Never Fit For Command! Hillary Slips In Bathtub-----Fractures Wrist

Are you any better educated in the history of whatever shit hole country you come from than you are in ours?

The Electoral College was formed to ensure that all states had a say in the election of president. The colonies recognized that popular vote would have New York and Pennsylvania as the only ones with a say in the presidency. Philadelphia and New York City dwarfing the populations of the rest of the colonies. Virginia had no desire to trade a king in England for one in Philadelphia.

Now it is California and New York, but the reality remains that the densely populated urban centers do not represent the rest of the nation.

Now the shit hole you come from has a dictator appointed for life, right?

The Electoral College was formed so only Landowners could vote.

No women or blacks allowed. Totally out of date now.

No hun, it wasn't due to such identity politics nonsense. It was set up due to the competing interests of the States.

Are you denying that Electoral College was set up for landowners to vote?

How many years did it take women and blacks to get the vote?

Where does it say landowner, hun?

Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

Study your history,Dear.

I notice you have no comment on women and Slaves getting the vote.

Slaves were classified as 2/3 humans.

Study your history, hun. Slavey was outlawed over 150 years ago, and blacks and women have the vote now because of the design of The Constitution.

Slavery is still practiced in quite a few places in the world today. Women are not allowed to vote in quite a few places in the world today. I doubt you have the intellectual honesty to wonder why.
No hun, it wasn't due to such identity politics nonsense. It was set up due to the competing interests of the States.

Wrong! And I am long past the stage of being upintimidated by a silly put down by an insecure man.

Oh, enough with the pearl clutching, hun.

I'm a gal, and not at all insecure.

Sounds like it to me if you back Trump and his 40 thieves.

Sounds to me like you are astoundingly ignorant and have no grasp of history.

Are you a public school teacher, perchance?

Standard disclaimer: Should that be skewl teechur?

No, I just studied my History.

Which you clearly neither comprehended nor retained.
Geez. Mock an aging woman who has spent her life in public service
Lying, cheating and stealing her way to the top in a mad power grab for wealth and power.

At the same time defend a "man" who has been a known whore and conman all of his life.
Until he ran for office, he was a well-liked and respected business tycoon. Then when he actually WON, he became a Russian Spy, Whore, and Drooling Baboon incapable of tying his own shoes. Got it.

With "values" like these, no wonder our country is screwed.
With idiots like you, we now know why.
Well-liked and respected by whom?

By you Communists. to start with.
No hun, it wasn't due to such identity politics nonsense. It was set up due to the competing interests of the States.

Wrong! And I am long past the stage of being upintimidated by a silly put down by an insecure man.

Oh, enough with the pearl clutching, hun.

I'm a gal, and not at all insecure.

Sounds like it to me if you back Trump and his 40 thieves.

Sounds to me like you are astoundingly ignorant and have no grasp of history.

Are you a public school teacher, perchance?

Standard disclaimer: Should that be skewl teechur?

No, I just studied my History.

So, you simply lack retention and comprehension then?

You are utterly ignorant regarding American history.

Are you sure you are American?

I know Soros pays trolls from Venezuela and Iran to try and corrupt the American political process. Are you one of those?
Sounds as if you do not know much about exercise equipment. I have seen those rubber thongs fly.

A rubber thong sounds like it would chaff....

No,it sent me to the hospital with a frozen hand. Carpal Tunnel from exercising. That is what Harry Reid was using. It broke and hit him in the eye, as you well know. He almost lost his eye.

I'm not even going to TRY to imagine how it got dislodged....

You can't be president with a fractured wrist?

Tell that to FDR, he's the only president to have served three full terms and he was in a wheel chair.

It's all about the brain, you know, which is why Trump isn't fit to serve.
What about Roosevelt's brain are you impressed with that led him to put American Japs in concentration camps?

The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and scared people demanding Roosevelt do that!

You just had to be there!

But then the US was attacking Germany, did they lock up all people of German descent?
Germans were white people. FDR was a typical racist democrat.

