New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Progressives in this post show they would rather there be dead Americans then losing a election.

Just how many dead Americans are the cons responsible for, from the Iraq invasion? Don't pay any attention to those SIX THOUSAND, just keep pointing your finger at the four. I'm sure you don't want to talk about the 50,000 Americans that came home without arms and legs. You'd rather talk about the four in Benghazi. The dictionary is going to invent a new word for you, scumbag isn't low enough.
The invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan which was supported and voted on as a go by dimwits in office until it became political not to support them. Those actions are completely different and you know it. Obamashitforbrains screwed up.

Ayup. Bush was a socialist authoritarian war hawk, a really bad president. But he was 100 times the man Obama is.
I understand you guys don't want to compare the talking points used by both administrations. Yes there are difference, like one was driving us into war, and the other was to offer an explanation of a tragic event, but the methods are similar.

So, the difference here is, Bush isn't president anymore. Obama is.

Only difference that matters. Time to snap back to the present, pal.

Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!
So, the difference here is, Bush isn't president anymore. Obama is.

Only difference that matters. Time to snap back to the present, pal.

Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

Why should Obama start being responsible now? Being an irresponsible piece of shit got him to the pinnacle of the democrat party. Apparently that's what they want in a leader.
There is a pattern of how the Obama Administration handles policy "gaffes".

First and foremost...blame someone else! Fast & Furious becomes public? Employ the talking point that F&F was simply a continuation of a Bush gun running program.

Secondly...control the narrative by putting out your "version" of events and then let a fawning main stream media carry your water for you.

Third...stonewall every investigation into every scandal...while accusing Republicans of "politicizing" whatever is in question.

Fourth...once you've stalled the investigation for as long as you can...declare that it's "old news" and it's time to "move on".

Fifth...always try to put off anything negative until AFTER you've left office.
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There is a pattern of how the Obama Administration handles policy "gaffes".

First and foremost...blame someone else! Fast & Furious becomes public? Employ the talking point that F&F was simply a continuation of a Bush gun running program.

Secondly...control the narrative by putting out your "version" of events and then let a fawning main stream media carry your water for you.

Third...stonewall every investigation into every scandal...while accusing Republicans of "politicizing" whatever is in question.

Fourth...once you've stalled the investigation for as long as you can...declare that it's "old news" and it's time to "move on".

Fifth...always try to put off anything negative until AFTER you've left office.

Imo, that's fair. But imo we also have to acknowledge that people aren't really moved by the "policy gaffes." His poll numbers took a big hit with the Obamacare rollout, but as the rollout is fixed, he's getting some positive movement. But as for the rest of the "gaffes" it seems to me it's just the same bs stuff the gop thought would move people to vote for a loser like Romney. Basically, its GOP self-delusion thinking people care about the top rate payers. Which, along with the adolescent tea party crap, is why I'd a tad sarcastic towards RW talking points.
There is only one reason why this administration has been so brazen with their lies.

It is because they knew they would get away with it. I am thinking that democrats have been so conditioned to understand they are so insulated that they believe they could literally get away with murder.

I blame the left wing media. It is that underrated that how important it is for the media to report objectively. We are seeing the consequences.

A country full of brainwashed, dead beat, pothead, know it all, hippies.

The country is all but entirely lost.
What we have is criminal Conduct BY the Obama regime...they can't escape it. WE are witnessing a Cover-up of a Cover-up.
There is only one reason why this administration has been so brazen with their lies.

It is because they knew they would get away with it. I am thinking that democrats have been so conditioned to understand they are so insulated that they believe they could literally get away with murder.

I blame the left wing media. It is that underrated that how important it is for the media to report objectively. We are seeing the consequences.

A country full of brainwashed, dead beat, pothead, know it all, hippies.

The country is all but entirely lost.
So, leave. TY.
There is only one reason why this administration has been so brazen with their lies.

It is because they knew they would get away with it. I am thinking that democrats have been so conditioned to understand they are so insulated that they believe they could literally get away with murder.

I blame the left wing media. It is that underrated that how important it is for the media to report objectively. We are seeing the consequences.

A country full of brainwashed, dead beat, pothead, know it all, hippies.

The country is all but entirely lost.
So, leave. TY.

You first. Bye.
There is a pattern of how the Obama Administration handles policy "gaffes".

First and foremost...blame someone else! Fast & Furious becomes public? Employ the talking point that F&F was simply a continuation of a Bush gun running program.

Secondly...control the narrative by putting out your "version" of events and then let a fawning main stream media carry your water for you.

Third...stonewall every investigation into every scandal...while accusing Republicans of "politicizing" whatever is in question.

Fourth...once you've stalled the investigation for as long as you can...declare that it's "old news" and it's time to "move on".

