New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.

You must be pissed that Obama did not start an investigation when he had super majority. You know he could have, right?

Instead he kept Gitmo open which henpromised to close, he expanded the war on terrorism which you all said was a bumper sticker myth, supposedly ended the war in Iraq (stuck to Bush's timeline), and "killed Osama" even though you people said Bush and Cheney did it for oil.

Go ahead and keep ignoring UNSCOM findings, the fact that democrats propagated wmds before Bush took office and voted for the war.

That way you can feel better in how you deal with your cognitive dissonance.
You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.

You must be pissed that Obama did not start an investigation when he had super majority. You know he could have, right?

Instead he kept Gitmo open which henpromised to close, he expanded the war on terrorism which you all said was a bumper sticker myth, supposedly ended the war in Iraq (stuck to Bush's timeline), and "killed Osama" even though you people said Bush and Cheney did it for oil.

Go ahead and keep ignoring UNSCOM findings, the fact that democrats propagated wmds before Bush took office and voted for the war.

That way you can feel better in how you deal with your cognitive dissonance.

Nope. I don't believe we should have investigated Bush. Congress has prevented the closing Gitmo. The President still has the authority to go after the terrorist who attacked us on 9-11 and those who support them. I support that then and I support that now. Iraqis oil fields are no longer nationalized and multi-national oil conglomerates are operating successfully. There is no doubt that like minding democrats supported the war. Hell,even the so called liberal media was all in-bed-with the military on that.

Fell better now. Hahaha, didn't thinks so.
The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.

You must be pissed that Obama did not start an investigation when he had super majority. You know he could have, right?

Instead he kept Gitmo open which henpromised to close, he expanded the war on terrorism which you all said was a bumper sticker myth, supposedly ended the war in Iraq (stuck to Bush's timeline), and "killed Osama" even though you people said Bush and Cheney did it for oil.

Go ahead and keep ignoring UNSCOM findings, the fact that democrats propagated wmds before Bush took office and voted for the war.

That way you can feel better in how you deal with your cognitive dissonance.

Nope. I don't believe we should have investigated Bush. Congress has prevented the closing Gitmo. The President still has the authority to go after the terrorist who attacked us on 9-11 and those who support them. I support that then and I support that now. Iraqis oil fields are no longer nationalized and multi-national oil conglomerates are operating successfully. There is no doubt that like minding democrats supported the war. Hell,even the so called liberal media was all in-bed-with the military on that.

Fell better now. Hahaha, didn't thinks so.

You are fully aware Obama had a super majority in congress.....right?

Lol at you and your bullshit.

He claimed the first thing he was going to do was close it....right?


So if they're all full of shit, that means you too, right?

The video was 90 seconds long. I can microwave a bag of popcorn in 90 seconds Joe.

He could have gotten tot he point in five, if he had one.

Frankly, all I saw was a guy trying to blame his failures on someone else, and I saw plenty of htat in the 11 years I was in.

Case in point. He was the AFRICOM General, in charge of that area, and you weren't.

And apparently, he idn't have a plan to send troops immediately to Benghazi, so he's blaming the White HOuse for his lack of iniative.
You must be pissed that Obama did not start an investigation when he had super majority. You know he could have, right?

Instead he kept Gitmo open which henpromised to close, he expanded the war on terrorism which you all said was a bumper sticker myth, supposedly ended the war in Iraq (stuck to Bush's timeline), and "killed Osama" even though you people said Bush and Cheney did it for oil.

Go ahead and keep ignoring UNSCOM findings, the fact that democrats propagated wmds before Bush took office and voted for the war.

That way you can feel better in how you deal with your cognitive dissonance.

Nope. I don't believe we should have investigated Bush. Congress has prevented the closing Gitmo. The President still has the authority to go after the terrorist who attacked us on 9-11 and those who support them. I support that then and I support that now. Iraqis oil fields are no longer nationalized and multi-national oil conglomerates are operating successfully. There is no doubt that like minding democrats supported the war. Hell,even the so called liberal media was all in-bed-with the military on that.

