Never tire of winning. Trump makes another good decision.

The problem with this is we are NOT taking our ball and going home. We are just not going to continue to pay for their bad policies.

Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.
Actually, we are doing no such thing. Looking out after our own interests in no way qualifies as 'taking our ball and going home'.
I'm still confused by the ignore your own people is good for the country thing.

You are confused by that because it is a bullshit strawman, nobody has said that. The pact Trump pulled out of did nothing of harm to our own people, it did not put anyone before our own citizens and it did not change how we control our own immigration.

Trump lied to you and you are too stupid or too lazy to educate yourself to the facts. Or maybe it is both
The pact you mention, are you referring to the Paris climate debacle? if so, it would hurt the poor in our country by burdening them with high cost heat in the winter and higher gas prices. you sure aren't a very knowledgeable guy now are you? That also put the burden of the globe solely on the US citizens. don't try and understand it's way over your head.

I am referring to the pact in the OP, what the thread is supposed to be about. Damn boy, do try and keep up.
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

And then we'll sink their struggling boat!
To see their broken dead bodies on the shore.
Home to those yearning to be free no more!
One more plank in the Trump isolationist platform.
Ain’t that great?

It is great if you want the country you live in to turn into a 3rd world shit hole with no influence on the rest of the world.

If you happen to like your country being a major player on the world stage, then it is really not great at all
Immigration is what is turning the US into a third world shit hole.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

We would not have a country if not for immigration.

That's totally irrelevant. The immigrants who founded this country were from and an advanced civilization. They weren't stone age savages or serfs from a fuedal economy.
Ain’t that great?

It is great if you want the country you live in to turn into a 3rd world shit hole with no influence on the rest of the world.

If you happen to like your country being a major player on the world stage, then it is really not great at all
Why cause I want to take care of our own? I’m good with that! We owe nobody

It is not about owing anybody, it is about being a part of what happens around us. It is not the 1700s in more, isolationism will only make our country weaker. And every time we pull back like this one of our rivals in the world fills the void, that is a win for them and a loss for us.
What "void" are they filling, the race to be overwhelmed by a stone age culture?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

It is called "Leadership", it is something that the US once excelled in, but sadly we have not elected an actual leader in decades.

That's the kind of "leadership" performed by the head lemming going over the cliff. That's the last kind of leadership we need.

You're spouting slogans and propaganda. Your posts are entirely fact free.
Ain’t that great?

It is great if you want the country you live in to turn into a 3rd world shit hole with no influence on the rest of the world.

If you happen to like your country being a major player on the world stage, then it is really not great at all
The US won't turn into a 3rd world shit hole just because we decide not to swim in the cesspool of poorly thought out public policy found in Europe.

We can definitely pull back and let them deal with their own issues without giving up our leadership role in the world.

Everytime we take our ball and go home we hand leadership to someone else, eventually that catches up. It is the political version of a death by 1000 cuts.
The problem with this is we are NOT taking our ball and going home. We are just not going to continue to pay for their bad policies.

Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.

I certainly hope so.
It is not about owing anybody, it is about being a part of what happens around us. It is not the 1700s in more, isolationism will only make our country weaker. And every time we pull back like this one of our rivals in the world fills the void, that is a win for them and a loss for us.
What "void" are they filling, the race to be overwhelmed by a stone age culture?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

It is called "Leadership", it is something that the US once excelled in, but sadly we have not elected an actual leader in decades.
oh so give us who moves in as the leader of the world? Isn't the UN still on our shore? Don't we still manage it? just who is the new global leader? come now, you washed this scum up on shore, let's hear who it is.

Depends on the area we are talking about. In the area of trade and economic, it is China stepping in and filling the void. In other areas it is Russia or Germany and even France.

And no, we do not "manage" the UN, never have.
dude China took over trade in 2003. Where you been? What is it that Russia Germany and France are leading in exactly? getting bombed? definitely.

They're leading in the number of Christian women raped by Muslim savages.
Why cause I want to take care of our own? I’m good with that! We owe nobody

It is not about owing anybody, it is about being a part of what happens around us. It is not the 1700s in more, isolationism will only make our country weaker. And every time we pull back like this one of our rivals in the world fills the void, that is a win for them and a loss for us.
What "void" are they filling, the race to be overwhelmed by a stone age culture?

