never will be racial harmony=blacks indoctrinated

...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive
I want more links.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
hahahah--sure I am --because your definition of racism says so
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
hahahah--sure I am --because your definition of racism says so

Because you have proven yourself so.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you.
...of course you don't believe it --you are just like Smollett = there HAS to be racism/WHITE racist in -20 degrees Chicago at 2AM in the morning who knows a third tier actor on a black show!!
....NO white kids have ever had black kids as friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! are like Harris and Booker = you CAN'T believe it cause that would make your life and theories all WRONG DON'T want to believe it's true

just listen to yourself!! white kids can't have black friends!!!!?????!!!!!!!
can't grow up in a black hood!!!!!!!????

sorry--but all true--I had some other idiot say the same thing as you
you people are so warped by your idiocy/racism/hatred/etc you can't think
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you. are like Ellen Page/Booker/etc --you can't add 1 +1 because of your racism/hate
...THINK for yourself for once = we didn't have smartphones/dozens of MSM channels/inet/etc where RACE is on everyday!!!!
..when we were kids, we NEVER THOUGHT about race/racial stuff!!!
..race never entered our minds when we were kids
sorry--my story is true
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you.
....NO white kids have ever had black kids as friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....white kids can't have black friends!!!!?????!!!!!!!

No one has said that. Everyone just knows with a high degree of certainty that YOU are lying your ass off.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you.
....NO white kids have ever had black kids as friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....white kids can't have black friends!!!!?????!!!!!!!

No one has said that. Everyone just knows with a high degree of certainty that YOU are lying your ass off.
sorry --true---and you are not thinking
as kids we didn't hear/care/etc about race
.....then when I was in the service, the blacks ''kept to themselves'''--sure, we hanged around with some and went out to party......but you could tell they wanted to ''be different goes on.....and then we have all this Mike Brown crap/all this WHITES =RACIST 24/7 and you [ me ] are not thinking like a kid anymore
TRUE---- a white kid can't grow up having black friends ----and then as he gets older, can't see that the MSM/blacks cry RACISM 24/7--and then realize the MSM/black crap is lies/bullshit????!!!!!??????
please answer
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you.
....NO white kids have ever had black kids as friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....white kids can't have black friends!!!!?????!!!!!!!

No one has said that. Everyone just knows with a high degree of certainty that YOU are lying your ass off. prove many of my/our points = like Smollett/etc, you can't add 1 + 1 because your brain is so warped/brainwashed by racism/etc crap
.......Harmonica is sitting there at his computer, trying on a new white hood and hanging up his confederate flag [ like the Chicago rednecks ]
...whenever Harmonica sees a black, he yells racial slurs/etc
THIS is what you idiots think---I'm JUST like the hundreds of rednecks in --20 Chicago at 2am

......I help blacks if they are in need...I hold doors open for them......I say hi/good morning to them etc
....AND you prove the point of the OP---you are so brainwashed/warped, you can't think straight---there will ALWAYS be EVIL whites/racism--no matter what--every where
....You may have been a stupid mindless kid, but in the unlikely event you knew any black kids at all they absolutely positively thought about race. You assuming your experience as a white kid growing up as the same as a black kid growing up is laughably ignorant. Go find any adult African-American and see if they tell you differently.
Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

100% do not believe you.
....NO white kids have ever had black kids as friends !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

....white kids can't have black friends!!!!?????!!!!!!!

No one has said that. Everyone just knows with a high degree of certainty that YOU are lying your ass off. prove many of my/our points = like Smollett/etc, you can't add 1 + 1 because your brain is so warped/brainwashed by racism/etc crap

Calling bullshit on YOUR little fiction is anything but racism.
.......Harmonica is sitting there at his computer, trying on a new white hood and hanging up his confederate flag [ like the Chicago rednecks ]
...whenever Harmonica sees a black, he yells racial slurs/etc
THIS is what you idiots think---I'm JUST like the hundreds of rednecks in --20 Chicago at 2am

......I help blacks if they are in need...I hold doors open for them......I say hi/good morning to them etc
....AND you prove the point of the OP---you are so brainwashed/warped, you can't think straight---there will ALWAYS be EVIL whites/racism--no matter what--every where

No one but YOU has said any such “whites evil” nonsense.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
Except you don’t know a single black person who thinks Smollet or Wright are racist, that is only what YOU think because you are more liberal than the vast majority of black people in this country.

