New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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The rightwing propaganda machine, and rightwing politicians, will give up on Benghazi when it stops making money for them.

This isn't propaganda, this is reality. Normally, we admit those who consistently dismiss reality to the insane asylum...

I am sure the families of the tortured and raped and murdered think it is all propaganda.

No, the morons the left do not know what propaganda is. Fahrenheit 911 is propaganda. Dividing the races is propaganda. When you see what the Democrats are all about, you see that is all they really do. It has worked for them too. Their morons (like this moron NY Cabineer) fall for the list cliches every time.

They go for the script don't they?
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And still there is no link.


This person I think is trying to say Obama did not lie about Benghazi. I think. :badgrin:
Playing the Bush card:

Dude...that was so 6 years ago.

Wow, guy, you do understand there's a major difference between not remember who inserted a word into a memo and who got us into a war based on a lie, right?

One is a provable lie and the other a false assumption based on accurate intelligence.

Well, if the assumption is false, then the intelligence wasn't accurate. A lot of people really did question whether Saddam had WMD's. They were ignored, because, hey, Halliburton needed a strong quarter.

On the other hand, no one really "proved" that the memo was a lie because we STILL don't know how much the Demonstrations played a role in the attack on Benghazi. Unless you live in Wingnut fantasy land where 30 other attacks in other countries were based on that video and the one in Benghazi wasn't.
The Obama White House USED the YouTube video controversy to hide their own policy failures...failures that resulted in the death of our Ambassador and three other brave Americans in Benghazi. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton stood in front of those caskets at Andrews Air Force base and lied to the families of those men...blaming what took place on a nonexistent protest against the video.

Go back and listen to Hillary Clinton that day and keep in mind that when she's giving that speech she KNOWS there was no demonstration against a video that day in Benghazi. Who does that? Who can look a mother right in the eye, lie to her about how her son died and then turn around months later and ask "What does it matter?" What kind of a heartless piece of shit does that and is able to look at themselves in the mirror afterwards?

Ah, so when you can't argue the point, appeal to emotion.

One person said he wasn't sure if there was a demonstration because the demonstration was over by the time he got there, so there must not have been a demonstration. I get it.

The thing is, you guys want to pretend that whether or not it was over a video matters.

It really doesn't. And we'll probably never really know, anyway.
I think armor, or the lack of it to protect us, was more the problem.

Do me a favor and STFU.

no, the problem was that we were there to start with and interferring in their problems, which had nothing to do with us.

they weren't going to be happier about the situation because you had better armor.

Just ask the guys who were interferring with the problems of IRaq if that did any good.

Listen pencil-neck. The kind of armor I'm talking about isn't what you wear, it's what you drive around in.

We were the only country there that didn't have fully armored vehicles. Driving around in Hummers with nothing but aluminum door panels and 5 tons with nothing but canvas for protection in a hostile city full of religious assholes was suicide.

We put in a request 6 months before Blackhawk Down for Armored Personnel Carriers and we were denied. They instead gave them to the Pakistani UN troops. I had to train them how to operate the 50 cals mounted on them myself.

driving around in a hostile city full of religious fanatics was the problem.

And your Boy Bush thought this was a wonderful idea.

Again, we keep sticking our dicks in the Hornet's Nest and wondering why we get stung.
The Obama White House USED the YouTube video controversy to hide their own policy failures...failures that resulted in the death of our Ambassador and three other brave Americans in Benghazi. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton stood in front of those caskets at Andrews Air Force base and lied to the families of those men...blaming what took place on a nonexistent protest against the video.

Go back and listen to Hillary Clinton that day and keep in mind that when she's giving that speech she KNOWS there was no demonstration against a video that day in Benghazi. Who does that? Who can look a mother right in the eye, lie to her about how her son died and then turn around months later and ask "What does it matter?" What kind of a heartless piece of shit does that and is able to look at themselves in the mirror afterwards?

Ah, so when you can't argue the point, appeal to emotion.

One person said he wasn't sure if there was a demonstration because the demonstration was over by the time he got there, so there must not have been a demonstration. I get it.

The thing is, you guys want to pretend that whether or not it was over a video matters.

It really doesn't. And we'll probably never really know, anyway.


