New Christendom

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This thread has shown the ridiculousness of your plans (dreams) for a Christendom based on the Middle Ages.

But let me tell you what you SHOULD be doing.

Your idea that whites will only survive if isolated is insane. And your ideas that all the other races are worthless is equally insane.

In my almost 6 decades on this earth, I have learned one truth where races are concerned. There are great people of any race, and there are worthless pieces of shit of any race. Your desire to exclude all races except one makes it sound as though you think the white race is so grand. I have known too many lazy, violent, thieving, ignorant white people to buy that. And I have known too many really great blacks, hispanics and other races to buy your desires to run them out.

Rather than wasting your time on racist pipedreams, why not extend your hand to those of any race who are worthwhile? Embrace your brothers & sisters in Christ, regardless of the color of their skin. (a truly trivial measure of who they are)

Why not create a place that thrives because all the worthless scum have been kicked out? Base it on individual merit rather than color of skin. Then you might accomplish something great.

Because this idea of a lily-white Christendom is doomed to fail. And rightfully so.

The White Christian Nation is unstoppable. Its deep roots in history, iron-clad identity as God's New Chosen People, and indisputable claim to the territories of the West, make it indestructible. We are indeed a divine people, and accordingly, only we know what's best. No outsider, no non-believer, no maniac of any stripe, can convince us otherwise. We're driven by deeper realities, going back two thousand years, since our very conception by Jesus Christ and stewardship of the Paraclete. We endure any and all hardships. Even when we appear defeated, we remain intact, and inevitably resilient, for the White Christ props us up, no matter how severe The Heathen's repressions.

A threefold connection among race, religion and land defines us, and that connection can't be undone. The sooner we re-affirm this truth, first to ourselves, and then to the rest of the world, the better. Regrettably, these are confusing times -- these, the hay-day of orgiastic heathenism -- and we've experienced certain set-backs we must now overcome with striking decision. Yet these are tactical shortcomings, which we must take seriously, but never fear, for we are not descended from fearful people. Far from it. We are descended from The White Christ Himself, and his countless armies of White Christian warriors, whose blood, courage and sacrifice forged CHRISTENDOM, in our Western homelands. The re-establishment of said CHRISTIAN EMPIRE is our very purpose for being.

Onward, White Christian Nation. Let us wake up from our slumber, and reclaim our God-given destiny.

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Christianity was started by people who are not white, including the messiah you worship.

Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.
What makes you think God loves this schmuck? He's lying in the name of the Lord, inciting hatred, fear, and violence.

If scripture is true, God hates his guts..

"But he who sets aside even the least of these commands, and teaches others to do the same, will be called the least in the kingdom of heaven."

To understand what Jesus meant by saying "the least", see genesis 3:14

Because He died for his sins.

Avatar, you're not being very CHRISTIAN. You're preaching hatred against me.

By telling people Christ loves you?


Look how unkind you can be. You should be ashamed of yourself. BTW, when are you moving down to the southern border, to help the "Caravan" storm across the border?
If telling you the Father loves you is unkind, I must be a super saint

You are paralyzed by your own beliefs. This insanity will kill you.
"But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells." -- 2 Peter 3:13

"To commit sin is to break Gods law; sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man therefore who dwells in him is a sinner. The sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children,do not be misled. It is the man who does right that is righteous as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and the Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devils work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner, because he is God's child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil: no one who does not do what is right is Gods child, nor is anyone who does not love his brother." 1 John 3;4-10

"A false witness will not go unpunished, and he who breathes out lies will perish."
Proverbs 19:9

So how do you think you’ll be punished?

God demands that we punish The Heathen. We might spare you, if you wake up soon enough.
This thread has shown the ridiculousness of your plans (dreams) for a Christendom based on the Middle Ages.

But let me tell you what you SHOULD be doing.

Your idea that whites will only survive if isolated is insane. And your ideas that all the other races are worthless is equally insane.

In my almost 6 decades on this earth, I have learned one truth where races are concerned. There are great people of any race, and there are worthless pieces of shit of any race. Your desire to exclude all races except one makes it sound as though you think the white race is so grand. I have known too many lazy, violent, thieving, ignorant white people to buy that. And I have known too many really great blacks, hispanics and other races to buy your desires to run them out.

Rather than wasting your time on racist pipedreams, why not extend your hand to those of any race who are worthwhile? Embrace your brothers & sisters in Christ, regardless of the color of their skin. (a truly trivial measure of who they are)

Why not create a place that thrives because all the worthless scum have been kicked out? Base it on individual merit rather than color of skin. Then you might accomplish something great.

Because this idea of a lily-white Christendom is doomed to fail. And rightfully so.

