never will be racial harmony=blacks indoctrinated

A white kid who grew up in a mostly non-white city because their parents couldn’t or wouldn’t move went through more shit in one week than you have in your entire life. There was no church for that kid to run to, there was no NAACP, no BLM, no specific television channels for them to watch to make them feel like their grievances were legitimate.

REAL discrimination at its peak would be top-down organized and sophisticated oppression. Something that is impossible without the technology of today.

Considering that the internet didn’t exist in the 50s and 60s and the media was extremely limited to newspapers and prime time news on only a few channels, you have no fucking clue what peak discrimination would be. You couldn’t fathom what even the Covington Catholic high school kids went through.

If you were really oppressed as much as you say there would still be a strong system in place today, there wouldn’t be black people in the federal government TODAY, there wouldn’t be national advocacy groups, there wouldn’t be a political party that riots when you don’t talk about black issues for a second etc. So either what you went through was weak sauce compared to what the average white person goes through today, or the system of oppression no longer existed by the 1950s and this is yet another lie from black activists and Democrats.

ROFLMAO! Would you like a tissue? I have plenty. YOU did not live during the era when discrimination was LEGAL and endorsed. Your parents never had shit and urine thrown on them for peacefully protesting for just the right to vote and not having to sit in the back of a bus or be denied service because of their race.

Have YOU ever had to go to the bathroom and been told that you can't?

Have YOU ever been LEGALLY restricted from ANY public facility based solely on the color of your skin?

As far as those coddled "victims" at Covington, one little puny white kid got in the face of a Native American elder, and they had a staredown.

Did you see the "poor, victimized" white kids being sprayed with hoses by the fire department?

Did you see any police dogs being unleashed on them?

You have no fucking clue what REAL discrimination is, and if you ever saw it or experienced it first hand, you would either committ suicide, or more likely cower under your bed in a fetal position.

I've seen and experienced all of the above in my lifetime, so don't talk to me about "discrimination".

You have no idea what it REALLY means when it is practiced and LEGALLY enforced.
Discrimination IS legal and endorsed idiot. You only think it isn’t because it doesn’t affect you.

How many peaceful protests have been attacked by Antifa that resulted in the protesters AND the police getting shit and urine thrown on them? Hundreds? Thousands?

White people get restricted from public places all the time, they are called universities, PUBLIC universities. White students are forced to pay for black only, Hispanic only etc groups through their tuition that then use classrooms, dorm halls and even the library as their base of operation, further restricting public access for white students.

Did “whitelash” CNN tell you that bullshit about the Covington kids or was it some other racist station? We have the video footage for the entire thing idiot. Your uninformed, racist opinion doesn’t matter.

They are getting death threats from well known celebrities and even fucking teachers on top of the usual barbarians. That is far worse than possibly getting hit by a fire hose in a riot that you started. Again, the age of social media and 24/7 “news” is far more dangerous than when all you had to worry about were a few local crazies.

I know exactly what REAL discrimination is. I see it and feel it every day despite removing myself from the influence of pop culture and the Democrat diploma mills you call universities. There no longer needs to be as much violence to oppress and destroy people. This is just the new age Jim Crow that you are too heartless and stupid to recognize.

ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

"But, I CAN'T be a racist! I have _________ friends!" :21: It just never gets old.
It seems to work all the time for Democrats.

“We have token white people in our party, we can’t be racists”
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.
I guarantee you “that smirking little wise ass” was more articulate in that interview than katsteve2012 has ever been in his whole life.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

"But, I CAN'T be a racist! I have _________ friends!" :21: It just never gets old.
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
all of the expressions of hatred are coming from Smollett.
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
Shut the hell up you bitch ass nigga. You will continue to run this country further into the ground and risk lives every time you breathe. You’re not the president. Just a dumpster full of hate. FOH. Sick to my stomach that literal shit currently represents America to the world.
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
reveals just how much former First Daughter hates her father's successor
'Donald Trump is evil
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
Rich white men
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

"But, I CAN'T be a racist! I have _________ friends!" :21: It just never gets old.