Actually FDR was the guy who broke the Southern hold on the party's conventions, when at the height of his influence (1936) he got the party's nomination rules changed to simple majority rather than 2/3, so that the racist Southerners could never hold it hostage again like they did in 1924.

As for people (and things) of German descent, there was a whole movement to ban the teaching of the German language, Wagner operas and the like, and instances where dachshunds would be taken from their owners and stoned to death, literally, in the street simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. Meanwhile German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" in the same way some wags tried to push "freedom fries".

Not to sound too much like Nikita Kruschev but when I see these trite memes trying to peddle fake points I will absolutely BURY you with context. It's what I do.
Nice try. Jim Crow laws lasted long past FDR, or Theodor Eicke, as the Japanese-Americans called him.
What about Roosevelt's brain are you impressed with that led him to put American Japs in concentration camps?

The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and scared people demanding Roosevelt do that!

You just had to be there!

But then the US was attacking Germany, did they lock up all people of German descent?
Germans were white people. FDR was a typical racist democrat.

Actually FDR was the guy who broke the Southern hold on the party's conventions, when at the height of his influence (1936) he got the party's nomination rules changed to simple majority rather than 2/3, so that the racist Southerners could never hold it hostage again like they did in 1924.

As for people (and things) of German descent, there was a whole movement to ban the teaching of the German language, Wagner operas and the like, and instances where dachshunds would be taken from their owners and stoned to death, literally, in the street simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. Meanwhile German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" in the same way some wags tried to push "freedom fries".

Not to sound too much like Nikita Kruschev but when I see these trite memes trying to peddle fake points I will absolutely BURY you with context. It's what I do.
Nice try. Jim Crow laws lasted long past FDR, or Theodor Eicke, as the Japanese-Americans called him.

I uh, don't think FDR passed any Jim Crow laws. Nor did any POTUS since those were state and local laws.
I uh, don't think FDR passed any Jim Crow laws. Nor did any POTUS since those were state and local laws.

Did you actually think that was clever, Huffer?

No one suggested that FDR passed Jim Crow laws.

Try dealing with what people post, rather than with straw men you create.
The Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor and scared people demanding Roosevelt do that!

You just had to be there!

But then the US was attacking Germany, did they lock up all people of German descent?
Germans were white people. FDR was a typical racist democrat.

Actually FDR was the guy who broke the Southern hold on the party's conventions, when at the height of his influence (1936) he got the party's nomination rules changed to simple majority rather than 2/3, so that the racist Southerners could never hold it hostage again like they did in 1924.

As for people (and things) of German descent, there was a whole movement to ban the teaching of the German language, Wagner operas and the like, and instances where dachshunds would be taken from their owners and stoned to death, literally, in the street simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. Meanwhile German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" in the same way some wags tried to push "freedom fries".

Not to sound too much like Nikita Kruschev but when I see these trite memes trying to peddle fake points I will absolutely BURY you with context. It's what I do.
Nice try. Jim Crow laws lasted long past FDR, or Theodor Eicke, as the Japanese-Americans called him.

I uh, don't think FDR passed any Jim Crow laws. Nor did any POTUS since those were state and local laws.
He didn't change the south or the democrat's history of racism, either.
But then the US was attacking Germany, did they lock up all people of German descent?
Germans were white people. FDR was a typical racist democrat.

Actually FDR was the guy who broke the Southern hold on the party's conventions, when at the height of his influence (1936) he got the party's nomination rules changed to simple majority rather than 2/3, so that the racist Southerners could never hold it hostage again like they did in 1924.

As for people (and things) of German descent, there was a whole movement to ban the teaching of the German language, Wagner operas and the like, and instances where dachshunds would be taken from their owners and stoned to death, literally, in the street simply because "Dachshund" is a German word. Meanwhile German Shepherds were renamed "police dogs" in the same way some wags tried to push "freedom fries".

Not to sound too much like Nikita Kruschev but when I see these trite memes trying to peddle fake points I will absolutely BURY you with context. It's what I do.
Nice try. Jim Crow laws lasted long past FDR, or Theodor Eicke, as the Japanese-Americans called him.

