New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Do you even know what you're talking about anymore? Do you like backing yourself into a corner?

Yeah, I know exactly what I'm talking about.

You are the one sitting on the couch saying "Woe is me!"

What I learned in the mlitary is that most officers are full of shit.

I didn't even waste time listening to the whole thing, the guy wasn't getting anywhere near a point.

So if they're all full of shit, that means you too, right?

The video was 90 seconds long. I can microwave a bag of popcorn in 90 seconds Joe.

He could have gotten tot he point in five, if he had one.

Frankly, all I saw was a guy trying to blame his failures on someone else, and I saw plenty of htat in the 11 years I was in.

Case in point. He was the AFRICOM General, in charge of that area, and you weren't.
So if they're all full of shit, that means you too, right?

The video was 90 seconds long. I can microwave a bag of popcorn in 90 seconds Joe.

He could have gotten tot he point in five, if he had one.

Frankly, all I saw was a guy trying to blame his failures on someone else, and I saw plenty of htat in the 11 years I was in.

Case in point. He was the AFRICOM General, in charge of that area, and you weren't.

That fact only proves you are racist templar.

You think that is me making joke. As much of a joke that is, it is the truth. That FACT and the reason you pointed out that FACT only proves you are a racist.

That is what we are debating. There is no reason (once Joe played the race card) to even attempt to be logical with him.

He is that ridiculous along with the rest of the 47% of this country.
In a (probably vain) attempt at getting this thread back on track, I wonder if anyone has comments on Ret. Brig. Gen. Lovell's testimony yesterday. I watched a good bit of it. Many of his answers were quite heartfelt.

Lovell was on duty at AFRICOM headquarters in Germany during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The AFRICOM command was responsible for region that included Libya.
U.S. General Tells Congress: ?We Should Have Tried? In Benghazi - ABC News

Here is his testimony in its entirety. If you don't have time for the whole thing, below the main clip are segments of his testimony and below those are related videos.

Brig. Gen. Lovell says video not to blame
-Brig. Gen. Lovell says he dismissed the YouTube video within hours of the attack.

Brig Gen Lovell says video blame | Video |

In a (probably vain) attempt at getting this thread back on track, I wonder if anyone has comments on Ret. Brig. Gen. Lovell's testimony yesterday. I watched a good bit of it. Many of his answers were quite heartfelt.

Lovell was on duty at AFRICOM headquarters in Germany during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The AFRICOM command was responsible for region that included Libya.
U.S. General Tells Congress: ?We Should Have Tried? In Benghazi - ABC News

Here is his testimony in its entirety. If you don't have time for the whole thing, below the main clip are segments of his testimony and below those are related videos.

Brig. Gen. Lovell says video not to blame
-Brig. Gen. Lovell says he dismissed the YouTube video within hours of the attack.

Brig Gen Lovell says video blame | Video |


Yes, there were comments on it. The left waved the white flag when they went to the race card.

It is beyond a crime. Everyone that participated in the lie to the American people deserve to be in a fuckmeintheass federal penitentiary for life.

The lying sack of shit in chief who benefited from the lie for political expediency and abandoned our people to be raped and tortured FOR EIGHT FUCKING HOURS and then incited riots around the world by exposing this pathetic video (you know they had that video in their hip pocket for just such a case) and then lied straight faced to the families when they told them they would get the GUY WHO MADE THE VIDEO at the funerals is all we need to know.

That is not enough for the voting base. They actually think we never criticize BOOOOOSH and they take this criminal incident and literally parrot their pig in jumpsuits..........


That is why I have stopped treating these ignoramuses with respect. They deserve no respect. Not in any way.
Probably the same reason why all the shit that Snowden and Manning exposed were classifed as "secret".

because that's what they do.

So really, what we know is that a lot of people had opinions in the days after the attack, and no one had evidence.

spin all you want, joey boy. The truth is coming out. obama and his cronies knew the video had nothing to do with the attack, but they continued the lie for weeks because they feared that the truth might hurt him in the election.

Obama lies and 4 americans died.

This is not going away, even ABC and CBS are finally digging into it, seems that even the liberal media does not like being lied to.

