New California Declares Independence from California

i lived there for 50 years,and every decade had a movement of some kind to break up the notice the state is still one state...
San Diego does not want to be part of this faux state....thank you very much...goodbye.
Please stop.

There is already a thread on this. This is 20th or so thread I've had to merge or close this afternoon.
It's a beginning...maybe not in our lifetime but one day the golden state will be split in two...
not this again.....this is about the 100th time someone has called to break up the notice it doesnt seem to work to well....
Oh sure, the Inland Empire (you call that a fucking empire?) and all the meth labs, dirtbag biker gangs, Klan and white supremacists will survive JUST fine without the West Coast...SAID NO ONE EVER.
And by the way, San Francisco, Oakland and that entire area will tell New California to go pound sand.

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