Nevadans Will Have An Opportunity To Vote To Close The "Gunshow Loophole"

This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?
Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.
Why should we try this law when you, yourself, explained the reason it would fail?

When did I do that? Oh, you're trying to be cute. No one ever claimed it would stop all gun crime, so take your stupid strawman and stick it, bub.
....That would work. All your stupid laws do is infringe on the Rights of the law abiding.
Agreed that the laws infringe on the law abiding. That's their purpose. Gun control isn't about saving lives, it's about control of the population.


Awww, did I "verbally abuse" you, you poor, poor dear? Did it hurt your feeling when I called you for what you are -- a useless troll? ....
Wow. You can't even take your own advice to stay on topic when, in fact, I did? Dude, not only are your ideas on gun control, banning firearms and attacking other people more fucked up than a football bat, but I believe you have serious anger issues. That's usually caused by low self-esteem. You should consider counseling.
Why should we try this law when you, yourself, explained the reason it would fail?
Agreed, but don't expect an explanation. All he cares about is dominating others. Gun control is simply a means to an end for people like him.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine.

Bullshit. If I want to buy a gun from my friend or family member I wouldn't be able to do that anymore without going to a dealer, doing the exchange there, filling out unnecessary paperwork, and paying for a background check. I don't have to do that now and it's all a waste of time and money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this.

That's because you're a tard. Tards have trouble understanding simple things.
Again, Westwall told me "fuck you" so I told him "fuck you" as well. Either be consistent with your condemnations, or admit that you are a stupid hypocrite only interested in trolling and shitting up the thread with your inane commentary.
You should squeegee your third eye because you are obviously not seeing clearly. You've cursed and verbally abused me several times in this thread and I haven't done so to you. Why? Are you emotionally unstable? On alcohol, meth or something?

How to Open Your Third Eye
The third eye symbolizes an enlightened state of consciousness through which one can perceive the world. Essentially, it is heightening your power of perception through mental clarity and acuity. Using your third eye doesn't mean becoming a psychic or developing magical powers, though, as some people think. It actually means having greater control over your mind and emotions. Opening your third eye can give you a deeper sense of intuition about the world around you. It won't happen overnight, but there are many things you can do to help open your third eye.

Awww, did I "verbally abuse" you, you poor, poor dear? Did it hurt your feeling when I called you for what you are -- a useless troll? You showed up in this thread and started making wild accusations, and I responded to you in kind. Did you expect something different? If so, you're an emotionally stunted child. No wonder you're so scurrred that Hillary wants to take your guns away, lolz.

Again, either you have something to say about the initiative, an argument, a comment -- something, or you are only here to troll. Get the fuck out of here if you've got nothing to say, ya delicate little snowflake.

Have you got any idea just how amazingly childish you sound? You're not interested in discussing the issue, but rather, you delight in sophomoric and inane personal attacks.

I am adamantly opposed to the initiative. It accomplishes nothing, other than to give the government another element of control. It adds another level of administrative involvement without any real time impact on gun sales.

In order to circumvent the 2nd Amendment, it is necessary for gun control proponents to chip away at the application of the 2nd Amendment. You don't have to remove the 2nd Amendment - you only have to restrict its application. How do you restrict its application? By constantly tightening the restrictions on actions protected by it. For example, you could restrict the use of "military assault weapons" (an absolutely asinine maneuver based on how a gun looks, not how it performs). You could restrict the number of bullets allowed in a magazine to 10, then 6, then 3, then 1. You could restrict the bore size of a gun from .45 to .38 to .30 to .20 to .177 (that's a pellet gun). The 2nd Amendment is still in effect - except that you've made all guns illegal.

Now, if you want to discuss the issue --- let's talk about it. But, if you're more interested in attacking me with your childish prattle, save your breath. For one, you aren't capable of offending or upsetting me, and second, I'm way out of your league. All you would do is embarrass yourself, and run home with your tail between your legs.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine.

Bullshit. If I want to buy a gun from my friend or family member I wouldn't be able to do that anymore without going to a dealer, doing the exchange there, filling out unnecessary paperwork, and paying for a background check. I don't have to do that now and it's all a waste of time and money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this.

That's because you're a tard. Tards have trouble understanding simple things.

Don't forget that if anyone who gives their 12 year old son a .22 single-shot rifle would have to take him down to be registered/background checked.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?
Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.
Why should we try this law when you, yourself, explained the reason it would fail?
When did I do that?
You agree that "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing" will not obey the law. Thus, you explained how and why the law will fail.

