Never Forget: The Free World Supports a FREE IRAN!!!

I am all in favor of some degree of isolationism, everything went wrong when the west started caring about the mess it left behind. I think its the perfect time for the US to cut trade and diplomatic ties with nations that hate America and Israel.
WRONG! America should reframe from cutting off diplomatic ties with anyone (well there can be a few exceptions), but if they are going to cut off dipolmatic ties it should only be countries that hate AMERICA. We should create and form diplomatic ties with countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine etc if its in America's best interest without a care or thought if its in Israel's best interest

Here is my green list (ones underlined are necessary or safe):

Asia: China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore.
Pacific: New Zealand, Australia.
Europe: Russia, Albania+Kosovo, Germany*, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Netherlands*, Belgium.
Middle East: Israel.

*Chance of civil war (Muslims vs Neo Nazi's).
I am sorry, but your list blows!

Just ignore the rest of the world, cut them off the map or something and close the UN in New York (I am sure it can relocate to Saudi Arabia or Iran).

Bad idea!
oooooh, i bet they're shaking in their boots knowing you're a-coming after 'em.


we're coming after you too hippie! Your day of reckoning is coming also! American muslims i can live with, but when america gets rid of all you liberals, we will be a be back on top baby! :eusa_pray:

getting rid of people you disagree with, that's the spirit! What could possibly be more american than that?


you really are living proof that any idiot can pass the bar.

Let's see some of the ways we supported a "Free Iran"

Was it the illegally giving them weapons to kill Iraqis while we gave the Iraqis to kill them weapons part?

Or was it overthrowing their Prime Minister in 1953 and installing the Shah?
I am all in favor of some degree of isolationism, everything went wrong when the west started caring about the mess it left behind. I think its the perfect time for the US to cut trade and diplomatic ties with nations that hate America and Israel.
WRONG! America should reframe from cutting off diplomatic ties with anyone (well there can be a few exceptions), but if they are going to cut off dipolmatic ties it should only be countries that hate AMERICA. We should create and form diplomatic ties with countries, such as Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Algeria, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine etc if its in America's best interest without a care or thought if its in Israel's best interest

Here is my green list (ones underlined are necessary or safe):

Asia: China, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore.
Pacific: New Zealand, Australia.
Europe: Russia, Albania+Kosovo, Germany*, Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, Netherlands*, Belgium.
Middle East: Israel.

*Chance of civil war (Muslims vs Neo Nazi's).
I am sorry, but your list blows!

Just ignore the rest of the world, cut them off the map or something and close the UN in New York (I am sure it can relocate to Saudi Arabia or Iran).

Bad idea!
All those places you just mentioned do hate America (or at least the vast majority its people do within those nations), and don't tell me the UN is honestly worth wasting money on. :rolleyes:
Ghook93 you really are stupid. You need to get down to the recruiter ASAP to make sure you're on that plane. Go get them evil doers tiger. Save the persians from their evil regime.
[ame=]YouTube - What's going on in Iran? (2) - June 2009 - Green Revolution[/ame]

All in all, that's not more then 200 people shown in that video.
People, that go anarchy and behave against rule of law with violence in demonstrations, will face State authority. That's common in all countries of this world. The difference is just in toughness of response.

I've sympathy for Iranian lateral thinkers. But, they are the minority and in no way they have the right to steer trouble against the rule of law, which is a framework for whole society.
You can not change that framework by saying: "Hey, our position against majority society is so hopeless, let's go anarchy and try to overthrow the regime. Maybe some regimes in the West will help us."
The world does not work this way, they will come and take you into responsibiliuty for your actions if you threaten State Authority through non-systemic approaches. And so it should be.

P.S: People like you anyway have no interest in Iranian people. You follow an other logic.
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All in all, that's not more then 200 people shown in that video.
People, that go anarchy and behave against rule of law with violence in demonstrations, will face State authority. That's common in all countries of this world. The difference is just in toughness of response.