They're hiding in the bushes. They are coming for YOU! Run!
...there will always be racial problems because the blacks are indoctrinated to hate/etc
..there are so many examples
they prove the BLACKS are the haters--NOT Trump or the whites
they hate rich WHITE men/etc

..1. Jussie Smollett
----here's a relatively young black that has a fantastic life/livelihood/$$$$/etc
BUT he HATES so much that he dreams/fakes/makes up RACISM!!!!!
.---------it's undeniable he is overly OBSESSED with it
JS on Trump--vulgar/immature/HATEful:
= PURE HATE!!!!!!!! TDS...hates/Obsessed to the point he makes up the DUMBEST fake hate crime ever
Jussie Smollett: Alleged Attack Is Curious | National Review

2. Malia Obama is even younger- 20
---born with a silver spoon--BLACK parents making MILLIONS$$$
goes to the best schools/travels all over the world/etc
yet she HATES
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals anti-Trump photos | Daily Mail Online

-----her DAD hates whites/America/cops [ I've linked this many times ]
-------where does Dad get it from?? = his RACIST/white/cop/Jew-America hating pastor

Rev Wright hates:
the cycle goes on and on
Controversial comments made by Rev Jeremiah Wright
hate etc link after link --etc on Rev Wright hate/racism
if you want more links--ask and you shall receive

Hey jackass, how many close friends do you have who are black? Coworkers? Anyone you speak to on a regular basis? You are under no obligation to have any, but you really do sound like an ignorant fucking moron.
..I would say half the workers at my work are black and I talk to them everyday

....I grew up in a black hood--most of my friends were black...we called each other the N word..I called my real bros the N word
..I dressed/talked/black....listened to black music
...I really didn't ''like'' time at my practice some whites [ not from our area ] were givng my dad trouble, and I did call them ''white MFs''
.....I played/hanged around with blacks growing up .....we had a lot of blacks on our little league baseball teams....had a black coach
etc etc etc on and on
so your post/theory/etc is CRAP

it's plain as day = they teach their kids to ''hate''/etc

"But, I CAN'T be a racist! I have _________ friends!" :21: It just never gets old.

They're hiding in the bushes. They are coming for YOU! Run!
...they even disguise themselves as blacks--ingenious---THEN, when they are caught, they blame it on the black man--INGENIOUS
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.

Why shouldn't he be allowed to defend himself after the media put a big target on his head?
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.
I guarantee you “that smirking little wise ass” was more articulate in that interview than katsteve2012 has ever been in his whole life.

Well little guy, I've lived approximately 2.5 times longer than you, have obtained more education than you and never drove a forklift for chump change because I could not coexist with females in the workplace or believed that the world was out to "get me" because of what I read from the confines of my room on a computer screen.

You are a just a silver spoon sucking, coddled crybaby, who is probably just too lazy to get out and see the real world and accomplish something.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.

Why shouldn't he be allowed to defend himself after the media put a big target on his head?

Well by your logic, "he is just a kid".

Maybe he should have had an adult present with him to "defend him". Or does that not make any sense?

If I believed that a 15 year old that I am responsible for, actually "had a target on his head" I would have been present to support him or her.

Anyway, it is old news.
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.

Why shouldn't he be allowed to defend himself after the media put a big target on his head?

Well by your logic, "he is just a kid".

Maybe he should have had an adult present with him to "defend him". Or does that not make any sense?

If I believed that a 15 year old that I am responsible for, actually "had a target on his head" I would have been present to support him or her.

Anyway, it is old news.

Yeah, old news. Let's just forget yet another example of the irresponsible and biased media trying to ruin someone's life for not having the correct politics and skin color.
ROFLMAO! Would you like a tissue? I have plenty. YOU did not live during the era when discrimination was LEGAL and endorsed. Your parents never had shit and urine thrown on them for peacefully protesting for just the right to vote and not having to sit in the back of a bus or be denied service because of their race.

Have YOU ever had to go to the bathroom and been told that you can't?

Have YOU ever been LEGALLY restricted from ANY public facility based solely on the color of your skin?

As far as those coddled "victims" at Covington, one little puny white kid got in the face of a Native American elder, and they had a staredown.

Did you see the "poor, victimized" white kids being sprayed with hoses by the fire department?

Did you see any police dogs being unleashed on them?