I uh, don't think FDR passed any Jim Crow laws. Nor did any POTUS since those were state and local laws.
He didn't change the south or the democrat's history of racism, either.

Actually he did as far as the party convention rules, but I already covered that. After that change, the South never had that kind of veto power again and the next time the DP had a convention that didn't involve FDR they (Southerners) walked out and ran their own ticket. Again. (The same faction did the same thing in 1860).
Well-liked and respected by whom?

So in other words, you're admitting that until the Day Trump took office, you hadn't followed or knew about any of the countess hundreds of charitable and civic things he had done for both individual people as well as the city of New York and elsewhere around the world, and all of your fund of info on him has been taken since from some Trump-Hate site like CNN.

I don't have a history of following every two-bit whore on television. Before this shabby two-bit whore ran for office, his miserable existence was none of my concern. I did not concern myself with the "stars" of "Jersey Shore," either. I have never concerned myself with "reality television" tramps. Have some dignity, please.

In other words, YES, you don't know shit. Next time please provide a road map so that I can follow your circuitous bullshit.
So in other words, you're admitting that until the Day Trump took office, you hadn't followed or knew about any of the countess hundreds of charitable and civic things he had done for both individual people as well as the city of New York and elsewhere around the world, and all of your fund of info on him has been taken since from some Trump-Hate site like CNN.

I don't have a history of following every two-bit whore on television. Before this shabby two-bit whore ran for office, his miserable existence was none of my concern. I did not concern myself with the "stars" of "Jersey Shore," either. I have never concerned myself with "reality television" tramps. Have some dignity, please.
But yet you worship the child molesting Hollywood types... lol
Just who are you talking about and how do you link this with me? Specifics please, since you are involving my personal integrity. I have never known anyone involved in the the movie industry, not that I think that there is anything wrong with the movie-making industry. I don't "worship" anything. And you wouldn't know about it if I did. You know absolutely nothing about me. I have never met you. So I brand you a liar.
Politically correct people like yourself always want to control what other people think that disagree with you. That’s the Hollywood type...
So why do you never reply with specifics? If you are not a "Hollywood type" (I've never met any), just who the hell are you yourself? Do you have a name? It seems like you folks-without-a-name who disagree with whatever I have to say want to control everything. Just who are you? Do you have a name? Do you have any proof that anyone has set out to "control" your thinking? You seem to feel as as if you have no conscious choice, yet "Hollywood" comes to you only on your remote-control set, which you are free to switch off in your home at any time. You even have options to watch other movies and other TV channels. You are rejecting your freedom to switch off or change the channel, so what gives with you?
If she`s irrelevant, why do you people continue to stalk her?

If she retired quietly, we wouldn't.

But her omnipresent WTH tour makes her fair game.
And apparently you don't think she has the right to do anything but BE quiet interesting.

Not me.
Every time she starts flapping her pie hole she proves further what a lying, conniving, dishonest, whining blame gamer she really is.
I hope that bitch never shuts up.
If she`s irrelevant, why do you people continue to stalk her?

Because Herr Drumpf did not win the election.

And, how ironic it is that the electoral college was formed to keep candidates like him out.

In any event, Hillary is obviously still a huge threat to trump and his followers.

Are you any better educated in the history of whatever shit hole country you come from than you are in ours?

The Electoral College was formed to ensure that all states had a say in the election of president. The colonies recognized that popular vote would have New York and Pennsylvania as the only ones with a say in the presidency. Philadelphia and New York City dwarfing the populations of the rest of the colonies. Virginia had no desire to trade a king in England for one in Philadelphia.

Now it is California and New York, but the reality remains that the densely populated urban centers do not represent the rest of the nation.

Now the shit hole you come from has a dictator appointed for life, right?

The Electoral College was formed so only Landowners could vote.

No women or blacks allowed. Totally out of date now.

Nope nope nope nope. That's not true at all.
Somebody needs to ask Santa for the deluxe version of the big book of facts.

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