No one ever claimed it would stop all gun crime,
Given that the law targets the actions of "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing" and you agree that these people will not obey this law, it appears YOU understand it will not stop ANY crime.

so take your stupid strawman and stick it, bub.
Don't blame me for your self-inflicted butt-hurt, bub - YOU described why the law will fail. not me.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine. This is cracking down on the super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money.
Wait... you think these "super unethical rogue sellers who set up shop at various gun shows and sell to anyone and everyone because they only care about one thing -- money." are going to obey the law?
Well then, let's just do nothing and give up! Let's just not even try! lol, you guys are something else.
Why should we try this law when you, yourself, explained the reason it would fail?

When did I do that? Oh, you're trying to be cute. No one ever claimed it would stop all gun crime, so take your stupid strawman and stick it, bub.

it doesn't stop any crime...
This is a good look at what is actually going on in Nevada....

Nevada professor calls research on background checks 'muddy'

“People who fail them don’t get in as much trouble as people who pass them,” he said. “But here is the caveat, the sample is very limited. It assumes people will go through a background check. The evidence is fairly strong that background checks are effective on the subgroup of people who subject themselves to them.”

It’s the crux of the argument for detractors of Nevada’s Question 1 ballot measure — criminals don’t use background checks when buying guns so expanding the law to include private sales and transfers does not lower violent crime rates.

“If you look at people who are violent criminals … they don’t go through a background check to get their gun,” Anthony said during Thursday’s town hall. “They are going to steal the gun. They are going to borrow it from a friend. They were doing that 30 years ago. They are doing it today. They are going to do it 30 years from now. It’s not realistic to tell law-abiding citizens that they are going to have to do background checks on each other because it’s going to reduce crime. It’s just not going to happen.”


Anthony, a 29-year veteran of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department, argues two-thirds of the state’s gun owners will ignore the law — either by choice or unawareness — and face a punishment that far outweighs the crime.

“So what are we going to do here? Are we going to round these folks up and arrest them? Are we going to throw them in jail for a year? All of a sudden, you’re creating criminals out of them … for absolutely doing nothing to increase violence with a firearm out there,” he said.


Sousa said, however, current research doesn’t settle the debate one way or another, saying “most studies on this do not establish a causal connection between background checks and community violence.”

“The results are some of the studies show a correlation to lower homicides, but the catch is that most of these studies are really weak by social science standards,”

he said. “Correlation does not equal causation. Just because there are fewer gun-related officer deaths in states that close the loophole, that doesn’t mean closing the loophole led to fewer gun-related officer deaths…maybe it’s just a coincidence.”
Awww, did I "verbally abuse" you, you poor, poor dear? Did it hurt your feeling when I called you for what you are -- a useless troll? ....
Wow. You can't even take your own advice to stay on topic when, in fact, I did? Dude, not only are your ideas on gun control, banning firearms and attacking other people more fucked up than a football bat, but I believe you have serious anger issues. That's usually caused by low self-esteem. You should consider counseling.

Again -- shut the fuck up. If you insist on trying to make the thread about me, then I will continue to mock you. Every single one of your replies in this thread to me is about me. I AM NOT THE TOPIC OF THIS THREAD. Is that getting through your brick thick cranium? Fucking troll.

Get the fuck out of here.
This isn't making new hoops for law abiding people to jump through. If you are already doing everything according to the law, then you're fine.

Bullshit. If I want to buy a gun from my friend or family member I wouldn't be able to do that anymore without going to a dealer, doing the exchange there, filling out unnecessary paperwork, and paying for a background check. I don't have to do that now and it's all a waste of time and money.

I don't see how anyone should have a problem with this.

That's because you're a tard. Tards have trouble understanding simple things.

Aww, now you won't be able to buy a gun from a family member or one of your degenerate friends because you'll have have to "do paperwork" and "pay for a background check," you poor, poor dear. That's just devastating! How will you survive? What are you gonna do? Perhaps you could see if Taco Bell will promote you to shift supervisor so that you'll be able to afford the background check fee? Or maybe you can put together a GoFund me page?

lol, you fucking cretin.

This is one of the most important aspects of this initiative. There shouldn't be ANY purchases of firearms outside of a dealer and a proper background check -- especially through friends or family. Moron.
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Background checks work exactly as intended, and it was never the intent that background checks would keep guns out of the hands of all prohibited persons.

The ‘argument’ that background checks ‘don’t work’ because criminals will still be able to obtain firearms from other criminals, ignoring background checks, fails as a red herring fallacy – one cannot ‘fault’ a law for ‘failing’ to do that which it was never originally intended to do.

