New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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really? isnt it a shame then Democrats voted to fund and keep fighitng a war you claim was based on "deceitful propaganda" for more than a decade?

libs are losers who lie to themselves; even about other's alleged lies; which they can never seem to prove

Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?

I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points to drive us into a war.
In a (probably vain) attempt at getting this thread back on track, I wonder if anyone has comments on Ret. Brig. Gen. Lovell's testimony yesterday. I watched a good bit of it. Many of his answers were quite heartfelt.

Lovell was on duty at AFRICOM headquarters in Germany during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The AFRICOM command was responsible for region that included Libya.
U.S. General Tells Congress: ?We Should Have Tried? In Benghazi - ABC News

Here is his testimony in its entirety. If you don't have time for the whole thing, below the main clip are segments of his testimony and below those are related videos.

Brig. Gen. Lovell says video not to blame
-Brig. Gen. Lovell says he dismissed the YouTube video within hours of the attack.

Brig Gen Lovell says video blame | Video |


General Lovell knows that we didn't do everything we could to help those people in Benghazi because the people running our country were more worried about covering their asses politically than they were about saving four people's lives.

Are you sure about that? From the same testimony yesterday:

CONNELLY: I want to read to you the conclusion of the chairman of the [Armed Services] Committee, the Republican chairman Buck McKeon, who conducted formal briefings and oversaw that report he said quote "I'm pretty well satisfied that given where the troops were, how quickly the thing all happened, and how quickly it dissipated we probably couldn't have done much more than we did." Do you take issue with the chairman of the Armed Services Committee? In that conclusion?

LOVELL: His conclusion that he couldn't have done much more than they did with the capability and the way they executed it?

CONNELLY: Given the timeframe.

LOVELL: That's a fact.


LOVELL: The way it is right now. The way he stated it.

CONNELLY: Alright, because I'm sure you can appreciate, general, there might be some who, for various and sundry reasons would like to distort your testimony and suggest that you're testifying that we could have, should have done a lot more than we did because we had capabilities we simply didn't utilize. That is not your testimony?

LOVELL: That is not my testimony.

CONNELLY: I thank you very much, general.
Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?

I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points. to drive us into a war.
what the fuck has any of this to do with the white house covering up the reason for four dead Americans so the president wouldn't lose the election????.
Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?

I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points to drive us into a war.

Read owl's post about the WMD program and Saddam, then get back to me. Hah, and you call us conservatives the conspiracy theorists!
New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points
Cons attempt to make this fall a "beat the dead Horse" election.

Nope, it will be a "beat the lying liberals" election.

(As in, you will lose the Senate, and Obama will be a lame duck.)
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I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points. to drive us into a war.
what the fuck has any of this to do with the white house covering up the reason for four dead Americans so the president wouldn't lose the election????.

Thank you, thanatos.

Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?

I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points to drive us into a war.

Early in 2001?

Huh, cause the Democrats said he had wmds well before 2001.

"One way or the other, we are determined to deny Iraq the capacity to develop weapons of mass destruction and the missiles to deliver them. That is our bottom line."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 4, 1998

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear. We want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program."
--President Bill Clinton, Feb. 17, 1998

"Iraq is a long way from [here], but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."
--Madeline Albright, Feb 18, 1998

"He will use those weapons of mass destruction again, as he has ten times since 1983."
--Sandy Berger, Clinton National Security Adviser, Feb, 18, 1998

"[W]e urge you, after consulting with Congress, and consistent with the U.S. Constitution and laws, to take necessary actions (including, if appropriate, air and missile strikes on suspect Iraqi sites) to respond effectively to the threat posed by Iraq's refusal to end its weapons of mass destruction programs."
Letter to President Clinton, signed by:
-- Democratic Senators Carl Levin, Tom Daschle, John Kerry, and others, Oct. 9, 1998

"Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."
-Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D, CA), Dec. 16, 1998

"Hussein has ... chosen to spend his money on building weapons of mass destruction and palaces for his cronies."
-- Madeline Albright, Clinton Secretary of State, Nov. 10, 1999


I know and you know you have seen these. I get it, they were all lied to by Cheney and Boooooooosh.


Was it the other way around?

Either way, the paradigm shifted in how we dealt with threats from abroad. Especially when we all saw what 19 people could do to this country with out a gun.

I know, you have your 20/20 vision of hindsight where nothing was found. Well, except for the programs in place. Yeah, except for those.

You pathetic moronic hypocrites cry for saddam while you know full well how much he tortured people.

Oh nevermind. Go ahead and cry for him and rewrite history by not holding your pathetic democrats to account for their propagation of wmds and the fact they voted for the war.

If only you morons would acknowledge the facts. That would be the first step to seeing the light. Now, go ahead and stick to bandwagon reasoning and the rest of your fallacies.
I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points. to drive us into a war.
what the fuck has any of this to do with the white house covering up the reason for four dead Americans so the president wouldn't lose the election????.

What cover up?
Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points. to drive us into a war.
what the fuck has any of this to do with the white house covering up the reason for four dead Americans so the president wouldn't lose the election????.

What cover up?

Holy shit.... Read the fucking OP you fool
I think these liberals are suffering from a case of shellshock. They can't get over the fact they're wrong.

You know Blind Boo is playing you like a Stradivarius. He's deflecting to Bush and you're running right after him.

Thread officially hijacked. Congrats to Boo.

Just saying.
I think these liberals are suffering from a case of shellshock. They can't get over the fact they're wrong.

Or they knew Obama was guilty from the start and just don't give a shit that the President let Americans die so long as it wasn't them and the welfare checks keep coming.
I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.

Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points to drive us into a war.

Read owl's post about the WMD program and Saddam, then get back to me. Hah, and you call us conservatives the conspiracy theorists!

This isn't about the minority of Democrats who were willing to go to war with Bush, but about the way the Bush Administration deceived the public with their talking points. It is totally appropriate to compare the two.

[ame=]Powell and Rice assure everyone Iraq is NO THREAT pre-9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

She was deceiving the public and she knew it.

You know Blind Boo is playing you like a Stradivarius. He's deflecting to Bush and you're running right after him.

Thread officially hijacked. Congrats to Boo.

Just saying.

Naw, he didn't hijack anything. He just got his butt kicked. He'll leave eventually if we ignore his whimpering.
New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points
Cons attempt to make this fall a "beat the dead Horse" election.

The truth, Hangover is that Democrats hid the facts about Benghazi from the American people before the last election...the only reason they are coming out now is that the Obama White House classified them so that Congressional investigators wouldn't be able to see how the cover-up was orchestrated by the White House.

Liberal whining about this being "old news", wanting to "move on" or stop "beating a dead horse" is rather ironic since the only reason we HAVEN'T moved on from this scandal is that Obama's people refused to be honest about what took place and stonewalled the investigation. Sooner or later the facts will come this case it was emails that Obama's people didn't want anyone to see.
Earlier in 2001 she claimed that Saddam had not been able to reconstitute his military or his WMD program. She had to know she was deceiving the public with the talking points to drive us into a war.

Read owl's post about the WMD program and Saddam, then get back to me. Hah, and you call us conservatives the conspiracy theorists!

This isn't about the minority of Democrats who were willing to go to war with Bush, but about the way the Bush Administration deceived the public with their talking points. It is totally appropriate to compare the two.

[ame=""]Powell and Rice assure everyone Iraq is NO THREAT pre-9/11 - YouTube[/ame]

She was deceiving the public and she knew it.

Says the guy who forgets the Clinton Era crusade against Saddam and WMD ever existed. Please try the bullshit somewhere else.
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