Biden Has Been 'Officially' Corrected in White House Transcripts 148 Times in 2024 Alone

This is a slightly conservative pod-caster that doesn't care much for Biden, interviewing a former member of the last Trump administration, that was there for ten days. Scaramucci now seems to supports Biden, but addresses the controversy of the "lies."

He I get the sense, he sees through the hyperbole on both sides. Good conversation.

". . . On July 21, 2017, Scaramucci was appointed White House Communications Director. Days into the job, Scaramucci provoked controversy after launching a strongly worded attack on members of the Trump administration in an interview with The New Yorker's Ryan Lizza that he believed was off the record. Ten days after his appointment, he was dismissed by President Donald Trump, at the recommendation of the new White House Chief of Staff, John F. Kelly. He has since been critical of Trump in the media and voiced his support for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.. . . "

Time marked at the start of their conversation.

You "respect it" because your people have perverted it to persecute one man who offends you. No one else would touch the case that is monumentally blowing up in Bragg's face right now. And here you are, shamefully bragging about how much you love the very system you have blown up.

Just shut up, really.
Sad that you’d talk about our great country and legal system in such a way.
We do, we just need to weed out the corruption before you people subvert it totally…
I agree. We should always be rooting out corruption. Problem is you all call everything corrupt if it is negative for Trump. Even things that aren’t…. You don’t give legitimacy a chance unless it helps you and your agenda
I agree. We should always be rooting out corruption. Problem is you all call everything corrupt if it is negative for Trump. Even things that aren’t…. You don’t give legitimacy a chance unless it helps you and your agenda
And you don’t? Give me a break…Enough trying to blame republicans for what you’re doing…
Trump cannot form the word "Venezuela".

It's a real tongue twister!
“We just planted ourselves on the couch and smoked a ton of crack,” reads another passage of the book. “For endless hours, day after day, it was the same numbing ritual, over and over and over: pipe, Chore Boy, crack, light; pipe, Chore Boy, crack, light; pipe, Chore Boy, crack, light.”-Hunter Biden
So instead vote for someone who just makes stuff up.

What a joke of a political system the US has.
They both make up stuff, this is the problem with politicians, they can't tell the truth to save themselves. Biden. Trump. Obama, Bush, none could be truthful.
One of my ongoing questions during this ugly period is whether they (a) really are blind & delusional about Trump's behaviors or (b) can see them clearly but just project them on to Biden as a partisan political tactic.

Biden is mediocre and milquetoast, and they have either convinced themselves he is literally Satan's Son, or they're just transparently trying to run interference for their orange cult leader using obvious projection.

This man-child and his cult are exhausting, like having to babysit for eight straight years without a break.
And you don’t? Give me a break…Enough trying to blame republicans for what you’re doing…
I certainly don’t. Our country our government our institutions our people are all imperfect. But they still represent greatness. Yall are trying to tear it all down to pad the ego of a billionaire and it’s quite frankly pathetic
I certainly don’t. Our country our government our institutions our people are all imperfect. But they still represent greatness. Yall are trying to tear it all down to pad the ego of a billionaire and it’s quite frankly pathetic
This tactic of projection nonsense is every bit annoying as children repeating sentences back to each other to annoy…it’s not honest, and quite immature…
Oh I don’t think our nation is even close to destroyed. I still feel lucky and proud to be an American.
I have to agree with you. This Xiden regime, like Jim Crow and slavery, is just one dark chapter, we will overcome, like we have always done.
This tactic of projection nonsense is every bit annoying as children repeating sentences back to each other to annoy…it’s not honest, and quite immature…
It’s absolutely honest. Do you know how many debates I’ve gotten into with people who ignorantly claim an election was rigged and by a corrupt FBI and DOJ. And every time a court case comes up everything is automatically dismissed because the courts are corrupt or the judge is corrupt or the jury is corrupt.

It’s brainless and as you just said,,, child like
It’s absolutely honest. Do you know how many debates I’ve gotten into with people who ignorantly claim an election was rigged and by a corrupt FBI and DOJ. And every time a court case comes up everything is automatically dismissed because the courts are corrupt or the judge is corrupt or the jury is corrupt.

It’s brainless and as you just said,,, child like
That’s your opinion, others have theirs…Whether you believe you’re right or not is irrelevant if you can’t change their mind, and acting like a tool isn’t going to do a damned thing other than entrench the opinion.

Then what gets solved? Nothing, other than a huge waste of time, and effort. So, liberals get mad, and stay miserable.

If that’s how you choose to go through life so be it. No skin off my nose.
That’s your opinion, others have theirs…Whether you believe you’re right or not is irrelevant if you can’t change their mind, and acting like a tool isn’t going to do a damned thing other than entrench the opinion.

Then what gets solved? Nothing, other than a huge waste of time, and effort. So, liberals get mad, and stay miserable.

If that’s how you choose to go through life so be it. No skin off my nose.
Everybody is entitled to their opinions. I have no issue with differences of opinions. But I do take issue when people ignorantly spread anti American conspiracies that they can’t back up with facts.

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