One of your fellow wingnuts was out there complaining that the MSM wasn't covering it, they were too busy talking about Sterling.

Anyway, just to get some perspective, I remember the heady Clinton days, when you guys were ABSOLUTELY CONVINCED that some new revalation about Lewinsky or Vince Foster or Chinese money was going to blow the whole thing open.

And Clinton walked out of office on his last day with a 67% approval rating.

YOu know what I'd like to meet. Instead of a congenital Obama hater like yourself talking smack about this, I'd like to hear from one person- JUST ONE PERSON - who said, "Man, I voted for Obama in 2012, but if I knew that this really wasn't about a video, I'd have totally voted for Romney."

My guess, you won't find that person because that person doesn't exist.

And yet the Obama White House was so scared that enough of those people existed that they were willing to collectively lie to the American people about what DID happen that night in Benghazi...which means your "guess" isn't backed up by Obama's actions.
In a (probably vain) attempt at getting this thread back on track, I wonder if anyone has comments on Ret. Brig. Gen. Lovell's testimony yesterday. I watched a good bit of it. Many of his answers were quite heartfelt.

Lovell was on duty at AFRICOM headquarters in Germany during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The AFRICOM command was responsible for region that included Libya.
U.S. General Tells Congress: ?We Should Have Tried? In Benghazi - ABC News

Here is his testimony in its entirety. If you don't have time for the whole thing, below the main clip are segments of his testimony and below those are related videos.

Brig. Gen. Lovell says video not to blame
-Brig. Gen. Lovell says he dismissed the YouTube video within hours of the attack.

Brig Gen Lovell says video blame | Video |


General Lovell knows that we didn't do everything we could to help those people in Benghazi because the people running our country were more worried about covering their asses politically than they were about saving four people's lives.

It's coming up on a year and a half after the attack...does anyone EVER hear about efforts by the Obama White House to bring those who committed those murders to justice? You don't because what's REALLY important to the Obama White House is putting this behind us and moving on to something less embarrassing to them.
An even worse angle of this travesty, is the question of who provided the Terrorists with the weapons to pull off the attack? If this were fully investigated, i'm confident it would become evident that our own Government provided the weapons that were used to murder our Ambassador. That's the real crime. Likely another 'Fast & Furious' debacle. It's time to investigate and hold those responsible accountable.

Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.
Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

really? isnt it a shame then Democrats voted to fund and keep fighitng a war you claim was based on "deceitful propaganda" for more than a decade?

libs are losers who lie to themselves; even about other's alleged lies; which they can never seem to prove
False comparisons and alteration of history is all democrats have. If they don't know how bad this is, they are willfully blind. It's trivializing the four deaths. Anything else makes obama looks bad. That's how we got into this in the first place.
The perennial deflection point: Boooooooosh!

Never forget to follow up with the race card.

And that works for some people. :cuckoo:
Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

Yeah, well it is not important. Also, there was a paradigm shift post 911 in how to deal with states that sponsored terrorism. It was not the Bush administration that propagated the existence of WMDs, and there at least 17 resolutions that were violated by Saddam.

UNSCOM flat out stated violation after violation along with the history of him relentlessly trying to restart his WMDs programs.

Since you have no clue what UNSCOM stands for.....

U.N. Security Council created UNSCOM, a special commission to find and dismantle this arsenal.

Here, since you think that is all a lie and since you ignore the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs that Clinton signed and since you ignore the fact that Hillary voted in favor of the war and also propagated the existence of WMDs before Bush took office.........

Saddam Hussein's Weapons Of Mass Destruction | Gunning For Saddam | FRONTLINE | PBS

A 58 page annex to the final report describes what the Commission was able to learn about the BW program, despite Iraq's concealment activities, and documents discrepancies between what Iraq claimed to have developed, or destroyed, and the physical evidence. Some of the findings include:

Extensive BW program: Iraq had an extensive BW program from 1973 until at least 1991. In mid-1995, Iraq admitted that it had weaponized BW agents, but claimed that the entire BW program had been in "obliterated" in 1991 and that all BW weapons had been destroyed and all bulk BW agents had been deactivated. The Commission found, however, that the evidence produced in support of this claim was not credible, and that Iraq "retained suitable growth media, BW facilities, production equipment, teams of expert personnel, and the essential technical knowledge" after 1991.