You have no fucking clue what REAL discrimination is, and if you ever saw it or experienced it first hand, you would either committ suicide, or more likely cower under your bed in a fetal position.

I've seen and experienced all of the above in my lifetime, so don't talk to me about "discrimination".

You have no idea what it REALLY means when it is practiced and LEGALLY enforced.
Discrimination IS legal and endorsed idiot. You only think it isn’t because it doesn’t affect you.

How many peaceful protests have been attacked by Antifa that resulted in the protesters AND the police getting shit and urine thrown on them? Hundreds? Thousands?

White people get restricted from public places all the time, they are called universities, PUBLIC universities. White students are forced to pay for black only, Hispanic only etc groups through their tuition that then use classrooms, dorm halls and even the library as their base of operation, further restricting public access for white students.

Did “whitelash” CNN tell you that bullshit about the Covington kids or was it some other racist station? We have the video footage for the entire thing idiot. Your uninformed, racist opinion doesn’t matter.

They are getting death threats from well known celebrities and even fucking teachers on top of the usual barbarians. That is far worse than possibly getting hit by a fire hose in a riot that you started. Again, the age of social media and 24/7 “news” is far more dangerous than when all you had to worry about were a few local crazies.

I know exactly what REAL discrimination is. I see it and feel it every day despite removing myself from the influence of pop culture and the Democrat diploma mills you call universities. There no longer needs to be as much violence to oppress and destroy people. This is just the new age Jim Crow that you are too heartless and stupid to recognize.

ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.

You thickheaded, plow pushing moron. If you had stayed in school and learned some remedial geography, you would know that KENTUCKY IS CONSIDERED A SOUTHERN STATE.

And it's historical culture as a state makes it even more SOUTHERN than some other states in the south.

I just knew that you said you were IN KENTUCKY.

I know where Louisville is, and have been there.

And if you actually were born into middle class surroundings, why didn't any middle class values influence your attitude toward life and education?
Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.

Why shouldn't he be allowed to defend himself after the media put a big target on his head?

Well by your logic, "he is just a kid".

Maybe he should have had an adult present with him to "defend him". Or does that not make any sense?

If I believed that a 15 year old that I am responsible for, actually "had a target on his head" I would have been present to support him or her.

Anyway, it is old news.

Yeah, old news. Let's just forget yet another example of the irresponsible and biased media trying to ruin someone's life for not having the correct politics and skin color.

It's a life lesson for him. If he survives and grows into an objective adult as opposed to a conspiracy theory groupie that believes that all of the media is out to publish fake news and wage a personalized attack on him because of his politics and skin color, he may look back at the experience for something other than what some feel it is. Yes. Its old news.
We were much closer to it before Obama.....
You mean before reaganomics and bushanomics caused the Great Recession.

Only Bill Clinton had a surplus
Reagan bush and bush all sucked.

20 years of republicans and the only great era was the Clinton 90s.

Reagan borrowed and had fuzzy math. He was the beginning of all our problems despite the fact you think he was good. He was not for the middle class. He broke unions and stop informing the policy of only hiring Mexicans to do jobs Americans wouldn’t do like migrant work
What the fuck do you expect from him? He's 15. Just a kid.

What the fuck do you think I expected of him?

The answer is nothing.

That was my point, it was a waste of time by him being interviwed on the Today show.

Why shouldn't he be allowed to defend himself after the media put a big target on his head?

Well by your logic, "he is just a kid".

Maybe he should have had an adult present with him to "defend him". Or does that not make any sense?

If I believed that a 15 year old that I am responsible for, actually "had a target on his head" I would have been present to support him or her.

Anyway, it is old news.

Yeah, old news. Let's just forget yet another example of the irresponsible and biased media trying to ruin someone's life for not having the correct politics and skin color.

It's a life lesson for him. If he survives and grows into an objective adult as opposed to a conspiracy theory groupie that believes that all of the media is out to publish fake news and wage a personalized attack on him because of his politics and skin color, he may look back at the experience for something other than what some feel it is. Yes. Its old news.

