Nevadans Will Have An Opportunity To Vote To Close The "Gunshow Loophole"

You are free to spout your lame fallacies all you want. What do I care? You're only embarrassing yourself.
Says the guy who just a few minutes ago was screaming

"Oh, shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here."

Either chime in about the topic, debate, or get the fuck out of here. Otherwise I'll assume you're only here to troll, troll.
The most notorious school shooting in American history happened about a decade ago on the Va Tech campus Blacksburg southwest Va. For some reason it's still underreported to this day. The shooter was a Korean born citizen and was also a maniac that most professors and all students were afraid of. He was finally arrested when a coed claimed she was being stalked and amazingly the local police declined to prosecute. Under the deal with Va. Tech which most colleges and universities probably take advantage of in the United States is that the local police bend over backwards to give students a break and not have a criminal record. The future shooter had to comply with a court ordered psychological counseling (records indicate he failed to attend) and when he decided to purchase the weapons he would use to kill 30 people the liberals in the Commonwealth of Va. did him a favor by not including court ordered psychological counseling in the instant name check. A freaking maniac was able to pass a background check to purchase a firearm because liberals in Virginia decided that the privacy issue for the mentally ill trumps the safety of citizens.
He passed a background check. Whose fault is that? You are correct, the liberals who wanted to protect his privacy.
Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

Not too good at that there readin' stuff are ya?

The Background Check Initiative exempts certain transfers from the background check requirement:

  • Transfers by or to a law enforcement agency or a peace officer, security guard, or member of the armed forces acting within the course and scope of his or her employment or official duties;
  • Transfers of antique firearms;
  • Transfers between immediate family members, which means spouses and domes- tic partners and any of the following relations, whether by whole or half blood, adoption, or step-relation: parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
  • Transfers to executors of estates or trusts that occur upon the death of the owner of a gun;
  • Temporary transfers for self-defense, hunting and trapping, target-shooting, and organized competitions and performances;
  • Temporary transfers that occur exclusively while in the presence of the transferor, provided the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee is prohibited from having guns or will use the gun in a crime.
Now... FUCK YOU.

Name one mass killing that would have been stopped by a law like this.

It's not designed to stop all gun crime, ya dunce. That would be impossible. It's to ensure that all gun sales are done with a proper background check.

No, it's not. If it were merely about background checks there would be no provision for registration of the guns. Face it silly boy, ALL of these schemes do nothing to prevent crime. Not one damned bit. They ALL infringe on our individual Rights (which you progressives piss on at every opportunity) and merely separate the wealthy from the poor and middle class. It is a elitist attempt to disarm the populace and nothing more.
Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

Not too good at that there readin' stuff are ya?

The Background Check Initiative exempts certain transfers from the background check requirement:

  • Transfers by or to a law enforcement agency or a peace officer, security guard, or member of the armed forces acting within the course and scope of his or her employment or official duties;
  • Transfers of antique firearms;
  • Transfers between immediate family members, which means spouses and domes- tic partners and any of the following relations, whether by whole or half blood, adoption, or step-relation: parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews.
  • Transfers to executors of estates or trusts that occur upon the death of the owner of a gun;
  • Temporary transfers for self-defense, hunting and trapping, target-shooting, and organized competitions and performances;
  • Temporary transfers that occur exclusively while in the presence of the transferor, provided the transferor has no reason to believe that the transferee is prohibited from having guns or will use the gun in a crime.
Now... FUCK YOU.

Name one mass killing that would have been stopped by a law like this.

It's not designed to stop all gun crime, ya dunce. That would be impossible. It's to ensure that all gun sales are done with a proper background check.

So, if the point of infringing on my rights isn't to make anyone safer, then it's not a common sense law, it's a bull shit law and needs to be killed.
Says the guy who just a few minutes ago was screaming
"Oh, shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here."
Either chime in about the topic, debate, or get the fuck out of here. Otherwise I'll assume you're only here to troll, troll.
Your emotions are running rampant, but I've been on topic the entire time.

Be honest, the real reason you want me to "shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here." is because I disagree with you regarding banning privates sales and the confiscation of firearms.
No, it's not. If it were merely about background checks there would be no provision for registration of the guns. Face it silly boy, ALL of these schemes do nothing to prevent crime. Not one damned bit. They ALL infringe on our individual Rights (which you progressives piss on at every opportunity) and merely separate the wealthy from the poor and middle class. It is a elitist attempt to disarm the populace and nothing more.

Everything the anti-gun left has done is to steadily encroach on citizen rights "for their own good" be it their right to free speech or their right to defend themselves. They've encroached on every Amendment to spread the reach, power and domination of the Federal government over citizens and the States.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?
Says the guy who just a few minutes ago was screaming
"Oh, shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here."
Either chime in about the topic, debate, or get the fuck out of here. Otherwise I'll assume you're only here to troll, troll.
Your emotions are running rampant, but I've been on topic the entire time.

