New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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The rightwing propaganda machine's silly attempt to revive the fake scandal of Benghazi is an indicator of great importance...

...they have lost the war against Obamacare and they know it. Now they're abandoning that field and chasing after this old story, which for some reason they can't admit is OVER.

That must be why everything was pushed back till after the election.

So it wouldn't ruin the Dem's chances.

Can't have the real effects of Obamacare hitting everyone right before an election.

Fyi, the only reason this came up again is because everything we've been saying about Benghazi turned out to be correct. Now we have actionable facts to press the issue. You're just whining because it finally blew up in your faces.

Where's the Wambulance.

The rightwing propaganda machine's silly attempt to revive the fake scandal of Benghazi is an indicator of great importance...

...they have lost the war against Obamacare and they know it. Now they're abandoning that field and chasing after this old story, which for some reason they can't admit is OVER.

That must be why everything was pushed back till after the election.

So it wouldn't ruin the Dem's chances.

Can't have the real effects of Obamacare hitting everyone right before an election.

Fyi, the only reason this came up again is because everything we've been saying about Benghazi turned out to be correct. Now we have actionable facts to press the issue. You're just whining because it finally blew up in your faces.

Where's the Wambulance.


The birthers insisted what they had was the truth too. You idiots don't get it. We've seen your act.

Yeah, and you buy that happy horseshit.

Let's face the facts here. Hillary Clinton doesn't believe in guns, unless it's worn my her body-guards. Everyone else is on their own.

This whole situation could have been prevented if they had shut the place down, or put armed guards with actual anti-terrorism experience in charge of security, not unarmed locals with walky-talkys.

I know what it's like to rely on the Clintons to make a sound tactical judgement. I found out back in 93' in Mogadishu. So save it.

You mean the mission Bush sent us on because those poor people were starving?

Wasn't a problem with a lack of guns. There were too many guns inthat situation, that was the problem.

Why is it you guys seem to always think more guns makes a problem better?

I think armor, or the lack of it to protect us, was more the problem.

Do me a favor and STFU.

no, the problem was that we were there to start with and interferring in their problems, which had nothing to do with us.

they weren't going to be happier about the situation because you had better armor.

Just ask the guys who were interferring with the problems of IRaq if that did any good.
I remember all of you bleeding heart libs crying over all of the guys that got waxed because they didn't have armor.

That was an issue in Somalia in 93', and the Clintons did diddlysquat about it. Nada.

NO, Clinton actually did do someting about it.

He got us the fuck out of there forthwith.

Incidently, back in 1993, I was one of you dumb fucks listening to talk Radio and watching LImbaugh mocking Clinton trying to fix Bush's mess.
1) Sorry, dude, I'm straight.

2) You have some weird fantasies.

3) I don't care about anything Muslims do in the Muslim WOrld. It isn't our problem. Sooner we realize that, the better.

4) Has nothing to do with the fact that Christians are trying to impose their backward ass religion in THIS country.

5) And my biggest gripe- that in the process, they let the 1%ers get out of all the sensible protections we imposed on them after the Great Depresssion, giving us the Great Recession.

You like to go after Christians for not liking your cocksucking lifestyle....but you don't care if Islamic terrorists kill gay people like you. :eusa_whistle:

quite insane....

Liberal logic.....terrorists killing a gay Ambassador, no big deal....dude that was 2 years ago.

Christians oppose the gay lifestyle......well shut down their church and lock them up for being homophobes!!!!!

This stupidity can't be real.....

Sorry, has there been a church that's been shut down for its teaching on Homosexuality?

Or religious guys who've been locked up?

Now, I'd like to see us apply the consumer fraud laws to the Churches. You know, make them prove that there really is a God or a Heaven or a Hell before they preach about it.
The rightwing propaganda machine's silly attempt to revive the fake scandal of Benghazi is an indicator of great importance...

...they have lost the war against Obamacare and they know it. Now they're abandoning that field and chasing after this old story, which for some reason they can't admit is OVER.

That must be why everything was pushed back till after the election.

So it wouldn't ruin the Dem's chances.

Can't have the real effects of Obamacare hitting everyone right before an election.

Fyi, the only reason this came up again is because everything we've been saying about Benghazi turned out to be correct. Now we have actionable facts to press the issue. You're just whining because it finally blew up in your faces.

