Nevadans Will Have An Opportunity To Vote To Close The "Gunshow Loophole"

The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....
Say what? "Millions of guns change hands between unlicensed people" in Nevada every year? How is that possible?

It didn't say "in Nevada." I believe that sentence refers to across the nation as a whole.
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background check eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

The problem is we already have laws and techniques to arrest these people......anti gunners know this....they are pushing universal background checks to get universal gun registration....

It is against the law for a felon to buy a gun...they already know this.....when they are caught with an illegal gun the cops find out where he got it from.......if it is a guy selling to criminals, knowingly or not...they can set up a sting...they send in an undercover officer, the officer makes it clear he cannot pass a background check but still wants to buy a that point...genius....if the seller still sells the gun, he can be arrested....

You don't need a universal background check to do can already be done....and in fact...all of the gun traffickers I have actually linked to have been caught because of criminal snitches...not because of background checks, licensing gun owners or registering guns...

Background checks for private sales are only wanted by anti gunners because they want to register gun owners....that is it....that is what they want, it is the only reason they want them...
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

No...every point I use is true.....universal background checks do not stop criminals from getting guns, they do not stop mass shooters from getting guns...yet you still push them....

The only reason to have to move on to gun registration.....right now, you can't push gun registration...once you have universal background checks, and they fail...then you can push gun registration in order to make universal background checks work....which is a lie....but it is the lie the anti gunners will use next....
Nope. I'm voting no as are most of my friends that I'm aware of. This is a fraudulent ballot initiative that does nothing but weaken our gun rights and will result in absolutely no reduction in gun crime. It's just feel good legislation for bed wetters like yourself and it's being funded by out of state interests.

There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

That's the problem. We DO think like adults. It is people like you, who are still trapped in infancy and are unable to think for yourselves who are the problem. France exposed your bullshit for what it is. No criminal will ever have a problem getting a weapon. Period. All it does is raise the cost to them. Which, because they steal their money anyway, means it affects the victims they prey on, but no one else.
There's nothing "fraudulent" about this initiative, stop making shit up you muppet.

It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

That's the problem. We DO think like adults. It is people like you, who are still trapped in infancy and are unable to think for yourselves who are the problem. France exposed your bullshit for what it is. No criminal will ever have a problem getting a weapon. Period. All it does is raise the cost to them. Which, because they steal their money anyway, means it affects the victims they prey on, but no one else.

They have a hell of a time getting them in Australia...

lol, not too bright, are you? THINK, McFly....THINK.

This initiative doesn't pretend to be the end all, be all of preventing criminals from obtaining guns -- so your straw man is just a waste of time. It's simply about closing the loopholes, and making it just that much harder for guns to fall into the wrong hands. Is it perfect? No, there is no perfect solution. But it would be damn effective.
Looking forward to seeing what this thread looks like tomorrow when all the gun nuts show up...
Your hatred for Americans who support the Second Amendment is interesting.

If Nevada wants to ban private sales of firearms or seek ban private ownership of firearms, that will probably end up in the Supreme Court. If (and probably when) Hillary is elected, I'm sure she'll be for both measures.

As such, I think most pro-Constitution states should start considering imposing a $100/year fee paid in 5 year increments for voting in State and local elections. This will help pay for increased security of the voting system, Voter ID, etc.
Looking forward to seeing what this thread looks like tomorrow when all the gun nuts show up...
Your hatred for Americans who support the Second Amendment is interesting.

If Nevada wants to ban private sales of firearms or seek ban private ownership of firearms, that will probably end up in the Supreme Court. If (and probably when) Hillary is elected, I'm sure she'll be for both measures.

Oh, shut the fuck up. I have no problem whatsoever with those who support the 2nd. I do have a problem with scumbags who set up shop in various gun shows exploiting the loophole that allows them to sell guns without having to conduct a background check, however.

Get the fuck out of here.
It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

That's the problem. We DO think like adults. It is people like you, who are still trapped in infancy and are unable to think for yourselves who are the problem. France exposed your bullshit for what it is. No criminal will ever have a problem getting a weapon. Period. All it does is raise the cost to them. Which, because they steal their money anyway, means it affects the victims they prey on, but no one else.

They have a hell of a time getting them in Australia...

lol, not too bright, are you? THINK, McFly....THINK.

This initiative doesn't pretend to be the end all, be all of preventing criminals from obtaining guns -- so your straw man is just a waste of time. It's simply about closing the loopholes, and making it just that much harder for guns to fall into the wrong hands. Is it perfect? No, there is no perfect solution. But it would be damn effective.

Hey missed my links last week....Melbourne...the City of the Gun....a 3 part story on how gun violence in on the rise in Australia......moron.....
It is a complete does nothing to stop criminals or mass shooters....the whole point of passing it.....and yet you act like it is the next best thing since sliced bread.....

The gun murder rate in the city of Chicago is not caused by the normal, law abiding gun owner ........the people doing the shooting are people who can't pass any background checks.....either at gun shows or through a private sale...yet they keep getting guns even with multiple felony convictions for illegal gun possession.......explain that.......