Theoretically, W.B., you're right. And of course I've considered extensively this perspective. No, not all Whites are saintly, and yes, there are countless, excellent people of all races. The color of one's skin is something we must never hold against him. BUT....the ugly realities of racial politics, and the overall narrative of history take priority now, in our colossal fight for survival. And then there's always the phenomenon of "skin-color-psychology" to contemplate deeply. Dark people naturally loathe light-skinned people. There's no way to over- come that, except through war and segregation. In the Clintonian "One-World Village", Non-Whites would eventually gang up on Whites, and slaughter us all. We can't take that chance. And because we were made great by Christ and the Paraclete, we must remain Christian, as opposed to, say, Social Darwinistic Nazis.
Greeks and Jews.... Later, Romans and Germans.... The point is the Paraclete took Christianity to Europe, not Africa or Asia, in major ways. It was all about EUROPEAN MAN.

Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.

Only white Christians know best? LMAO!!!

The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't.
In the Clintonian "One-World Village", Non-Whites would eventually gang up on Whites, and slaughter us all.

the one world village - would be a melding of all the races into one and 4th century christianity would be burned at the stake. rhetorically except for one example, NC.
Again, study your history. Matthew was martyred in Ethiopia, and Thomas went to India. Those who went out to share the word went to places they could reach easily and where the greatest numbers were.

I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.

Only white Christians know best? LMAO!!!

The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't.

See, W.B. ? You don't like us. The question now is how much do you dislike us? Now we're getting somewhere.
I doubt they did. But, for the sake of argument, neither venture amounted to anything. Only when Paul went to Greece, and then Rome, did the formation of The Second Chosen commence.

The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.

Only white Christians know best? LMAO!!!

The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't.

See, W.B. ? You don't like us. The question now is how much do you dislike us? Now we're getting somewhere.

Nothing I said indicates like or dislike. I stated facts about the make up of overwhelming majority of elected officials of our govt.
The second chosen? No where in recorded history does the second chosen even occur

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.

Only white Christians know best? LMAO!!!

The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't.

See, W.B. ? You don't like us. The question now is how much do you dislike us? Now we're getting somewhere.

Nothing I said indicates like or dislike. I stated facts about the make up of overwhelming majority of elected officials of our govt.

But your allegation: "The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't."....... For one thing, it's factually incorrect, in light of Obama, and for another, it's a gross generalization. It reveals a powerful bias against White people, whom you're scapegoating. Nonetheless, I appreciate the honesty.
Another day of underground, info-wars commences. I dedicate my every thought and deed to the rise of the White Christian Nation. My faith in The White Christ is rock-solid. As I infiltrate behind enemy-lines once again, it's total war I have in mind, yet a war fought in the shadows of the Cultural Marxist Regime. I've lived this way for the last twenty years. To say the least, it has become the meaning of my entire existence. Heathen, BEWARE.

It happens in the imagination of those, like Nathan, who need to justify his hatred & bloodlust.

You just don't know our history, and therefore can't understand us. Only we know what's best.

Only white Christians know best? LMAO!!!

The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't.

See, W.B. ? You don't like us. The question now is how much do you dislike us? Now we're getting somewhere.

Nothing I said indicates like or dislike. I stated facts about the make up of overwhelming majority of elected officials of our govt.

But your allegation: "The overwhelming majority of things that are wrong in our nation came from white Christians. The white Christians basically presided over our gov't."....... For one thing, it's factually incorrect, in light of Obama, and for another, it's a gross generalization. It reveals a powerful bias against White people, whom you're scapegoating. Nonetheless, I appreciate the honesty.

I am not scapegoating anything. Obama is not the issue. He was only elected in 2008 and took office in 2009. The issues that face us, as Americans, have been building for decades. Gross generalization? When has our gov't been less than 75% to 80% white Christian? You want to blame minorities for things, but many of our problems can be directly connected to the fact that our entire political system has been sold to the wealthiest people. The elected officials do what they are told. And it is not minorities doing that.

Quite a few pages back, I asked you what will happen to the homes and businesses that are owned by minorities if your fantasy comes to pass. The American citizens who played by the rules and built lives for themselves, and built successful businesses, will be forced to leave the US (according to your plan). We you and your ilk pay them for their businesses and homes?
Another day of underground, info-wars commences. I dedicate my every thought and deed to the rise of the White Christian Nation. My faith in The White Christ is rock-solid. As I infiltrate behind enemy-lines once again, it's total war I have in mind, yet a war fought in the shadows of the Cultural Marxist Regime. I've lived this way for the last twenty years. To say the least, it has become the meaning of my entire existence. Heathen, BEWARE.


So the actual Christ is to be tossed aside?
Evil is of Man. I don't believe God would create evil. When Man rebels against God, he becomes Satan.

Evil has always existed. Because God.has always existed and He is good
But god created evil because he created EVERYTHING in this universe.

No. God created everything that was created.

Evil has always existed because good has always existed. God is good
So if god didn’t make evil, who did?

No one. It always existed because good has always existed. And Good has always existed because God has always existed.

I’m not sure why this is difficult to understand
Because you're saying that god didn't create everything in the universe. Where did you get that?
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