Media bias is a conspiracy, but it's no theory. They make big $$$ with clickbait articles and sensational headlines designed to attract outrage. They know nobody is easier to provoke into a frothing tantrum than the social justice left. So they use it and don't care about the repercussions to society.
Discrimination IS legal and endorsed idiot. You only think it isn’t because it doesn’t affect you.

How many peaceful protests have been attacked by Antifa that resulted in the protesters AND the police getting shit and urine thrown on them? Hundreds? Thousands?

White people get restricted from public places all the time, they are called universities, PUBLIC universities. White students are forced to pay for black only, Hispanic only etc groups through their tuition that then use classrooms, dorm halls and even the library as their base of operation, further restricting public access for white students.

Did “whitelash” CNN tell you that bullshit about the Covington kids or was it some other racist station? We have the video footage for the entire thing idiot. Your uninformed, racist opinion doesn’t matter.

They are getting death threats from well known celebrities and even fucking teachers on top of the usual barbarians. That is far worse than possibly getting hit by a fire hose in a riot that you started. Again, the age of social media and 24/7 “news” is far more dangerous than when all you had to worry about were a few local crazies.

I know exactly what REAL discrimination is. I see it and feel it every day despite removing myself from the influence of pop culture and the Democrat diploma mills you call universities. There no longer needs to be as much violence to oppress and destroy people. This is just the new age Jim Crow that you are too heartless and stupid to recognize.

ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.

You thickheaded, plow pushing moron. If you had stayed in school and learned some remedial geography, you would know that KENTUCKY IS CONSIDERED A SOUTHERN STATE.

And it's historical culture as a state makes it even more SOUTHERN than some other states in the south.

I just knew that you said you were IN KENTUCKY.

I know where Louisville is, and have been there.

And if you actually were born into middle class surroundings, why didn't any middle class values influence your attitude toward life and education?
what's worse ---a moron or a BIGOT/racist like you????
Discrimination IS legal and endorsed idiot. You only think it isn’t because it doesn’t affect you.

How many peaceful protests have been attacked by Antifa that resulted in the protesters AND the police getting shit and urine thrown on them? Hundreds? Thousands?

White people get restricted from public places all the time, they are called universities, PUBLIC universities. White students are forced to pay for black only, Hispanic only etc groups through their tuition that then use classrooms, dorm halls and even the library as their base of operation, further restricting public access for white students.

Did “whitelash” CNN tell you that bullshit about the Covington kids or was it some other racist station? We have the video footage for the entire thing idiot. Your uninformed, racist opinion doesn’t matter.

They are getting death threats from well known celebrities and even fucking teachers on top of the usual barbarians. That is far worse than possibly getting hit by a fire hose in a riot that you started. Again, the age of social media and 24/7 “news” is far more dangerous than when all you had to worry about were a few local crazies.

I know exactly what REAL discrimination is. I see it and feel it every day despite removing myself from the influence of pop culture and the Democrat diploma mills you call universities. There no longer needs to be as much violence to oppress and destroy people. This is just the new age Jim Crow that you are too heartless and stupid to recognize.

ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.

You thickheaded, plow pushing moron. If you had stayed in school and learned some remedial geography, you would know that KENTUCKY IS CONSIDERED A SOUTHERN STATE.

And it's historical culture as a state makes it even more SOUTHERN than some other states in the south.

I just knew that you said you were IN KENTUCKY.

I know where Louisville is, and have been there.

And if you actually were born into middle class surroundings, why didn't any middle class values influence your attitude toward life and education?
There you go contradicting yourself.

Kentucky is not the “Deep South”, it is a state only considered southern because of its side in the civil war.

Kentucky didn’t even have fucking NASCAR until a few years ago.

And Louisville is more part of the north than the entire state of Indiana.
Last edited:
ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.

You thickheaded, plow pushing moron. If you had stayed in school and learned some remedial geography, you would know that KENTUCKY IS CONSIDERED A SOUTHERN STATE.

And it's historical culture as a state makes it even more SOUTHERN than some other states in the south.

I just knew that you said you were IN KENTUCKY.

I know where Louisville is, and have been there.

And if you actually were born into middle class surroundings, why didn't any middle class values influence your attitude toward life and education?
what's worse ---a moron or a BIGOT/racist like you????

Im not sure whice is worse, but since you appear to be some of both, feel free to answer your own question.

