New Bill Quote

“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way
Ed, net gaining 34 jobs in a month is hardly something to write home about. Call me when he gets to half of Reagans million jobs in a month.

And yes, Bill Clinton said it.
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way

We have a really shitty situation, Edds...especially when it comes to jobs that pay a living wage. I will not lay it all at the feet of the Barrypuppet because the fix was in long before he ever took office...but he was no JFK. He did not stand up to the banking oligarchs, He never once exposed the incredible amount of wealth his masters have hidden via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports nor has he ever went up to the plate and admitted that his owners have been calling the shots. The last president that we had that did was JFK. Barrypuppet wasn't willing to put his neck on the line for us because he knows what side his toast is buttered on. Thems be the facts., my friend...I know a lot of stuff, Edds...I know a lot of's all I do.
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way
Ed, net gaining 34 jobs in a month is hardly something to write home about. Call me when he gets to half of Reagans million jobs in a month.

And yes, Bill Clinton said it.
Here weather just for you
Jobs & Unemployment

Now that 2014 has gone on the books as the best year for employment growth in 15 years, the official figures show that the U.S. had 6,371,000 more people employed in December than it did when Obama took office in 2009. So during Obama’s first six years in office, the U.S. has added nearly five times more jobs than it did during the entire eight years under President George W. Bush. (Bush’s total was just under 1.3 million.)

Bush’s record suffered from a loss of nearly 4.4 million jobs in the last 12 months of his presidency, and we can’t say what the last two years of Obama’s tenure will bring.

The official unemployment rate has now dipped to 5.6 percent, which is 2.2 percentage points below where it was when Obama first took office. It is not only the lowest jobless rate in six years — it is slightly better than the historical average. Since 1948, the monthly jobless rate has averaged 5.8 percent.

Some scars from the Great Recession of 2007-2009 still linger. There are nearly 2.8 million people suffering from long-term unemployment — being out of work for 27 weeks or longer. That is 86,000 higher than it was when Obama entered office.

And the average number of weeks that the unemployed have been without work was 32.8 weeks — which is 13 weeks longer than the average duration of joblessness for the month Obama entered the White House.
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way

We have a really shitty situation, Edds...especially when it comes to jobs that pay a living wage. I will not lay it all at the feet of the Barrypuppet because the fix was in long before he ever took office...but he was no JFK. He did not stand up to the banking oligarchs, He never once exposed the incredible amount of wealth his masters have hidden via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports nor has he ever went up to the plate and admitted that his owners have been calling the shots. The last president that we had that did was JFK. Barrypuppet wasn't willing to put his neck on the line for us because he knows what side his toast is buttered on. Thems be the facts., my friend...I know a lot of stuff, Edds...I know a lot of's all I do.
it's my opinion dale that not one of the candidates can improve our job picture very much ,,,,the age of automation where machines can do the work of 100 men is here,,,,,,
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way
Ed, net gaining 34 jobs in a month is hardly something to write home about. Call me when he gets to half of Reagans million jobs in a month.

And yes, Bill Clinton said it.
Here weather just for you
Jobs & Unemployment

Now that 2014 has gone on the books as the best year for employment growth in 15 years, the official figures show that the U.S. had 6,371,000 more people employed in December than it did when Obama took office in 2009. So during Obama’s first six years in office, the U.S. has added nearly five times more jobs than it did during the entire eight years under President George W. Bush. (Bush’s total was just under 1.3 million.)

Bush’s record suffered from a loss of nearly 4.4 million jobs in the last 12 months of his presidency, and we can’t say what the last two years of Obama’s tenure will bring.

The official unemployment rate has now dipped to 5.6 percent, which is 2.2 percentage points below where it was when Obama first took office. It is not only the lowest jobless rate in six years — it is slightly better than the historical average. Since 1948, the monthly jobless rate has averaged 5.8 percent.

Some scars from the Great Recession of 2007-2009 still linger. There are nearly 2.8 million people suffering from long-term unemployment — being out of work for 27 weeks or longer. That is 86,000 higher than it was when Obama entered office.

And the average number of weeks that the unemployed have been without work was 32.8 weeks — which is 13 weeks longer than the average duration of joblessness for the month Obama entered the White House.
Bill Clinton and I say Obama is an epic failure and I think the government numbers are BS. It's why Bill and Bernie are beating up on Obamanomics. They know people know their own situations despite the mainstream propaganda.
They know their followers are idiots so they say this kind of BS.

Aaron Goggans — the core organizer of Black Lives Matter, DC — told CNN’s Carol Costello Thursday that black-on-black crime is a myth.

Goggans was responding to a video former Baltimore Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis posted earlier in the week in which he called for removing guns from the streets as a key part of solving the problem of black-on-black crime. (VIDEO: Ray Lewis Calls For 25 Year Mandatory Prison Sentence For Illegal Firearm Possession)

“It’s important to talk about the myth of black-on-black crime as just that — a myth,” Goggans explained. “Any Google search of the term comes up with a lot of different articles.”

“So, Ray Lewis is wrong?” interjected Costello.