Where's the Wambulance.


The birthers insisted what they had was the truth too. You idiots don't get it. We've seen your act.

Playing the Bush card:

Dude...that was so 6 years ago.

Wow, guy, you do understand there's a major difference between not remember who inserted a word into a memo and who got us into a war based on a lie, right?

One is a provable lie and the other a false assumption based on accurate intelligence.
1) Sorry, dude, I'm straight.

2) You have some weird fantasies.

3) I don't care about anything Muslims do in the Muslim WOrld. It isn't our problem. Sooner we realize that, the better.

4) Has nothing to do with the fact that Christians are trying to impose their backward ass religion in THIS country.

5) And my biggest gripe- that in the process, they let the 1%ers get out of all the sensible protections we imposed on them after the Great Depresssion, giving us the Great Recession.

You like to go after Christians for not liking your cocksucking lifestyle....but you don't care if Islamic terrorists kill gay people like you. :eusa_whistle:

quite insane....

Sorry, has there been a church that's been shut down for its teaching on Homosexuality?

Or religious guys who've been locked up?

Now, I'd like to see us apply the consumer fraud laws to the Churches. You know, make them prove that there really is a God or a Heaven or a Hell before they preach about it.

Only a person with something to hide lies like you do.
1) Sorry, dude, I'm straight.

2) You have some weird fantasies.

3) I don't care about anything Muslims do in the Muslim WOrld. It isn't our problem. Sooner we realize that, the better.

4) Has nothing to do with the fact that Christians are trying to impose their backward ass religion in THIS country.

5) And my biggest gripe- that in the process, they let the 1%ers get out of all the sensible protections we imposed on them after the Great Depresssion, giving us the Great Recession.

You like to go after Christians for not liking your cocksucking lifestyle....but you don't care if Islamic terrorists kill gay people like you. :eusa_whistle:

quite insane....

Only a person with something to hide lies like you do.

That is so untrue!

Liberals with nothing at all to hide lie all the time. They can't help it; it's bred into them.
You mean the mission Bush sent us on because those poor people were starving?

Wasn't a problem with a lack of guns. There were too many guns inthat situation, that was the problem.

Why is it you guys seem to always think more guns makes a problem better?

I think armor, or the lack of it to protect us, was more the problem.

Do me a favor and STFU.

no, the problem was that we were there to start with and interferring in their problems, which had nothing to do with us.

they weren't going to be happier about the situation because you had better armor.

Just ask the guys who were interferring with the problems of IRaq if that did any good.

Listen pencil-neck. The kind of armor I'm talking about isn't what you wear, it's what you drive around in.

We were the only country there that didn't have fully armored vehicles. Driving around in Hummers with nothing but aluminum door panels and 5 tons with nothing but canvas for protection in a hostile city full of religious assholes was suicide.

We put in a request 6 months before Blackhawk Down for Armored Personnel Carriers and we were denied. They instead gave them to the Pakistani UN troops. I had to train them how to operate the 50 cals mounted on them myself.
Well since every single thing Obama has said or implied , everything, we are suppose to believe he was not born in Kenya?
Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.

Ah, since the Obama White House subsequently classified the email about what Susan Rice's "goals" were to be as she went on those 5 Sunday morning talks shows, it's pretty obvious that it WAS something they wanted to keep secret from the American people! This wasn't the normal prepping of a diplomat for an appearance on a talk show...this was prepping that diplomat to lie about the cause of the attack in Benghazi.
Liberal scum think terrorists killing random people not associated with a US Embassy near it equals an actual terrorist attack on a US Embassy designed to kidnap/kill Americans.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.

And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

The Obama White House USED the YouTube video controversy to hide their own policy failures...failures that resulted in the death of our Ambassador and three other brave Americans in Benghazi. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton stood in front of those caskets at Andrews Air Force base and lied to the families of those men...blaming what took place on a nonexistent protest against the video.

Go back and listen to Hillary Clinton that day and keep in mind that when she's giving that speech she KNOWS there was no demonstration against a video that day in Benghazi. Who does that? Who can look a mother right in the eye, lie to her about how her son died and then turn around months later and ask "What does it matter?" What kind of a heartless piece of shit does that and is able to look at themselves in the mirror afterwards?
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