New book pins the video lie on Obama


Platinum Member
Aug 7, 2011
Journalist Edward Klein has written a book using inside sources to pin the Benghazi video lie squarely on Obama.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception | New York Post

By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.

She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.

She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.

The Hildabeast didn't want to be complicit in the lie, knew it wouldn't fly and called hubby for advice. Bubba agreed completely.

After her conversation with the president, Hillary called Bill Clinton, who was at his penthouse apartment in the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, and told him what Obama wanted her to do.

“I’m sick about it,” she said, according to the legal adviser, who was filled in on the conversation.

“That story won’t hold up,” Bill said. “I know,” Hillary said. “I told the president that.” “It’s an impossible story,” Bill said. “I can’t believe the president is claiming it wasn’t terrorism. Then again, maybe I can. It looks like Obama isn’t going to allow anyone to say that terrorism has occurred on his watch.”

But as with all things with the Clintons, it's all about them. Obama painted them in a corner. If they wanted a good shot at the WH in 2016, they'd have to play ball. She could resign in protest which would have been the right thing or she could back Obama. Do the right thing or do self-serving politics. In the end, she backed the only thing that drives her.

Obama had put Hillary in a corner, and she and Bill didn’t see a way out. And so, shortly after 10 o’clock on the night of September 11, she released an official statement that blamed the Benghazi attack on an “inflammatory (video) posted on the Internet.”

Read More: Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception | New York Post

Or, is Klein in cahoots with the Hildabeast campaign and this book is a smokescreen? Given what the Clintons are. Given that Klein's sources are senior Clinton aides and legal advisors, it's natural to be a little suspicious.
Here's the thing.

It wasn't a lie.

The video, which is highly regarded by Conservatives and made by a Criminal was part and parcel with the unrest in the Middle East and one of the reasons terrorists in Benghazi attacked the Consulate.

There were also multiple groups involved. Some of which, were protesting.

There was no lie.
So now we have it...
That's why Susan Rice ended up on the Sunday talk shows...
I mean we already knew why... Hillary wanted no part of it.

Hillary wasn't gonna kill her chance at the WH over this.

And we have known for quite some time that there were two arguments on how to handle this.

One group wanted to go forward and tell what happened but the Obama re election team took over and pushed the video caused it all story.
One of her top legal advisers told me that she called Bill to ask him if he remembered to take out the garbage. Nothing in the conversation pertained to a video other than her comment that he'd forgotten to update their credit card on Netflix.
Here's the thing.

It wasn't a lie.

The video, which is highly regarded by Conservatives and made by a Criminal was part and parcel with the unrest in the Middle East and one of the reasons terrorists in Benghazi attacked the Consulate.

There were also multiple groups involved. Some of which, were protesting.

There was no lie.

Yeah, and they caught a bad guy who confessed and admitted it all as truth. :cuckoo:
Journalist Edward Klein has written a book using inside sources to pin the Benghazi video lie squarely on Obama.

14th times a charm I here goes nothing...

Where has it been proven that the video reasoning was a lie?
Journalist Edward Klein has written a book using inside sources to pin the Benghazi video lie squarely on Obama.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception | New York Post

By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.

She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.

She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.

The Hildabeast didn't want to be complicit in the lie, knew it wouldn't fly and called hubby for advice. Bubba agreed completely.

After her conversation with the president, Hillary called Bill Clinton, who was at his penthouse apartment in the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, and told him what Obama wanted her to do.

“I’m sick about it,” she said, according to the legal adviser, who was filled in on the conversation.

“That story won’t hold up,” Bill said. “I know,” Hillary said. “I told the president that.” “It’s an impossible story,” Bill said. “I can’t believe the president is claiming it wasn’t terrorism. Then again, maybe I can. It looks like Obama isn’t going to allow anyone to say that terrorism has occurred on his watch.”

But as with all things with the Clintons, it's all about them. Obama painted them in a corner. If they wanted a good shot at the WH in 2016, they'd have to play ball. She could resign in protest which would have been the right thing or she could back Obama. Do the right thing or do self-serving politics. In the end, she backed the only thing that drives her.

Obama had put Hillary in a corner, and she and Bill didn’t see a way out. And so, shortly after 10 o’clock on the night of September 11, she released an official statement that blamed the Benghazi attack on an “inflammatory (video) posted on the Internet.”

Read More: Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception | New York Post

Or, is Klein in cahoots with the Hildabeast campaign and this book is a smokescreen? Given what the Clintons are. Given that Klein's sources are senior Clinton aides and legal advisors, it's natural to be a little suspicious.

Oh my, a journalist scorned! His last book, apparently a novel, was so fraught with lies even conservatives laughed at him!

But I'm sure that at less than five bucks a copy and massive buy backs, it'll "sell" well.

Ed Klein's Obama book debuts at #1 on Times list -- knocks Caro to #2 -

A sampling of literary criticism of the "Real Hillary:" This, from conservative columnist John Podhoretz: "This is one of the most sordid volumes I've ever waded through. Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."
Lol @ "inside sources". Is that what voices in ones head are called now?
Lol @ "inside sources". Is that what voices in ones head are called now?

Poor Howey. Reality is a stranger in his world.