Keep reading…
“Unlike when I became president, a lot of things are coming apart around the world now.”

Ya don't think he was making a reference to anyone in particular, huh? :laugh:
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way

We have a really shitty situation, Edds...especially when it comes to jobs that pay a living wage. I will not lay it all at the feet of the Barrypuppet because the fix was in long before he ever took office...but he was no JFK. He did not stand up to the banking oligarchs, He never once exposed the incredible amount of wealth his masters have hidden via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports nor has he ever went up to the plate and admitted that his owners have been calling the shots. The last president that we had that did was JFK. Barrypuppet wasn't willing to put his neck on the line for us because he knows what side his toast is buttered on. Thems be the facts., my friend...I know a lot of stuff, Edds...I know a lot of's all I do.
it's my opinion dale that not one of the candidates can improve our job picture very much ,,,,the age of automation where machines can do the work of 100 men is here,,,,,,
Indeed it has and it doesn't bode well for humanity...if you believe that the global elite are going to subsidize what they refer to as the "worthless eaters"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn I am willing to let go at a bargain basement price. There is a :great "culling of the herd" on the horizon. You do not even want to know the things that I have figured out. They are working on a global de-population plan and they are starting with the third world countries because it will not be as obvious...but they are going to do it here...vaccines, chem-trailing, GMO, ELFs,'s death by a thousand single one will do it but it's an accumulative affect and like former insider George Green has said...the elites are going to be making "God like decisions" to return earth and humanity to a harmonic balance. It's all in the Georgia Guide stones that are on a ley-line which is a part of free-masonry. I know my shit...I know more than I wish I did... I was much happier before I woke up to what is.
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Around the world . Not "around America ".

Can we get a full quote ? Cause u righties always cherry pick quotes and lie about shit.


Bill Clinton: ‘Black Lives Matter’ Protesters Are Defending Murders And Drug Dealers.

Also: Bill Clinton: “Things are coming apart around the world” under Obama.

I have to say I like the way bill stood up to black lives matters. I was surprised.
Me too. I would have expected him to kowtow to them.

Why should he though? He has nothing to lose
Sorry, I posted another thread on this. I reviewed the already posted thread but didn't connect this one. I think that it would be easier to post the title as it appears in any article that is referenced. That way it will be easier to detect duplicates. But I should have known this was already posted it is pretty much all over the INTERNET.
if a republican president achieved all that obama has you'd be wanting to put him on mt Rushmore
all you repubs, like cruz ,ya'll can take the FU train
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way

We have a really shitty situation, Edds...especially when it comes to jobs that pay a living wage. I will not lay it all at the feet of the Barrypuppet because the fix was in long before he ever took office...but he was no JFK. He did not stand up to the banking oligarchs, He never once exposed the incredible amount of wealth his masters have hidden via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports nor has he ever went up to the plate and admitted that his owners have been calling the shots. The last president that we had that did was JFK. Barrypuppet wasn't willing to put his neck on the line for us because he knows what side his toast is buttered on. Thems be the facts., my friend...I know a lot of stuff, Edds...I know a lot of's all I do.
it's my opinion dale that not one of the candidates can improve our job picture very much ,,,,the age of automation where machines can do the work of 100 men is here,,,,,,
Indeed it has and it doesn't bode well for humanity...if you believe that the global elite are going to subsidize what they refer to as the "worthless eaters"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn I am willing to let go at a bargain basement price. There is a :great "culling of the herd" on the horizon. You do not even want to know the things that I have figured out. They are working on a global de-population plan and they are starting with the third world countries because it will not be as obvious...but they are going to do it here...vaccines, chem-trailing, GMO, ELFs,'s death by a thousand single one will do it but it's an accumulative affect and like former insider George Green has said...the elites are going to be making "God like decisions" to return earth and humanity to a harmonic balance. It's all in the Georgia Guide stones that are on a ley-line which is a part of free-masonry. I know my shit...I know more than I wish I did... I was much happier before I woke up to what is.
what I think we need dale in order to go full speed ahead is tax reform ,,,SS raised a year or 2 to keep it solvent another 70 years or so and make sure our businesses are playing on a level playing field and wouldn't it be wonderful if the ah's we have in congress learned to compromise and not think of just their fn jobs?
Eds, what exactly will history remember Obama for? Even Bill Clinton admits he's an idiot who's screwed the pooch.
clinton said no such thing and just for starters when do you think the next repub president will have 73 straight months of job growth? yeah go ahead and belittle it the repub way