Bulk production: In July, 1995, Iraq acknowledged that between 1988 and 1991, it had produced two BW agents in bulk: botulinum toxin and Bacillus anthracis spores (anthrax). Iraq reported 19,180 liters of botulinum toxin (10-20 fold concentrated) and 8445 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores (10 fold concentrated).

UNSCOM found, however, that "bulk warfare agent production appears to be considerably understated," given the resources available to Iraq's BW program, including growth media and fermenter capacity. The Commission said that the production rate of Botulinum toxin could be as much as double the stated amount, and 3 times greater than that stated for Bacillus anthracis spores.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed more than 7500 liters of the Botulinum toxin and 3412 liters of Bacillus anthracis spores in 1991; UNSCOM noted that there was not evidence to support quantities claimed to be destroyed. The report concludes "the Commission has no confidence that all bulk agents have been destroyed... and that a BW capability does not exist in Iraq."

Iraq also claims to have produced lesser quantities of clostridium perfringens spores, ricin, and wheat cover smut.

BW Warheads: Iraq claimed to have produced 25 Al-Hussein missile warheads and filled them with BW agents. The Commission found that there was no credible evidence to show that only 25 missiles were produced and filled. Iraq declared that the 25 missiles were unilaterally destroyed; the Commission found enough physical evidence to account for the declared quantities of BW warheads, but the location of the remnants were inconsistent with Iraq's story.

BW bombs: Iraq declared that 200 R-400 aerial bombs were manufactured for BW purposes, but acknowledged that the numbers of bombs filled with particular agents (100 with botulinum toxin, 50 with bacillus anthracis spores, and 7 with aflatoxin) were "guesses." UNSCOM did find evidence of the destruction of some BW bombs at the site declared by Iraq, but found that the remnants account for less than one third of the bombs Iraq claims to have destroyed. In addition, UNSCOM found evidence of R-400A bombs carrying BW at an airfield where no BW weapons were declared.

Aircraft drop tanks: Iraq claimed that it produced 4 aircraft drop tanks to disseminate BW agents, and was developing a pilotless aircraft that could carry the tanks, holding either BW or chemical weapons, and release the toxins at a preset time. UNSCOM found that there was no evidence corroborate that only 4 were produced, and noted that interviews indicated that 12 were planned. Remnants of only three destroyed tanks were recovered. UNSCOM also rejected the evidence offered by Iraq--a letter thanking the project workers--that the pilotless aircraft project was shut down.

Aerosol Generators: Iraq developed aerosol generators for the dispersal of BW agents by modifying helicopter-borne commercial chemical insecticide disseminators. Although Iraq claimed the devices were ineffective, UNSCOM received documentation that they were successfully field tested. Interview evidence suggests that there were 12 devices produced; none were destroyed by UNSCOM.

Remaining Bacterial Growth Media: UNSCOM determined that there remained substantial bacterial growth media imported into Iraq which remains unaccounted for: 460 kg. of casien; 80 kg. of thioglocollate broth; 520 kg. of yeast extract; and 1100 kg of peptone. The report says that "the amounts that are 'missing' are significant, and would be sufficient to produce quantities of agent comparable to that already declared by Iraq."


UNSCOM was more successful in its pursuit of Iraq's CW program largely because Iraq was more cooperative with its disclosures. The final report notes that a "significant number" of chemical weapons, their components, and related equipment were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision between 1991 and 1997. In addition, the report found:

Extensive CW program: Iraq acknowledged that it carried out a large scale CW program between 1982 and 1990. It claims that more than 50% of its chemical weapons stocks were consumed during the 1980s, and that the majority of its production facilities were destroyed by aerial bombing during the Gulf War.

Bulk CW agents: Iraq said that it produced 3,859 tons of CW agents during the entire implementation of its CW program, and that 3,315 tons of these agents were weaponized. Agents produced in large quantities included mustard, tabun, and sarin.