Yeah, the more we see coming out, the more sense everything makes. Obama wanted to cover up an obvious terrorist attack with the flimsiest of excuses. Hillary recognized it wouldnt fly. She absented herself and they sent Susan Rice to the talk shows to push that crap, that they were still pushing weeks later.
Here's the thing.

It wasn't a lie.

The video, which is highly regarded by Conservatives and made by a Criminal was part and parcel with the unrest in the Middle East and one of the reasons terrorists in Benghazi attacked the Consulate.

There were also multiple groups involved. Some of which, were protesting.

There was no lie.

There is proof that Hillary and bill are liars and we have proof that Obama is a liar. Politicians lie.

The so called video may have enraged Muslims after the fact but even Ahmed Abu Khattala admitted that he never saw the video. He used it as an accuse after hearing about it from the Obama administration.
Here's the thing.

It wasn't a lie.

The video, which is highly regarded by Conservatives and made by a Criminal was part and parcel with the unrest in the Middle East and one of the reasons terrorists in Benghazi attacked the Consulate.

There were also multiple groups involved. Some of which, were protesting.

There was no lie.

Yes there was, and YOU are lying to protect your king.

Obama always lies.
Journalist Edward Klein has written a book using inside sources to pin the Benghazi video lie squarely on Obama.

14th times a charm I here goes nothing...

Where has it been proven that the video reasoning was a lie?

So I had a question that came in the form of a neg rep from [MENTION=29575]Google[/MENTION] and it said:

Well if you didn't get it the first 13th times, why explain it again?

The answer [MENTION=29575]Google[/MENTION] is that it was never explained at all. Thanks but you could've asked that question here instead of behind the scenes.
Klein has been criticized for his biography of Hillary Clinton, titled, The Truth About Hillary: What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President, which was released on June 21, 2005. Politico criticized the book for "serious factual errors, truncated and distorted quotes and overall themes [that] don't gibe with any other serious accounts of Clinton's life."[6] The book was attacked not only by liberals, but by conservatives as well. John Podhoretz wrote in the New York Post, "Thirty pages into it, I wanted to take a shower. Sixty pages into it, I wanted to be decontaminated. And 200 pages into it, I wanted someone to drive stakes through my eyes so I wouldn't have to suffer through another word."[7] In National Review James Geraghty wrote, “Folks, there are plenty of arguments against Hillary Clinton, her policies, her views, her proposals, and her philosophies. This stuff ain’t it. Nobody on the right, left, or center ought to stoop to this level.”[8]

Edward Klein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Here's the thing.

It wasn't a lie.

The video, which is highly regarded by Conservatives and made by a Criminal was part and parcel with the unrest in the Middle East and one of the reasons terrorists in Benghazi attacked the Consulate.

There were also multiple groups involved. Some of which, were protesting.

There was no lie.

There is proof that Hillary and bill are liars and we have proof that Obama is a liar. Politicians lie.

The so called video may have enraged Muslims after the fact but even Ahmed Abu Khattala admitted that he never saw the video. He used it as an accuse after hearing about it from the Obama administration.

A Conversation with Abu Khattala

He also maintained that the violence in Benghazi that night grew out of a protest against a movie produced in the United States that lampooned Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, rather than being a planned action by militants. (This has been a much-contested question; Kirkpatrick concluded that “the reality in Benghazi was different, and murkier, than either of those story lines suggests.… The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs.”) But Abu Khattala was oblique when asked whom, specifically,

A Conversation With Abu Khattala in Benghazi before his capture : The New Yorker

Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: "There Were No Efforts By The White House Or Any Other Executive Branch Entities To 'Cover-Up' Facts Or Make Alterations For Political Purposes."

Senate Select Committee On Intelligence: Intel Reports Linked Inflammatory Video To Benghazi Attack. A Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found that "some intelligence suggests" an inflammatory video linked to violent protests around the region led terror groups to conduct "similar attacks with advanced warning"
See my previous post. Klein is a hack, and a very poor one at that. Even conservative journalists admit he is a hack.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
See my previous post. Klein is a hack, and a very poor one at that. Even conservative journalists admit he is a hack.

A Deadly Mix in Benghazi

Around dusk, the Pan-Arab satellite networks began broadcasting footage of protesters breaching the walls of the American Embassy in Cairo, pulling down the American flag and running up the black banner of militant Islam. Young men around Benghazi began calling one another with the news, several said, and many learned of the video for the first time.

There is no doubt that anger over the video motivated many attackers. A Libyan journalist working for The New York Times was blocked from entering by the sentries outside, and he learned of the film from the fighters who stopped him. Other Libyan witnesses, too, said they received lectures from the attackers about the evil of the film and the virtue of defending the prophet.
Don't be silly. He is now a GOP hero.
Wonder how long it will be before hillary gives liberals their marching orders to turn on obama. You know the little negro that crushed her presidential dreams. Liberals will do it, their good little robots.
Journalist Edward Klein has written a book using inside sources to pin the Benghazi video lie squarely on Obama.

14th times a charm I here goes nothing...

Where has it been proven that the video reasoning was a lie?

Its simple even for you,the narrative was it was a spontaneous demonstration that got out of haqnd,when they darn well knew it was a planned coordinated attack.even you should see the difference,but........

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