Be honest, the real reason you want me to "shut the fuck up.....Get the fuck out of here." is because I disagree with you regarding banning privates sales and the confiscation of firearms.

No one is trying to "confiscate" firearms you hysterical loon. I want you to shut the fuck up because you are only trolling. Again, either debate and contribute to the thread, or get the fuck out of here. Troll.
...It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip....
...Now... FUCK YOU.
Wow. Good to see I'm not the only one SYTFE verbally abuses when someone disagrees with him.

Again, Westwall told me "fuck you" so I told him "fuck you" as well. Either be consistent with your condemnations, or admit that you are a stupid hypocrite only interested in trolling and shitting up the thread with your inane commentary.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?

Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?

Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.

And a moron like you believes that passing a law that does nothing is actually doing something....

We have the answer......lock up actual gun criminals for a long time.....that that idea can't enter your brain is hard to actually works...but because it doesn't target normal gun mowers for aren't interested........that is the real problem...
No one is trying to "confiscate" firearms you hysterical loon.....
Your incessant name-calling and insults aside, most of my weapons are "military style" weapons just like Hillary said she wants to "get off the streets". What do you think she meant by that? Sounds like a ban to me.

.. I want you to shut the fuck up because you are only trolling. Again, either debate and contribute to the thread, or get the fuck out of here. Troll.
Of course you do. That's what people like you want to do and why the Founders were wise enough to have the Second Amendment to stop you.
Again, Westwall told me "fuck you" so I told him "fuck you" as well. Either be consistent with your condemnations, or admit that you are a stupid hypocrite only interested in trolling and shitting up the thread with your inane commentary.
You should squeegee your third eye because you are obviously not seeing clearly. You've cursed and verbally abused me several times in this thread and I haven't done so to you. Why? Are you emotionally unstable? On alcohol, meth or something?

How to Open Your Third Eye
The third eye symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness through which one can perceive the world. Essentially, it is heightening your power of perception through mental clarity and acuity. Using your third eye doesn't mean becoming a psychic or developing magical powers, though, as some people think. It actually means having greater control over your mind and emotions. Opening your third eye can give you a deeper sense of intuition about the world around you. It won't happen overnight, but there are many things you can do to help open your third eye.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?

Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.

No. How about we do something that actually works. You know, like when someone commits a violent crime THEY GO TO PRISON. The legal system consistently releases the violent predators back out into society to continue to prey on the innocent. There are 150,000 KNOWN gangbangers in Chicago. You want to lower the murder rate? How about you round up the violent ones (they KNOW who they are) and lock them up forever.

That would work. All your stupid laws do is infringe on the Rights of the law abiding.
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

If you loan a gun to a friend or relative that's unable to buy a gun legally that's later discovered to have been used in the commission of a crime, than you should be held both criminally and financially responsible. As a matter of fact, I strongly suspect there are already laws on the books for your brand of stupidity that will do just that.

Yes, it is already illegal to give or sell a firearm to a felon.

Thanks for making our point. More background checks are not only useless but they're a poll tax on our right of self protection.

Walked right into that one.

That, is pointless bs on your part.

Brilliant retort. By all means, when you have your ass handed to you in a debate, just shout bullshit. Works every time.

You made my point. Man up and deal with it.
....That would work. All your stupid laws do is infringe on the Rights of the law abiding.
Agreed that the laws infringe on the law abiding. That's their purpose. Gun control isn't about saving lives, it's about control of the population.

Again, Westwall told me "fuck you" so I told him "fuck you" as well. Either be consistent with your condemnations, or admit that you are a stupid hypocrite only interested in trolling and shitting up the thread with your inane commentary.
You should squeegee your third eye because you are obviously not seeing clearly. You've cursed and verbally abused me several times in this thread and I haven't done so to you. Why? Are you emotionally unstable? On alcohol, meth or something?

How to Open Your Third Eye
The third eye symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness through which one can perceive the world. Essentially, it is heightening your power of perception through mental clarity and acuity. Using your third eye doesn't mean becoming a psychic or developing magical powers, though, as some people think. It actually means having greater control over your mind and emotions. Opening your third eye can give you a deeper sense of intuition about the world around you. It won't happen overnight, but there are many things you can do to help open your third eye.

Awww, did I "verbally abuse" you, you poor, poor dear? Did it hurt your feeling when I called you for what you are -- a useless troll? You showed up in this thread and started making wild accusations, and I responded to you in kind. Did you expect something different? If so, you're an emotionally stunted child. No wonder you're so scurrred that Hillary wants to take your guns away, lolz.

Again, either you have something to say about the initiative, an argument, a comment -- something, or you are only here to troll. Get the fuck out of here if you've got nothing to say, ya delicate little snowflake.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?
Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.
Why should we try this law when you, yourself, explained the reason it would fail?

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