We have a really shitty situation, Edds...especially when it comes to jobs that pay a living wage. I will not lay it all at the feet of the Barrypuppet because the fix was in long before he ever took office...but he was no JFK. He did not stand up to the banking oligarchs, He never once exposed the incredible amount of wealth his masters have hidden via the Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports nor has he ever went up to the plate and admitted that his owners have been calling the shots. The last president that we had that did was JFK. Barrypuppet wasn't willing to put his neck on the line for us because he knows what side his toast is buttered on. Thems be the facts., my friend...I know a lot of stuff, Edds...I know a lot of's all I do.
it's my opinion dale that not one of the candidates can improve our job picture very much ,,,,the age of automation where machines can do the work of 100 men is here,,,,,,
Indeed it has and it doesn't bode well for humanity...if you believe that the global elite are going to subsidize what they refer to as the "worthless eaters"? I have a bridge in Brooklyn I am willing to let go at a bargain basement price. There is a :great "culling of the herd" on the horizon. You do not even want to know the things that I have figured out. They are working on a global de-population plan and they are starting with the third world countries because it will not be as obvious...but they are going to do it here...vaccines, chem-trailing, GMO, ELFs,'s death by a thousand single one will do it but it's an accumulative affect and like former insider George Green has said...the elites are going to be making "God like decisions" to return earth and humanity to a harmonic balance. It's all in the Georgia Guide stones that are on a ley-line which is a part of free-masonry. I know my shit...I know more than I wish I did... I was much happier before I woke up to what is.
what I think we need dale in order to go full speed ahead is tax reform ,,,SS raised a year or 2 to keep it solvent another 70 years or so and make sure our businesses are playing on a level playing field and wouldn't it be wonderful if the ah's we have in congress learned to compromise and not think of just their fn jobs?

Here is what needs to be done and it is very doable enough people woke up.

#1 Top to bottom audit of the Federal Reserve and publicly name the 13 families that are the shareholders. Then we nationalize it, tell the banking oligarchs that the debt belongs to USA.INC and not the people. Then we confiscate the ill-gotten wealth and put it into a trust.
#2 We then open up ALL Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports and the hidden holdings of USA.INC and it's 185,000 subsidiaries. What you would find is that they are sitting on 145 TRILLION dollars in assets not just in U.S holdings but overseas corporations as well that pays them a hefty dividend every year. USA.INC and it's subsidiaries take in more wealth in a year than the entire GDP of the private sector. That money is also put into a trust and that is what will finance the nineteen essential services that USA.INC contracted for when they took over the "gubermint" in 1871 in a "for profit" venture.
#3 Then we nullify all the unfair "fair trade agreements" that has allowed a flood of cheap goods into this country made by what is basically slave labor and we place tariffs on it like we did before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This would eliminate any taxation whatsoever and Allodial rights to property could be restored to the people....which means they own it property tax whatsoever.
#4 There are over 6,000 patents for everything from zero point energy to a better way of creating GOOD food that has been suppressed under the guise of "National Security". We release them and allow a TRUE free market to run with them which would create MILLIONS of jobs without harming the environment at all.
#5 We bring every soldier back that has been working overseas protecting the interests of the multinational corporations and use them to secure our southern border. Only those that came here legally and signed the guest book should benefit from the changes...not those that came over here, flopped and sucked off of the public teat.
#6 We use our influence to bring about these changes in every other country that is under the thumb of the banking oligarchs and return the wealth and resources that were stolen from them by the IMF and Bank For International Settlements back to the people from which it was stolen.
#7 We put every globalist on trial for their crimes against humanity and confiscate their wealth. The Rothschilds and Rockefellers come immediately to mind, Queen Elizabeth, Queen Beatrice, Prince Phillip, etc, etc. Everyone that sits on the Committee of 300. It's a very tiny group of powerful elites that have foisted this debt slavery system upon humanity at the expense of 100's of millions of lives and it's way past time that they paid for their crimes. It would be Nuremburg on steroids
#8 We restore the Republic which means a return to Common Law which is the law of the land instead of admiralty law which is the law of the sea with all it's acts, statutes and codes. Re-train the administrators that were acting on behalf of the bank under the guise of being a judge that was raising revenue for the corporation.... into administering Common law.
#9 Hire peace officers instead of police that have been nothing but glorified mall cops enforcers of acts, statutes and codes that produce revenue while producing no real victim of violations of said acts, statutes and codes.
#10 Make the people the trustee of their corporate fiction that was created the day they were born with the birth certificate that was written on bond paper.... as a bond was created in that all caps name that has gained value over the life of that corporate fiction and instead use it to fund the retirement of the real man or woman of the land...thus eliminating the need for any kind of social security tax on both the employee and the employer freeing the employer to pay more since he/she will not have to figure that cost into what he/she decides to pay you. Only under real time hardship like disability would the funds from this bond be released if it's not at the age of the age of 60? Heck, we might even be able to lower it to 55.
#11. Legalize has a 1000 and 1 uses from being a bio-fuel to curing many forms of cancer.
We have been abused, we have been raped, pillaged and plundered by a debt slavery system that rivals that of Rome before the birth of Christ and we don't even realize it.
BTW, there are millions of people that know the things I do...especially in Europe....America? Not so much but there are some. The tipping point is about to be reached and the point of no return is approaching unless people wake up as to what is being done to them. We ARE the change...we are the solution. These bought and paid for lackeys in D.C that is the corporate headquarters of USA.INC have no's all theater. KNOWLEDGE is power and trust me, they do not want you to know what I have posted here.

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