Fifth...always try to put off anything negative until AFTER you've left office.

Imo, that's fair. But imo we also have to acknowledge that people aren't really moved by the "policy gaffes." His poll numbers took a big hit with the Obamacare rollout, but as the rollout is fixed, he's getting some positive movement. But as for the rest of the "gaffes" it seems to me it's just the same bs stuff the gop thought would move people to vote for a loser like Romney. Basically, its GOP self-delusion thinking people care about the top rate payers. Which, along with the adolescent tea party crap, is why I'd a tad sarcastic towards RW talking points.

With all due respect, Ben...the Obamacare roll out is a perfect example of how this Administration works. They've accused the GOP of politicizing this even though it's been quite obvious right from the start that the ACA was incredibly flawed legislation. That wasn't apparent when it was being debated however because the Obama people put out THEIR narrative of what the law was and how it would effect Americans...a narrative that was filled with things that they knew were falsehoods. They did so without hesitation because they knew that the main stream media wouldn't question their facts and figures and the media did exactly what they assumed they would. Then you delay implementation of the parts of the ACA that people won't like until AFTER you've been elected to a second term and until AFTER the mid term elections of that second term so you hope you can keep your majority in the Senate.

What pray tell makes Mitt Romney a "loser"? He's been successful at virtually everything he's attempted to do in his adult life except win the Presidency. He was a moderate with a history of working across party lines to get legislation passed...he was experienced in the private sector and understood what the PS needs to invest in new jobs...and he was a skilled executive. All of those things were what we desperately needed in a leader but instead of getting what we needed...we got another four years of finger pointing and excuse making. THAT is the true sign of a loser.
There is only one reason why this administration has been so brazen with their lies.

It is because they knew they would get away with it. I am thinking that democrats have been so conditioned to understand they are so insulated that they believe they could literally get away with murder.

I blame the left wing media. It is that underrated that how important it is for the media to report objectively. We are seeing the consequences.

A country full of brainwashed, dead beat, pothead, know it all, hippies.

The country is all but entirely lost.
So, leave. TY.

You first. Bye.
No need to, it's my nation, not yours. Yours is Dumbfuckistan.
We keep forgetting he's blogging from Raul's basement in Havana.

If I was I wouldn't be offering you Dumbfuckistan. Get the fuck out of my country, and stay out.

lol we arent going anywhere. In fact we'll be retaining the House this fall; and may very well take the Senate back.

ought to make your Messiah's remaining time in office interesting

Ideally, both interesting and short.

But remember the downside; would we really want Biden with his hand on the helm? I doubt we could score a twofer.....
So, the difference here is, Bush isn't president anymore. Obama is.

Only difference that matters. Time to snap back to the present, pal.

Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.
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Yep the only difference is who is president. Couldn't have made the point any clearer. Thanks, yer a real pal. :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

You want to compare Bush and Obama? Fine...let's do it! Following the first 9/11 the Bush White House released ALL of the daily Presidential briefings including the ones where Bush was told Osama bin Laden might be planning some sort of attack on the US. Liberals like yourself immediately accused Bush of being "negligent". Bush took the political hit for that like a man. He didn't hide those briefings. Now examine how the Obama White House reacted to the second 9/11. Instead of being honest with the American people and giving them all the facts, Obama and his people chose to obscure the truth with a phony narrative about the YouTube video causing the attack in Benghazi (going as far as putting the man who made the video in prison!) and then classifying emails that showed how the coverup was orchestrated as secret so that the Congressional investigators couldn't see them.

That's the difference between Bush and Obama...Bush took responsibility...and Obama did what he ALWAYS does when his policies don't work out...HE BLAMED SOMEONE ELSE!

The attack in Benghazi was not a second 9-11 even though it happened on the same day.

The Bush people defended him by saying there was nothing specific in the briefing. Let them release all the PDJs then we'll know.

But I'm not comparing Bushes 9-11 to Benghazi. If I were I'd have to bring up how the Democrats stood behind the President and didn't try and score cheap political points over a national tragedy.

The point is prepping a diplomat for an appearance on Sunday Talk show. Is it some kind of secret that they have strategy sessions on what to say and how to say it to put themselves in the best possible light? Or, as in Bushes case convince the public of something that isn't true.

To answer your question, it is nothing but you trying to hijack the thread. Bush has zero to do with what is going on here. You don't want to admit there was more to this than just a simple prep job. You have to put on the deluxe version of a tin foil hat, and your rose colored glasses, to hatch some sort of conspiracy about how the Bush Administration prepared their diplomats to address the public.

Typical, yet predictable tactic, insert irrelevant points to detract from the original point. Bush is irrelevant. I suggest you deal with it.
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