It is no accident that the vast majority of black people on this forum are proud racists while the majority of white posters on here are ignorant of racial issues or are on the side of the aforementioned black racists.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
Except you don’t know a single black person who thinks Smollet or Wright are racist, that is only what YOU think because you are more liberal than the vast majority of black people in this country.



What reality-altering drugs are you on?
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
Except you don’t know a single black person who thinks Smollet or Wright are racist, that is only what YOU think because you are more liberal than the vast majority of black people in this country.



What reality-altering drugs are you on?
You just proved that you are.
....You may have been a stupid mindless kid, but in the unlikely event you knew any black kids at all they absolutely positively thought about race. You assuming your experience as a white kid growing up as the same as a black kid growing up is laughably ignorant. Go find any adult African-American and see if they tell you differently.

"Excuse me sir, might I ask your opinion on race?"

"Fuk U nigga gimme all ur money" blam blam blam
Just to weigh in, and quickly exit this madness.
Having grown up in the 50's and 60's, I saw and experienced REAL discrimination at its peak.

But through it all, I met some good people of all races.

What makes you suspect is that your language is littered with statements like "All blacks hate all whites".

And then, you sink even lower by stating that "Blacks hate rich whites".

How more stupid can you be?

There is no reason for ANYONE to draw ignorant conclusions about an ENTIRE race.....but YOU do.

If you honestly grew up around mostly blacks, you would have at least one positive story about SOMETHING.

Until then, you deserve to be dismissed as a lying, fradulent, race baiting asshole
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Just to weigh in, and quickly exit this madness.
Having grown up in the 50's and 60's, I saw and experienced REAL discrimination at its peak.

But through it all, I met some good people of all races.

What makes you suspect is that your language is littered with statements like "All blacks hate all whites".

And then, you sink even lower by stating that "Blacks hate rich whites".

How more stupid can you be?

There is no reason for ANYONE to draw ignorant conclusions about an ENTIRE race.....but YOU do.

If you honestly grew up around mostly blacks, you would have at least one positive story about SOMETHING.

Until then, you deserve to be dismissed as a lying, fradulent, race baiting asshole
A white kid who grew up in a mostly non-white city because their parents couldn’t or wouldn’t move went through more shit in one week than you have in your entire life. There was no church for that kid to run to, there was no NAACP, no BLM, no specific television channels for them to watch to make them feel like their grievances were legitimate.

REAL discrimination at its peak would be top-down organized and sophisticated oppression. Something that is impossible without the technology of today.

Considering that the internet didn’t exist in the 50s and 60s and the media was extremely limited to newspapers and prime time news on only a few channels, you have no fucking clue what peak discrimination would be. You couldn’t fathom what even the Covington Catholic high school kids went through.

If you were really oppressed as much as you say there would still be a strong system in place today, there wouldn’t be black people in the federal government TODAY, there wouldn’t be national advocacy groups, there wouldn’t be a political party that riots when you don’t talk about black issues for a second etc. So either what you went through was weak sauce compared to what the average white person goes through today, or the system of oppression no longer existed by the 1950s and this is yet another lie from black activists and Democrats.
....You may have been a stupid mindless kid, but in the unlikely event you knew any black kids at all they absolutely positively thought about race. You assuming your experience as a white kid growing up as the same as a black kid growing up is laughably ignorant. Go find any adult African-American and see if they tell you differently.

"Excuse me sir, might I ask your opinion on race?"

"Fuk U nigga gimme all ur money" blam blam blam

Not funny
Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
Rev Wright is a racist jerk and you call ME a jackass??!!!
Smollett is a OBVIOUSLY racist jerk who HATES, and you call ME a jackass?

Yes. All three of y’all are racist jackasses.
Except you don’t know a single black person who thinks Smollet or Wright are racist, that is only what YOU think because you are more liberal than the vast majority of black people in this country.



What reality-altering drugs are you on?
You just proved that you are.

How so, exactly?

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