Never forget that Twitter 1.0 CENSORED this video of Donald Trump on J6!!!

The lying libtards and all their worthless minions are USING J6 as an excuse to suppress dissent.

It won't work. Exactly the opposite will happen. So far they've managed to royally piss off half the country.

This is not going to end well for them.
This is what the left and RINO's don't want you to see. Trump is not inciting an insurrection. Jack Smith will fail here. The media will fail too for pushing propaganda.

I have no idea why you posted that^^^^
From what I understand Trumpy got himself a target letter, informing him that an indictment is coming his way. Until the indictment is unsealed everybody is just guessing on the specific charges.
Trump is not inciting an insurrection. Jack Smith will fail here. The media will fail too for pushing propaganda.

They will not fail. The goal here is not to arrest and prosecute a criminal, the goal here is to wear Trump down, exhaust his funds, drive away his legal counsel and support, discourage him from running, and most of all, keep him off the ballot or at the very least, cost him the election with bad press, bad publicity and fake news. It would not surprise me if plans weren't already in the works by the CIA or similar agency to have him assassinated like JFK if need be!
They will not fail. The goal here is not to arrest and prosecute a criminal, the goal here is to wear Trump down, exhaust his funds, drive away his legal counsel and support, discourage him from running, and most of all, keep him off the ballot or at the very least, cost him the election with bad press, bad publicity and fake news. It would not surprise me if plans weren't already in the works by the CIA or similar agency to have him assassinated like JFK if need be!
Trump is responsible for his bad press every day.
Trump went up against John Gotti. I don't think he's much concerned with a weasel like Garland.
Not sure what happened between rump and gotti, but I doubt it had anything to do with trump possibly being thrown in prison.

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