And some 80 percent of gun owners support UBC, illustrating that the vast majority of gun owners are intelligent and sensible.
The Background Check Initiative is a common-sense proposal that will close loopholes in Nevada law that make it all too easy for felons, domestic abusers, and the dangerously mentally ill to buy guns. We have the right to bear arms, but with rights come responsibilities. The Background Check Initiative will improve public safety in Nevada by requiring background checks for all gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting, and self-defense.

Nevada already requires background checks for gun sales, so we don't need any new laws.

Under current law, background checks are only required for gun sales at licensed dealers. Millions of guns change hands each year between unlicensed buyers and sellers, including strangers who meet online or at gun shows -- no background check required, no questions asked. (Philip J. Cook & Jens Ludwig, Guns in America, 1996, available at

Background checks don't work because criminals will break the law and get guns anyway.

In 2013 alone, background checks at licensed gun dealers in Nevada stopped 1,904 gun sales to prohibited people -- including 501 to felons and 374 to people convicted of domestic violence misdemeanors or subject to domestic violence protection orders. Closing loopholes in the background check law will make it even harder for criminals and other dangerous people to buy guns. (Everytown for Gun Safety analysis of FBI data, February 12, 2014.)

Vote YES on 1!

Nevadans For Background Checks

Hell no. It makes it a crime to loan a gun to a relative for a hunting trip. It makes it a crime for a soldier to leave his guns with an uncle while he is deployed. The law is a piece of shit pimped on the people of Nevada by a billionaire scumbag who thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread and who employs dozens of armed guards to protect his miserable ass.

Fuck him, and fuck you for being a brainless toad trying to push this crap down Nevadans throats.

This is as ignorant as it is incorrect.

UBC measures have provisions with regard to ‘lending’ or ‘borrowing’ firearms that render such actions perfectly legal.
Here's an excerpt from a piece written by Ryan Saunders, a Las Vegas native and Iraq war veteran.

"It has been weeks since the White House announced steps it would pursue to strengthen enforcement of federal gun laws, but confusion and misinformation related to the executive actions still abound. While the president’s orders drew significant media attention, those actions will not change the fact that thousands of guns are sold every year without a background check.

Despite the executive actions, there remains a legal loophole allowing thousands of guns to change hands at gun shows and through online sales, with no background check required. Nevadans for Background Checks is a bipartisan, statewide coalition of gun owners, law enforcement, survivors of gun violence and business and community leaders like us who agree Nevada can’t wait for Congress to require criminal background checks on all gun sales. As Nevadans, we must take action to make all of our communities safer.

The 2016 Background Check Initiative on the November ballot is a simple measure that would require criminal background checks on all private gun sales, with reasonable exceptions for family, hunting and self-defense. This common-sense measure will keep guns out of the hands of felons, domestic abusers and other dangerous people without infringing on the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners to purchase as many guns as they wish and use them for hunting, protection and sport.

Let’s be clear about what the Background Check Initiative does not do.

• The initiative does not require a background check for the transfer of firearms among family members.

• The initiative does not require a background check to temporarily lend a firearm to a friend for hunting or self-defense purposes.

• The initiative does not affect transfers of antique firearms or transfers to executors of estates or trusts.

• The initiative does not create a gun registry; doing so is illegal under federal law.

• The initiative does not affect transfers by law enforcement, security officers or military personnel in the course of their official duties.

• The initiative does not affect concealed-carry permit holders.

As Nevadans, we must do more to keep guns out of the wrong hands. States that have passed legislation similar to the Background Check Initiative have seen a 48 percent drop in law enforcement deaths by firearms, a 48 percent reduction in suicides involving guns and 46 percent fewer women shot and killed by intimate partners."

Background-checks effort doesn’t affect all gun sales in Nevada
Background checks work exactly as intended, and it was never the intent that background checks would keep guns out of the hands of all prohibited persons.
This is a lie.
It’s not a ‘lie,’ it’s a fact.

Nowhere in any background check legislation – Federal or state – will you find any reference to the effect that such legislation will prevent 100 percent of prohibited persons from acquiring firearms.

We know this to be a fact because Federal firearm law allows residents of the same state to engage in intrastate firearms transactions absent a background check:

“A person may sell a firearm to an unlicensed resident of his State, if he does not know or have reasonable cause to believe the person is prohibited from receiving or possessing firearms under Federal law.”

[18 U.S.C. 922(a)(3) and (5), 922(d), 27 CFR 478.29 and 478.30]

Because background checks are required only for the sale of new firearms by licensed dealers (FFL 01), or used firearms subject to interstate sales, it was clearly the original understanding and intent of Congress that background checks would not prevent 100 percent of prohibited persons from obtaining firearms.

Consequently, your post is a lie.

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