Isn't that what you've been doing for a while now? Bush this, Saddam that; we'll never know, etc.

Seriously, you sound desperate to divert attention away from the real issue at hand. Why do you do it?

Ah, so when you can't argue the point, appeal to emotion.

One person said he wasn't sure if there was a demonstration because the demonstration was over by the time he got there, so there must not have been a demonstration. I get it.

The thing is, you guys want to pretend that whether or not it was over a video matters.

It really doesn't. And we'll probably never really know, anyway.


Isn't that what you've been doing for a while now? Bush this, Saddam that; we'll never know, etc.

Seriously, you sound desperate to divert attention away from the real issue at hand. Why do you do it?

Um, sorry, guy, I'm not diverting attention.

The issue is, why are you guys politicizing a tragedy?

Obviously, if you were truly upset about "Deaths due to Mistakes", you should be 1250 times more outraged by Iraq than Benghazi.

The point is, you guys want to say that "Absolutely the riot wasn't over a video, unlike those other 30 riots that week, and Obama and Company should have known that in real time, but they were covering up Al Qaeda involvement, even though they admitted Al Qaeda involvement almost immediately. And, yes, had they admitted that Al Qaeda was involved, Romney would have won the election!"

Except the only people who are "upset" about Benghazi are the people who'd have never voted for Obama and really still think he was born in Keyna.

Ah, so when you can't argue the point, appeal to emotion.

One person said he wasn't sure if there was a demonstration because the demonstration was over by the time he got there, so there must not have been a demonstration. I get it.

The thing is, you guys want to pretend that whether or not it was over a video matters.

It really doesn't. And we'll probably never really know, anyway.


Isn't that what you've been doing for a while now? Bush this, Saddam that; we'll never know, etc.

Seriously, you sound desperate to divert attention away from the real issue at hand. Why do you do it?

Um, sorry, guy, I'm not diverting attention.

The issue is, why are you guys politicizing a tragedy?

Obviously, if you were truly upset about "Deaths due to Mistakes", you should be 1250 times more outraged by Iraq than Benghazi.

The point is, you guys want to say that "Absolutely the riot wasn't over a video, unlike those other 30 riots that week, and Obama and Company should have known that in real time, but they were covering up Al Qaeda involvement, even though they admitted Al Qaeda involvement almost immediately. And, yes, had they admitted that Al Qaeda was involved, Romney would have won the election!"

Except the only people who are "upset" about Benghazi are the people who'd have never voted for Obama and really still think he was born in Keyna.

You've been spouting off on four or five different (and irrelevant topics) in this thread since yesterday. Bush this, Saddam that, WMD this, Romney that. You seriously can't be so ignorant as to ignore the facts and evidence in front of you, can you?

You've built an army of strawmen to combat the truth. Luckily it has been crushed, leaving the general bitterly cursing the victor. Move along now. Save your rants for people who give half a damn.
What was happening THE DAY that email was sent?

Oh, that's right -- protests about a video all over the freakin world.

"A report (PDF) from the Congressional Research Service published days after the attacks in Benghazi details how "Muslims in a number of countries have responded in recent days with anger at the United States that many observers describe as a response to a privately produced film circulating on the Internet that denigrates Islam and the prophet Mohammed."

According to the report, as of September 14, 2012, when Rhodes' email was sent, such protests - often violent and focused on U.S. diplomatic facilities -- had occurred in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Malaysia."

Remember? Muslim Protests Spread Around the Globe - In Focus - The Atlantic

^ Sept. 14, 2012 Article ^
BTW, that map is from headline news the same day that email was sent.

Sep 14, 2012 10:11AM ET / Global <-------

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World

Reuters / Google Maps

If you can't keep track of all the Muslim protests erupting across the globe, you're not alone. The uproar over a 14-minute anti-Islam YouTube video has sparked furious protests from Somalia to Egypt to Sudan to Tunisia to Libya to Bangladesh to Indonesia to Pakistan. With new reports of protests surfacing every minute, we've compiled the latest reported incidents into this handy interactive Google Map. Click the locations and embedded links for more details about each incident."

A Map of Muslim Protests Around the World - The Wire
What was happening THE DAY that email was sent?

Oh, that's right -- protests about a video all over the freakin world.