According to Iraq, 80% of the weaponized CW agents were consumed between 1982 and 1988. In addition, they claim to have unilaterally discarded 130 tons of non-weaponized CW agents during the 1980s. UNSCOM found that these numbers could not be verified.

After the Gulf War, Iraq claimed that it had 412.5 tons of CW agents remaining. Four hundred eleven tons were destroyed under UNSCOM supervision; 1.5 tons of the CW agent VX remain unaccounted for.

Special Munitions: Iraq claimed that between 1982 and 1988, 100,000 munitions filled with CW agents were consumed or disposed of. UNSCOM found that this number could not be verified.

After the Gulf war, Iraq declared that there remained over 56,000 special munitions which could carry either CW or BW agents (22,000 filled, 34,000 unfilled). These munitions are all accounted for. They were either destroyed or converted for conventional weapons purposes.

Iraq claimed that there were 42,000 special munitions destroyed in the Gulf War. UNSCOM was unable to verify that number, and found that the destruction of 2,000 unfilled munitions remains uncertain, and 550 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.

Iraq claimed that it unilaterally destroyed 29,000 special munitions; UNSCOM found that of these, 100 filled munitions remain unaccounted for.
Last edited:
Bush's Wars Of Choice:

Number of American service personal who have died in Afghanistan: 2313
Number of American service personal who have died in Iraq: 4487

That figure doesn't include contractors or other US citizens.

Benghazi: 4

Please neocon whiney fucks - don't start. You look silly

Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

It's funny how you liberals can't stop talking about Bush. Ever since this bombshell landed, it's been "B-but Bush did this a-and he started that!"

Please give it a rest.
What weapons were used to murder our Ambassador? And where did the Terrorists get them from? Dig deeper, and i'm sure you'll find that our own Government provided the means to pull off this awful attack. Americans should be outraged over that.
Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

really? isnt it a shame then Democrats voted to fund and keep fighitng a war you claim was based on "deceitful propaganda" for more than a decade?

libs are losers who lie to themselves; even about other's alleged lies; which they can never seem to prove

Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?
It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

really? isnt it a shame then Democrats voted to fund and keep fighitng a war you claim was based on "deceitful propaganda" for more than a decade?

libs are losers who lie to themselves; even about other's alleged lies; which they can never seem to prove

Talking points about Mushroom clouds, Aluminum tubes, ties with al Qaeda, Yellow cake, is what I mean, not the culpability of the minority of Democrats in Congress who voted to give President Bush the deciding power. Do you think Condi was ever briefed on how to come across with a particular message before her many appearances on the Sunday talk shows?

I bet she was never told to deliberately lie to the American people.
Comparing two wars vs Benghazi is as whacked out as comparing Vietnam to 9/11.

War vs terrorist attack is apples vs oranges.

It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

It's funny how you liberals can't stop talking about Bush. Ever since this bombshell landed, it's been "B-but Bush did this a-and he started that!"

Please give it a rest.

I understand, you're okay with deceptive talking points as long as it's a Republican doing the talking.
What weapons were used to murder our Ambassador? And where did the Terrorists get them from? Dig deeper, and i'm sure you'll find that our own Government provided the means to pull off this awful attack. Americans should be outraged over that.

Holy shit you are always bound and determined to make the true mastermind of all killing the USA aren't you? Move to fucking Canada you will be more happy there instead of living in such a evil country and please take all the paulbots with you!

This administration lied about the reasons for the deaths of Americans for a political reason and you want to turn this into it is all the USA's fault!
It is appropriate to compare the Talking Points put out by the Bush Administration in the year and a half long campaign to convince Americans that Iraq poised a significant threat and or was involved in the 9-11 attack. That was a much more deceitful propaganda campaign.

It's funny how you liberals can't stop talking about Bush. Ever since this bombshell landed, it's been "B-but Bush did this a-and he started that!"

Please give it a rest.

I understand, you're okay with deceptive talking points as long as it's a Republican doing the talking.

No, you don't. I'm not okay with anyone lying, especially about this kind of stuff. Bush, Obama take your pick. It's wrong no matter who does it.

And still, deflecting to tu quoque arguments as you liberals always do.
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