. Donald Trump claimed to be Republican to run in 2016.
TRUE Republicans in modern times are not inherently violent imo. Look at the leadership. Which Republican leaders have advocated "harassing" opposition leaders in their private lives?

I would say there are more racist Democrat leaders than racist Republican leaders. Or at least the republicans can't show it because they will instantly be labeled. Unlike Democrats who can get away with it coming and going.

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