And the key point....they had multiple felony convictions....and most have multiple illegal gun possession convictions...but are walking the streets when they finally murder someone...

The key to stopping gun crime is actually focusing on the criminal....not making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through...the people who are not shooting other people.....

You need to lock up felons caught with guns for 30 need to lock up people who use guns to commit crimes for 30 years....that actually works....

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this. I think even you would agree that no one should be able to sell guns at a gun show (or online) and circumvent a background check. How can you be against that?

EVERY SINGLE GUN SALE should only happen with a thorough background check -- period. Perhaps you're one of those scumbag regulars at gun shows who enjoy not having to do background checks eh? Is this gonna put a damper on your business?

I don't care if a guy sells a gun from his private collection without a background check......catching the criminal with the gun isn't a is keeping them in jail that is the problem......we have felons...with multiple illegal gun possession felonies walking around chicago because they get a year or less for the illegal gun possession charge...

You are focusing on the wrong issue.....gun traffickers are already caught without universal background checks....I link to the stories all the time......the real issue is putting gun criminals in jail for 30 they don't kill people....

But you don't care about have a hard on for normal, law abiding want to screw them over because they own guns rather than catching the actual criminal who already knows they can't own the gun......

Save the theatrics. And save your stupid fucking conspiracy theories too. Grow up and start thinking like an adult. You're like a child who is perpetually stuck in the phase of playing cops & robbers. Guns are serious, and they need to be difficult to sell and obtain, and these loopholes which make buying guns incredibly easy need to be closed. End of fucking story. This isn't going to make anything harder for the dealers playing by the rules. Period. Every single non-point you're bringing up is a hysterical, emotional argument. Stop being so precious -- it's embarrassing.

This needs to be fixed -- and it will:

That's the problem. We DO think like adults. It is people like you, who are still trapped in infancy and are unable to think for yourselves who are the problem. France exposed your bullshit for what it is. No criminal will ever have a problem getting a weapon. Period. All it does is raise the cost to them. Which, because they steal their money anyway, means it affects the victims they prey on, but no one else.

They have a hell of a time getting them in Australia...

lol, not too bright, are you? THINK, McFly....THINK.

This initiative doesn't pretend to be the end all, be all of preventing criminals from obtaining guns -- so your straw man is just a waste of time. It's simply about closing the loopholes, and making it just that much harder for guns to fall into the wrong hands. Is it perfect? No, there is no perfect solution. But it would be damn effective.

Here you go.....Australian gun control success is a lie.......

Gun city: Young, dumb and armed

The notion that a military-grade weapon could be in the hands of local criminals is shocking, but police have already seized at least five machine guns and assault rifles in the past 18 months. The AK-47 was not among them.

Only a fortnight ago, law enforcement authorities announced they were hunting another seven assault rifles recently smuggled into the country. Weapons from the shipment have been used in armed robberies and drive-by shootings.

These are just a handful of the thousands of illicit guns fuelling a wave of violent crime in the world’s most liveable city.


Despite Australia’s strict gun control regime, criminals are now better armed than at any time since then-Prime Minister John Howard introduced a nationwide firearm buyback scheme in response to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre.

Shootings have become almost a weekly occurrence, with more than 125 people, mostly young men, wounded in the past five year


While the body count was higher during Melbourne’s ‘Underbelly War’ (1999-2005), more people have been seriously maimed in the recent spate of shootings and reprisals.

Crimes associated with firearm possession have also more than doubled, driven by the easy availability of handguns, semi-automatic rifles, shotguns and, increasingly, machine guns, that are smuggled into the country or stolen from licensed owners.


These weapons have been used in dozens of recent drive-by shootings of homes and businesses, as well as targeted and random attacks in parks, shopping centres and roads.

“They’re young, dumb and armed,” said one former underworld associate, who survived a shooting attempt in the western suburbs several years ago.

“It used to be that if you were involved in something bad you might have to worry about [being shot]. Now people get shot over nothing - unprovoked.”


Gun crime soars
In this series, Fairfax Media looks at Melbourne’s gun problem and the new breed of criminals behind the escalating violence.

The investigation has found:

  • There have been at least 99 shootings in the past 20 months - more than one incident a week since January 2015
  • Known criminals were caught with firearms 755 times last year, compared to 143 times in 2011
  • The epicentre of the problem is a triangle between Coolaroo, Campbellfield and Glenroy in the north-west, with Cranbourne, Narre Warren and Dandenong in the south-east close behind
  • Criminals are using gunshot wounds to the arms and legs as warnings to pay debts
  • Assault rifles and handguns are being smuggled into Australia via shipments of electronics and metal parts
In response to the violence, it can be revealed the state government is planning to introduce new criminal offences for drive-by shootings, manufacturing of firearms with new technologies such as 3D printers, and more police powers to keep weapons out of the hands of known criminals.

The second part of the series....