Fell better now. Hahaha, didn't thinks so.

You are fully aware Obama had a super majority in congress.....right?

Lol at you and your bullshit.

He claimed the first thing he was going to do was close it....right?



Democrats joined the Republicans in blocking the closing of Gitmo. You don't think there are anti-Obama democrats? He signed his first dreaded EO to close that place. Congress has thus far blocked him from implementing it.
Nope. I don't believe we should have investigated Bush. Congress has prevented the closing Gitmo. The President still has the authority to go after the terrorist who attacked us on 9-11 and those who support them. I support that then and I support that now. Iraqis oil fields are no longer nationalized and multi-national oil conglomerates are operating successfully. There is no doubt that like minding democrats supported the war. Hell,even the so called liberal media was all in-bed-with the military on that.

Fell better now. Hahaha, didn't thinks so.

You are fully aware Obama had a super majority in congress.....right?

Lol at you and your bullshit.

He claimed the first thing he was going to do was close it....right?



Democrats joined the Republicans in blocking the closing of Gitmo. You don't think there are anti-Obama democrats? He signed his first dreaded EO to close that place. Congress has thus far blocked him from implementing it.

Let's also not forget that Bush had a plan to put them on trial that was blocked by the dems . Let's be clear, the dems and msm made Iraq into a modern Vietnam to gain back congress and the white house. How many times did we have to listen to the democrat lies about no WMDs being found?

Democrats are nothing but traitors to the flag.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.

And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.
He could have gotten tot he point in five, if he had one.

Frankly, all I saw was a guy trying to blame his failures on someone else, and I saw plenty of htat in the 11 years I was in.

Case in point. He was the AFRICOM General, in charge of that area, and you weren't.

And apparently, he idn't have a plan to send troops immediately to Benghazi, so he's blaming the White HOuse for his lack of iniative.

Oh, so now HE'S the guy in charge!!!

I thought the security arrangements was up to the ambassador.

Problem is, his requests were denied because it would give people the idea that Libya was dangerous.

We can't have that.......not during an election year.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.

And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

This sounds like what Sterling said about the blacks....I knew you had it in you Joe, you just CAN'T STOP HATING them Jew boys.... You are showing the subversives TRUE COLORS NOW! GOOD SHOW, mother fucking RACIST!
Like cockroaches when the lights get turned on, just look at the libs scurry away from the indisputable evidence (proof) that Obumbler and his hack minions have engaged in an undeniable cover up.

It is disgraceful, but the punks are all like "dude, that was like years ago."

Worthless worms. Our lolberals are pretty disgusting.
And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

This sounds like what Sterling said about the blacks....I knew you had it in you Joe, you just CAN'T STOP HATING them Jew boys.... You are showing the subversives TRUE COLORS NOW! GOOD SHOW, mother fucking RACIST!

I don't know who invented the word racist, but they don't really have a word for someone who hates particular religions. The closest thing to that is atheist. However atheists are getting good press, so that's not considered a negative.

I suppose if we had total control of the debate we could come up with something. Unfortunately we don't have much control at all, not in the direction the national debate goes.
NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

This sounds like what Sterling said about the blacks....I knew you had it in you Joe, you just CAN'T STOP HATING them Jew boys.... You are showing the subversives TRUE COLORS NOW! GOOD SHOW, mother fucking RACIST!

I don't know who invented the word racist, but they don't really have a word for someone who hates particular religions. The closest thing to that is atheist. However atheists are getting good press, so that's not considered a negative.

I suppose if we had total control of the debate we could come up with something. Unfortunately we don't have much control at all, not in the direction the national debate goes.

Religious bigots starts to get close....and this coming from an agnostic, NOT to confuse me with an atheist, as I almost always stand with those of religious values!
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Case in point. He was the AFRICOM General, in charge of that area, and you weren't.

And apparently, he idn't have a plan to send troops immediately to Benghazi, so he's blaming the White HOuse for his lack of iniative.

Oh, so now HE'S the guy in charge!!!

I thought the security arrangements was up to the ambassador.