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app

It is called "Leadership", it is something that the US once excelled in, but sadly we have not elected an actual leader in decades.
oh so give us who moves in as the leader of the world? Isn't the UN still on our shore? Don't we still manage it? just who is the new global leader? come now, you washed this scum up on shore, let's hear who it is.

Depends on the area we are talking about. In the area of trade and economic, it is China stepping in and filling the void. In other areas it is Russia or Germany and even France.

And no, we do not "manage" the UN, never have.

France is leading in the number of native women raped by Muzzie savages.

What "void" is China filling, taking American jobs?
Furthermore relative to the size of our country the amount of refugees we allow in is minuscule anyway.

Key facts about refugees to the U.S.

It's the spirit of Trump_Christmas. Fuck the poor.

The shaming of the nation continues.
well good, then they won't mind we cut the incoming numbers to zero.

Is that more of the Republican Spirit of Christmas?
not at all, it's economically correct to increase wages in our country. You're against wage increases now are you? So you are more about the globe then the country. gotcha.
Furthermore relative to the size of our country the amount of refugees we allow in is minuscule anyway.

Key facts about refugees to the U.S.

It's the spirit of Trump_Christmas. Fuck the poor.

The shaming of the nation continues.
well good, then they won't mind we cut the incoming numbers to zero.

Is that more of the Republican Spirit of Christmas?
not at all, it's economically correct to increase wages in our country. You're against wage increases now are you? So you are more about the globe then the country. gotcha.

Stopping the already tiny amount of refugees we let in is going to increase wages? For what picking fruits and vegetables? Cutting grass? Great that just means higher costs down the line.

Btw it's the real Christian spirit of the people who sponsor and open up their homes to these refugee families.
Furthermore relative to the size of our country the amount of refugees we allow in is minuscule anyway.

Key facts about refugees to the U.S.

It's the spirit of Trump_Christmas. Fuck the poor.

The shaming of the nation continues.
well good, then they won't mind we cut the incoming numbers to zero.

Is that more of the Republican Spirit of Christmas?
not at all, it's economically correct to increase wages in our country. You're against wage increases now are you? So you are more about the globe then the country. gotcha.

Stopping the already tiny amount of refugees we let in is going to increase wages? For what picking fruits and vegetables? Cutting grass? Great that just means higher costs down the line.

Btw it's the real Christian spirit of the people who sponsor and open up their homes to these refugee families.
Yeah. Helps our neighborhoods and school districts out save money.
Furthermore relative to the size of our country the amount of refugees we allow in is minuscule anyway.

Key facts about refugees to the U.S.

It's the spirit of Trump_Christmas. Fuck the poor.

The shaming of the nation continues.
well good, then they won't mind we cut the incoming numbers to zero.

Is that more of the Republican Spirit of Christmas?
not at all, it's economically correct to increase wages in our country. You're against wage increases now are you? So you are more about the globe then the country. gotcha.

Stopping the already tiny amount of refugees we let in is going to increase wages? For what picking fruits and vegetables? Cutting grass? Great that just means higher costs down the line.

Btw it's the real Christian spirit of the people who sponsor and open up their homes to these refugee families.
isn't that what's great about america, freedom to own a home and open it up to whoever you like. why do you want to end that?
Furthermore relative to the size of our country the amount of refugees we allow in is minuscule anyway.

Key facts about refugees to the U.S.

It's the spirit of Trump_Christmas. Fuck the poor.

The shaming of the nation continues.
well good, then they won't mind we cut the incoming numbers to zero.

Is that more of the Republican Spirit of Christmas?
not at all, it's economically correct to increase wages in our country. You're against wage increases now are you? So you are more about the globe then the country. gotcha.

Stopping the already tiny amount of refugees we let in is going to increase wages? For what picking fruits and vegetables? Cutting grass? Great that just means higher costs down the line.

Btw it's the real Christian spirit of the people who sponsor and open up their homes to these refugee families.
isn't that what's great about america, freedom to own a home and open it up to whoever you like. why do you want to end that?