Gun city: Gunslingers of the North West

It is the triangle of Melbourne suburbs where those with guns rule the streets and sleeping children are no longer safe from the bullets. Read part two ofThe Age’s investigation into how Melbourne became a gun city.


'Thousands' of illegal guns tipped to be handed over in firearms amnesty

Asked roughly how many he expected to be handed in, Mr Keenan said: "Look I certainly think the number will be in the thousands."

The Australian Crime Commission estimated in 2012 there were at least 250,000 illegal guns in Australia. But a Senate report noted last year it was impossible to estimate how many illicit weapons are out there.

But....military weapons?

And despite Australia's strict border controls, the smuggling of high-powered military-style firearms is also a growing problem.
Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

Not too good at that there readin' stuff are ya?

The Background Check Initiative exempts certain transfers from the background check requirement:

  • Transfers by or to a law enforcement agency or a peace officer, security guard, or member of the armed forces acting within the course and scope of his or her employment or official duties;
  • Transfers of antique firearms;
  • Transfers between immediate family members, which means spouses and domes- tic partners and any of the following relations, whether by whole or half blood, adoption, or step-relation: parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
  • Transfers to executors of estates or trusts that occur upon the death of the owner of a gun;
  • Temporary transfers for self-defense, hunting and trapping, target-shooting, and organized competitions and performances;
  • Temporary transfers that occur exclusively while in the presence of the transferor, provided the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee is prohibited from having guns or will use the gun in a crime.
Now... FUCK YOU.

Name one mass killing that would have been stopped by a law like this.
Here you go twit......someone actually selling illegal guns, to felons, knowingly....and captured without a background check.....

In this need a Firearm owner I.D. card for gun and ammo purchases......this woman had them...and knowingly sold guns to criminals.....and was captured....guess jail time for her.....

Don't focus on the law abiding people...lock her up for 30 years...that is how you stop gun crime...not by catching the widow selling her husbands handgun to a neighbor without a background check....

Chicago police charge straw purchaser with four felonies

Mousheh also sold two guns, including a Glock 22, to a man she met on Facebook just days after legally buying the firearms. The man told police he had gang ties and was on probation for domestic battery charges. Law enforcement allege Mousheh knew about the man’s criminal background and inability to possess an FOID card, but sold the guns to him anyway. The man returned the Glock 22 to Mousheh, police said.

Mousheh was charged with two felony counts of illegal transfer of firearms and two felony counts of selling a firearm without a valid FOID, though law enforcement says she likely won’t face prison time.

“History has shown that these cases usually result in a plea of guilty in exchange for felony probation,” the department wrote in a statement released Wednesday. “Mousheh placed three semi-automatic firearms on the street, and was in possession of ammo that is capable of piercing a bullet proof vest.

Also, she admitted to buying a 50-round magazine for a Glock pistol.

The felony arrest is not expected to result in jail time, but will result in a permanent revocation of her FOID card.”

Illinois is one of a handful of states that requires possession of a FOID for all gun purchases and is considered to have some of the strictest gun control measures in the nation.
The most notorious school shooting in American history happened about a decade ago on the Va Tech campus Blacksburg southwest Va. For some reason it's still underreported to this day. The shooter was a Korean born citizen and was also a maniac that most professors and all students were afraid of. He was finally arrested when a coed claimed she was being stalked and amazingly the local police declined to prosecute. Under the (secret) deal with Va. Tech, which most colleges and universities in the U.S. probably take advantage of, the local police bend over backwards to give students a break and not have a criminal record. The future shooter had to comply with a court ordered psychological counseling (records indicate he failed to attend) and when he decided to purchase the weapons he would use to kill 30 people, the liberals in the Commonwealth of Va. did him a favor by not including court ordered psychological counseling in the instant name check. A freaking maniac was able to pass a background check to purchase a firearm because liberals in Virginia decided that the privacy issue for the mentally ill trumps the safety of citizens.
You are free to spout your lame fallacies all you want. What do I care? You're only embarrassing yourself.
Says the guy who just a few minutes ago was screaming

"Oh, shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here."
Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

Not too good at that there readin' stuff are ya?

The Background Check Initiative exempts certain transfers from the background check requirement:

  • Transfers by or to a law enforcement agency or a peace officer, security guard, or member of the armed forces acting within the course and scope of his or her employment or official duties;
  • Transfers of antique firearms;
  • Transfers between immediate family members, which means spouses and domes- tic partners and any of the following relations, whether by whole or half blood, adoption, or step-relation: parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
  • Transfers to executors of estates or trusts that occur upon the death of the owner of a gun;
  • Temporary transfers for self-defense, hunting and trapping, target-shooting, and organized competitions and performances;
  • Temporary transfers that occur exclusively while in the presence of the transferor, provided the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee is prohibited from having guns or will use the gun in a crime.
Now... FUCK YOU.

Name one mass killing that would have been stopped by a law like this.

It's not designed to stop all gun crime, ya dunce. That would be impossible. It's to ensure that all gun sales are done with a proper background check.

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