Problem is, his requests were denied because it would give people the idea that Libya was dangerous.

We can't have that.......not during an election year.

Right, because Libya was such a big issue at that point. Meh, not really.

Frankly, it strikes me that he probably should have sent the troops in, and not waited for a "Mother, May I" from Washington. I doubt anyone would have faulted him.

If you want to say that State, CIA and Defense all dropped the ball on this one, I'm good with that. I'll go a step further and say it was boneheaded for Obama to support deposing Khadafy to start with.

It's the way you guys keep spinning your paranoid conspiracy theories like these nuts who believe in UFO, with your "Ad Hoc" argument generation.
The shit-eating liberals don't care that the terrorists are still running wild in Libya, they pulled off an attack this morning.

We know who they are.....
And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.

NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

This sounds like what Sterling said about the blacks....I knew you had it in you Joe, you just CAN'T STOP HATING them Jew boys.... You are showing the subversives TRUE COLORS NOW! GOOD SHOW, mother fucking RACIST!

Um, no, it doesn't sound anything like what Sterling said, but obviously English comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Have no problem with Jewish people, and I really don't think Judaism is any sillier than any other belief in Magic Sky Pixies, but I have a massive problem with a racist philosophy like Zionism that holds that Our God says we can kick you out of your home, and run over peace activists with bulldozers.

I have a bigger problem with someone who thinks we should put the interests of a foreign country ahead of our own. Last time I checked, those people were known as "Traitors".

Maybe we should release Jonathan Pollard and lock up Sheldon Adelson.
Obama has time to send BLM goons after a rancher in Nevada but didn't have time to rescue the americans being attacked in Libya thanks to him sending them there and never sending anyone in the last 18 months to get the terrorists after the event.

Now...if those terrorists were grazing cattle on US land.....
Dude, that years ago.
NO, you see, they had more sensible concerns.

Like the entire middle east erupting into OUTRAGE over this stupid, blasphemous video.

Which it was totally doing at the time. So they were trying to strike this balance of condemning the attack while expressing that, hey, America didn't authorize this video and we found it repugnant.

That's what leaders do. As opposed to your boy the Weird Mormon Robot, who after he was done insulting the British, flew to Israel to suck up to Sheldon Adelson and his Zionist pals.

This sounds like what Sterling said about the blacks....I knew you had it in you Joe, you just CAN'T STOP HATING them Jew boys.... You are showing the subversives TRUE COLORS NOW! GOOD SHOW, mother fucking RACIST!

Um, no, it doesn't sound anything like what Sterling said, but obviously English comprehension isn't one of your strong suits.

Have no problem with Jewish people, and I really don't think Judaism is any sillier than any other belief in Magic Sky Pixies, but I have a massive problem with a racist philosophy like Zionism that holds that Our God says we can kick you out of your home, and run over peace activists with bulldozers.

I have a bigger problem with someone who thinks we should put the interests of a foreign country ahead of our own. Last time I checked, those people were known as "Traitors".

Maybe we should release Jonathan Pollard and lock up Sheldon Adelson.

George Soros would be better to incarcerate!
And apparently, he idn't have a plan to send troops immediately to Benghazi, so he's blaming the White HOuse for his lack of iniative.

Oh, so now HE'S the guy in charge!!!

I thought the security arrangements was up to the ambassador.

Problem is, his requests were denied because it would give people the idea that Libya was dangerous.

We can't have that.......not during an election year.

Right, because Libya was such a big issue at that point. Meh, not really.

Frankly, it strikes me that he probably should have sent the troops in, and not waited for a "Mother, May I" from Washington. I doubt anyone would have faulted him.

If you want to say that State, CIA and Defense all dropped the ball on this one, I'm good with that. I'll go a step further and say it was boneheaded for Obama to support deposing Khadafy to start with.

It's the way you guys keep spinning your paranoid conspiracy theories like these nuts who believe in UFO, with your "Ad Hoc" argument generation.

And you claim you're a veteran???

Sgt.....why don't you stick to your area of expertise. Meaning stick to hating Mormons.
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