You may also feel free to prove that I am a racist. Not one post that I have ever put up in this forum has categorized ALL of any race for any reason.

Can YOU say the same thing? Or are you hypocritically refusing to acknowledge the ignorant, racist bigot that resides within your own rotten psyche?
Last edited:
ROFLMAO! You are NOT oppressed, you stupid, whiny, little spolied child.

I saw the footage of Convinton. In fact I watched it several times, trying to see exactly where "discrimination" was ever inflicted upon those white kids. Not one even so much as got a fact, the one who had the "staredown" even was interviewed on the Today Show.

White people are not being kept out of universities, and there in evidence of this happening. If anything it's in your own imagination.

White people are the majority on MOST college campuses...and there are more than just a few who are there based on legacy admission policies, or what would be more accurately deemed as nepotism.

If YOU made the decision to not further your own education and drop out of society based on the assumption that universities are Democrat "diploma mills", all that you did was to limit yourself by becoming a keyboard, computer screen warrior who stands for nothing but falls for anything.

Up to and including the ridiculous, the bullshit conspiracy theory that the white population is "under siege".....Poor You.

As far as "hundreds or thousands" of police officers in America having urine and feces thrown on them by protesters, feel free to post just a couple of examples of that lie.

There is no "New Age of Jim Crow" You would shit your pants and fucking slash your own throat if you had to endure one minute of what Jim Crow was REALLY like.

Your problem is very clear. You are unfortunately a few generations too late to be legally "entitled" and being legally on equal footing with non whites in society, and are just another coddled millenial who is angry and butthurt. If that is "heartless" tough's the truth.
You didn’t watch shit and you are knowingly moving the goalposts. The media is being sued for hundreds of millions stupid inbred. The media knowingly attacked fucking KIDS because they are white despite having loads of footage of black supremacists using racist slurs against those kids and a dumbass Native American got in THEIR faces despite the fact that they were on the side of the Native American group that the black supremacists were initially protesting.

I am not going to even respond to the rest of your nonsense. It is obvious that you are just angry that a white millennial woke the fuck up and isn’t bowing down to your ignorance. You wouldn’t know the truth if it struck you with a metal pipe. I love that you fear actual equality.

Idiot, how could anyone NOT see that fucking joke being spun as discrimination? It was all over every network, and I watched that smirking little wise ass get interviewed on the today show. And he was barely even coherent.

That was hardly an attack, you empty headed fool.

As far as "moving the goalposts", I don't need to. You contradict yourself enough to look foolish the more that you post.

But it is always just more of your fucking "poor me" pity party, and your
sniveling is not manly at all.

You are just whining because I won't buy your victimhood as being a fact.

Besides that, personally I don't give shit whether you think you're awake or not, what some ignorant hick sitting behind a computer somewhere in the deep south, thinks is irrelevant to me.

So yes. Please don't respond to anything that I have to say, because you are so far out of touch with reality, you should be declared delusional and be institutionalized.
Louisville Kentucky is not the “Deep South” you uneducated, inbred inner city punk . A child of middle class parents born in the mid-west also can’t be a fucking hick dipshit.

You are living proof that college doesn’t make worthless people any less worthless.

Seriously name ONE fucking time I have contradicted myself on this entire site.

You thickheaded, plow pushing moron. If you had stayed in school and learned some remedial geography, you would know that KENTUCKY IS CONSIDERED A SOUTHERN STATE.

And it's historical culture as a state makes it even more SOUTHERN than some other states in the south.

I just knew that you said you were IN KENTUCKY.

I know where Louisville is, and have been there.

And if you actually were born into middle class surroundings, why didn't any middle class values influence your attitude toward life and education?
There you go contradicting yourself.

Kentucky is not the “Deep South”, it is a state only considered southern because of its side in the civil war.

Kentucky didn’t even have fucking NASCAR until a few years ago.

And Louisville is more part of the north than the entire state of Indiana.

I am not contradicting anything. This is what the census bureau says regarding the "southern states".

"As defined by the United States Census Bureau, the Southern region of the United States includes sixteen states. ... The South Atlantic States: Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. The East South Central States: Alabama, Kentucky, Mississippi and Tennessee."

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