"A report (PDF) from the Congressional Research Service published days after the attacks in Benghazi details how "Muslims in a number of countries have responded in recent days with anger at the United States that many observers describe as a response to a privately produced film circulating on the Internet that denigrates Islam and the prophet Mohammed."

According to the report, as of September 14, 2012, when Rhodes' email was sent, such protests - often violent and focused on U.S. diplomatic facilities -- had occurred in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Sudan, Egypt, Lebanon, Turkey, Yemen, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Bangladesh, and Malaysia."

Remember? Muslim Protests Spread Around the Globe - In Focus - The Atlantic

^ Sept. 14, 2012 Article ^

Yet the AFRICOM General said the attack was not due to a video. I'm sorry, your argument is invalid.
Need a visual?


Need a visual?
Like this?

CONNELLY: I want to read to you the conclusion of the chairman of the [Armed Services] Committee, the Republican chairman Buck McKeon, who conducted formal briefings and oversaw that report he said quote "I'm pretty well satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened, and how quickly it dissipated we probably couldn't have done much more than we did." Do you take issue with the chairman of the Armed Services Committee? In that conclusion?

LOVELL: His conclusion that he couldn't have done much more than they did with the capability and the way they executed it?

CONNELLY: Given the timeframe.

LOVELL: That's a fact.


LOVELL: The way it is right now. The way he stated it.

CONNELLY: Alright, because I'm sure you can appreciate, general, there might be some who, for various and sundry reasons would like to distort your testimony and suggest that you're testifying that we could have, should have done a lot more than we did because we had capabilities we simply didn't utilize. That is not your testimony?

LOVELL: That is not my testimony.

CONNELLY: I thank you very much, general.

Ah, so when you can't argue the point, appeal to emotion.

One person said he wasn't sure if there was a demonstration because the demonstration was over by the time he got there, so there must not have been a demonstration. I get it.

The thing is, you guys want to pretend that whether or not it was over a video matters.

It really doesn't. And we'll probably never really know, anyway.


Isn't that what you've been doing for a while now? Bush this, Saddam that; we'll never know, etc.

Seriously, you sound desperate to divert attention away from the real issue at hand. Why do you do it?

Um, sorry, guy, I'm not diverting attention.

The issue is, why are you guys politicizing a tragedy?

Obviously, if you were truly upset about "Deaths due to Mistakes", you should be 1250 times more outraged by Iraq than Benghazi.

The point is, you guys want to say that "Absolutely the riot wasn't over a video, unlike those other 30 riots that week, and Obama and Company should have known that in real time, but they were covering up Al Qaeda involvement, even though they admitted Al Qaeda involvement almost immediately. And, yes, had they admitted that Al Qaeda was involved, Romney would have won the election!"

Except the only people who are "upset" about Benghazi are the people who'd have never voted for Obama and really still think he was born in Keyna.

You've been spouting off on four or five different (and irrelevant topics) in this thread since yesterday. Bush this, Saddam that, WMD this, Romney that. You seriously can't be so ignorant as to ignore the facts and evidence in front of you, can you?

You've built an army of strawmen to combat the truth. Luckily it has been crushed, leaving the general bitterly cursing the victor. Move along now. Save your rants for people who give half a damn.

Guy, you haven't presented any "facts".

What you've presented is that a lot of agencies had different opinions on how to discuss this issue publically while they were still trying to sort out the military, diplomatic and law enforcement aspects of the crime.

Now, you see, if you ever had a real job, one that didn't involve loading boxes for minimum wage, you'd realize that this happens all the time in the real world.

For instance, I wrote up a set of SOP's for my department last year because they hadn't been updated since the company was acquired by a larger company, and half of them had the old company name. So I spent about a week rewriting these things to reflect what we were doing, and brought them into a committee of my fellow buyers, the GM and the quality control people- every last one of them who wanted to throw something into the mix.

Kind of sounds like what happened here with all these e-mails going back and forth.

But you want to pluck out ONE E-MAIL and say, "Aha, this was a conspiracy to influence the election".

And really, that's what you were upset about. Not that Stevens was dead. But that the way they spun it influenced the election. He'd have been just as dead if Obama had gotten out there dog-faced and said, "Welp, I guess Al Qaeda is still out there!"
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