I've sympathy for Iranian lateral thinkers. But, they are the minority and in no way they have the right to steer trouble against the rule of law, which is a framework for whole society.
You can not change that framework by saying: "Hey, our position against majority society is so hopeless, let's go anarchy and try to overthrow the regime. Maybe some regimes in the West will help us."
The world does not work this way, they will come and take you into responsibiliuty for your actions if you threaten State Authority through non-systemic approaches. And so it should be.

P.S: People like you anyway have no interest in Iranian people. You follow an other logic.

you're kidding right!? 200 people!? see below,in you're opinion are there 200 people in this pic?

our protests were completely legal.and you weren't there to see how they response to our silent protest.they response with this:


Well put! I am sure we will have differing views on many issues, but I hope we can remain civil!

All in all, that's not more then 200 people shown in that video.
People, that go anarchy and behave against rule of law with violence in demonstrations, will face State authority. That's common in all countries of this world. The difference is just in toughness of response.

I've sympathy for Iranian lateral thinkers. But, they are the minority and in no way they have the right to steer trouble against the rule of law, which is a framework for whole society.
You can not change that framework by saying: "Hey, our position against majority society is so hopeless, let's go anarchy and try to overthrow the regime. Maybe some regimes in the West will help us."
The world does not work this way, they will come and take you into responsibiliuty for your actions if you threaten State Authority through non-systemic approaches. And so it should be.

P.S: People like you anyway have no interest in Iranian people. You follow an other logic.

you're kidding right!? 200 people!? see below,in you're opinion are there 200 people in this pic?

our protests were completely legal.and you weren't there to see how they response to our silent protest.they response with this:


There were millions of people demostrating in the streets!!! But nice try.

Maybe in US and Israelian newspapers.

I think you really miscontrue what I want to happen in Iran or Turkey for that matter. Both countries are not 3rd world shitholes. Both are relatively stable countries with modern infrastructure. Their rhertoric doesn't frighten much. Iran in and of itself obtaining the bomb isn't the big threat. Its the dominio effect. First Iran, then Iraq, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, then Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Libya, etc, then it gets to some unstable dangerous countries like Yemen, Somolia, Myammar, Sudan, Nigeria, etc. It would only be a matter of time before a few go off.

Do I want Iran to fall into civil war? Absolutely NOT! That would be devastating. Rather I want to see them move away from obtaining the bomb and maybe a more moderate stance like they had under Khatmi.

For the record, despite your President's rhetoric, Turkey is not an enemy state of America (maybe Israel, but that is not my country regardless of what anyone thinks)!
you're kidding right!? 200 people!? see below,in you're opinion are there 200 people in this pic?

Looks more like 8 thousand. Still not the millions.
The millions will be, once those you're opposing will go to street.

Some of the demonstrators - like in the protests in Greece - instrumentalized the momentum to make anarchy.
Musevi taraftarlarý gösteri yapýyor / 1 - Hürriyet

I have no problem with State Authority crushing such formations.
I'll wager that American Muslims day of reckoning will be coming shortly and its not going to be pleasant, not pleasant indeed! Ditto for the European Muslims! :eusa_angel:

oooooh, i bet they're shaking in their boots knowing you're a-coming after 'em.


We're coming after you too hippie! Your day of reckoning is coming also! American Muslims I can live with, but when America gets rid of all you liberals, we will be a be back on top baby! :eusa_pray:
[ame=]YouTube - STONES IN MY HAND (KASHMIR) by ???? ????.flv[/ame]
i would wager that most of the free world doesn't give flying fuck about iran

I'll wager that the feeling is mutual.

I'll wager that American Muslims day of reckoning will be coming shortly and its not going to be pleasant, not pleasant indeed! Ditto for the European Muslims! :eusa_angel:

Misquided feelings of superiority based on an absolutely astounding lack of knowledge on the subject by yourself does not a good assertion make.
The Islamic Regimes Days are NUMBERED!!!


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