Hmm yes why does "Grand Tweeter" and his supporters want that?
The US won't turn into a 3rd world shit hole just because we decide not to swim in the cesspool of poorly thought out public policy found in Europe.

We can definitely pull back and let them deal with their own issues without giving up our leadership role in the world.

Everytime we take our ball and go home we hand leadership to someone else, eventually that catches up. It is the political version of a death by 1000 cuts.
The problem with this is we are NOT taking our ball and going home. We are just not going to continue to pay for their bad policies.

Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.
Actually, we are doing no such thing. Looking out after our own interests in no way qualifies as 'taking our ball and going home'.

yeah, the kid that takes his football and goes home because they will not let him play QB is also "looking after his own interest"
You just don't get it, do you? The world needs us more than we need the world. There is no way in hell the US will give up a leadership role in the world. Your problem is that you want the U.S. not to be in a leadership role, but to emulate the rest of the world and then play resource supply to everyone.

Screw that.
Everytime we take our ball and go home we hand leadership to someone else, eventually that catches up. It is the political version of a death by 1000 cuts.
The problem with this is we are NOT taking our ball and going home. We are just not going to continue to pay for their bad policies.

Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.
Actually, we are doing no such thing. Looking out after our own interests in no way qualifies as 'taking our ball and going home'.
I'm still confused by the ignore your own people is good for the country thing.

You are confused by that because it is a bullshit strawman, nobody has said that. The pact Trump pulled out of did nothing of harm to our own people, it did not put anyone before our own citizens and it did not change how we control our own immigration.

Trump lied to you and you are too stupid or too lazy to educate yourself to the facts. Or maybe it is both
No, you're lying to us right now.
The problem with this is we are NOT taking our ball and going home. We are just not going to continue to pay for their bad policies.

Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.
Actually, we are doing no such thing. Looking out after our own interests in no way qualifies as 'taking our ball and going home'.
I'm still confused by the ignore your own people is good for the country thing.

You are confused by that because it is a bullshit strawman, nobody has said that. The pact Trump pulled out of did nothing of harm to our own people, it did not put anyone before our own citizens and it did not change how we control our own immigration.

Trump lied to you and you are too stupid or too lazy to educate yourself to the facts. Or maybe it is both
No, you're lying to us right now.

Then feel free to prove me wrong. List all the things in the compact that overrule our laws and require us to do anything we do not want to do.

To even make things even I will list all the things in the compact that overrule our laws and require us do to things we do not want to do.


All done. Your turn.
You just don't get it, do you? The world needs us more than we need the world. There is no way in hell the US will give up a leadership role in the world. Your problem is that you want the U.S. not to be in a leadership role, but to emulate the rest of the world and then play resource supply to everyone.

Screw that.

The world does not need us as much as you think.

The US is giving up a leadership role everytime we pull back from these things, you just have your head too far up Trump's ass to understand that.
Actually it is exactly what we did, and it is becoming a trend under Trump.
Actually, we are doing no such thing. Looking out after our own interests in no way qualifies as 'taking our ball and going home'.
I'm still confused by the ignore your own people is good for the country thing.

You are confused by that because it is a bullshit strawman, nobody has said that. The pact Trump pulled out of did nothing of harm to our own people, it did not put anyone before our own citizens and it did not change how we control our own immigration.

Trump lied to you and you are too stupid or too lazy to educate yourself to the facts. Or maybe it is both
No, you're lying to us right now.

Then feel free to prove me wrong. List all the things in the compact that overrule our laws and require us to do anything we do not want to do.

To even make things even I will list all the things in the compact that overrule our laws and require us do to things we do not want to do.


All done. Your turn.
You just said it. To do the things we want to do. We do NOT want unvetted animals from war torn countries in this country. We have the right morally and legally, to keep them from entering this country. Our government's very first priority is to safeguard THIS country ahead of all other concerns. ALL OTHER CONCERNS.

The compact required we take a certain number of these people, regardless of our own concerns.

I highly doubt you'll even bother considering these items, yet demand I prove you wrong when you have no intention of accepting how wrong you are.

Fuck this compact and those who support it. As the sign says, fuck off, we're full.

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