New Conservative Womens Minister voted against protection for women seeking abortions

You need to make yourself clear then. Anyone can name call especially the knee jerkers and the ignorant.
I think I was pretty clear.
And then you responded and completely backed up what I said lolz.

You really couldnt make this shit up. This freak is unlikely to be a champion of womens rights. She has an appalling voting record and it strips away Sunaks thin veneer of respectibility.

There are still no adults in the room. Women will never progress under conservatives.
What fun!

Once again we see Tommy Tainant throwing down the gauntlet to our other resident Trolls that he, Tommy Tainant is and always will be our number one TROLL!

Yes, I can see something like that happening here as well but in a different way. In the US you had people encouraged to think a different way, make protests and so on. Certainly in Scotland the protesters outside where women are going for abortion seem to always be retired people from Texas! It could get worse but so far we do not seem to have a lot of our own people wanting these rights taken away and conversion therapy comes from the US as well. So what seems to be happening here is that the Conservatives are slyly intending on taking away rights and doing it by giving the jobs of looking after rights to people who do not agree with these rights. It will be up to the UK to find a way to fight back.
One of the advantages of a democracy is that the will of the majority is expressed.

Conservatives took from women their rights contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.
Murder is not a right, and we haven't taken away the right to use protection.
Conservatives have taken from American women their right to privacy, their right to reproductive autonomy, and the right to be secure in their persons from government excess and overreach.
70 million babies (and the unpublished invasions of those who do not want their kills published for high societal or religious ban reasons very likely adds another 30%,) It's been sad for many women who got talked into getting rid of the child in their baby's first home. Others celebrate the kill as the best for all concerned. All except the little guy who fights to develop and be born, who if aborted, is sentenced to a very painful horrific death, then mutilation to give his mother the comfort of not having to birth the little life, and then, not even having a funeral service of people who didn't love him or her enough to do away with his or her life, not a loving home to be accepted into life, no learning from day to day how to open his or her eyes, to learning to tolerate daily baths and dressings, hugs and wonderful feeding times, for the something that it is, the aborted baby gets truly unloving treatment by someone who wasn't adult enough to love an unplanned baby, but enjoyed the comfort and thrill that brought the little guy to form, only to be betrayed with a most painful, ugly, bloody, dismembering and starkly callous death with no kindness, no love rendered to the poor little one. The 70 million figure, and likely one hundred million deaths of little helpless human beings considering some are smart enough to know it's wrong to kill somebody else. A lot of parents who couldn't find a child to adopt did without during the years of Roe v. Wade. Those who celebrate their abortion are no different from the dirtbags who danced when 9/11 was the death of three thousand people in America who did absolutely nothing to deserve their bloody, frightful murders. Who celebrated our nation's broken heart?
There are many stages of human development from conception until death. Conception is the beginning of life, death is the end. Science says life doesn't start with inhaling one's first breath. The DNA is unique in every person. It's complex, it's specific, and it's true. I found this online:
June 24, 2022 | Press Release | Protect Life/Unborn

AG Paxton Celebrates End of Roe v. Wade; Announces Abortion Now Illegal in Texas​

Today the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973), and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992), thus bringing an end to a half century of the unconstitutional and unconscionable national “right” to abortion. Attorney General Paxton also released an official advisory setting forth Texas law in light of the Supreme Court’s decision. Additionally, he announced the statewide closure of his agency’s offices today in honor of the nearly 70 million unborn babies killed in the womb since 1973. June 24th will be an annual Office of the Attorney General holiday in recognition of this momentous decision—and the many lives lost before it. ​
“Roe v. Wade and its successor case Planned Parenthood v. Casey have absolutely no basis in the U.S. Constitution,” said Attorney General Paxton. “Nevertheless, for half a century, Americans have had to live under these illegitimate, illegal, and unconstitutional dictates of a partisan, willful Supreme Court. No more. Today, the question of abortion returns to the states. And in Texas, that question has already been answered: abortion is illegal here. I look forward to defending the pro-life laws of Texas and the lives of all unborn children moving forward.” ​
“Further,” added Attorney General Paxton, “we cannot forget the extraordinary violence that Roe and Casey unleashed on our nation. Because of those decisions, almost 70 million babies have been killed in the womb. And so, today at noon, I am closing all my offices as a memorial to these babies. Our hearts and prayers go out to all of them. Never again should something like this happen in America.”  ​

Dear God, please counsel and forgive those who are sorry years after they ended their little one's life, causing us to lose people who surely would have given us more peace than their sad, uncelebrated lives denied of give-and-take, loving friends, the pursuit of happiness, and contributors to our once-blessed nation. Thank you, Creator God for life, and please let the angels in Heaven use their little souls to make our nation a more caring place as some of us feel deep sorrow for the hundred million who passed here and have not so much as a gravestone since their pain and loss of a future of happiness went unappreciated with a very sad end fate for every one of them. Amen.

One hundred million beloved children of God, not beloved of parents. :(
Conservatives have taken from American women their right to privacy, their right to reproductive autonomy, and the right to be secure in their persons from government excess and overreach.
No, we just said the federal government will not condone murder, and that the individual states must make the decision whether or not to allow it. As for women, nobody took away their brains to keep them from utilizing the hundreds of methods of birth control if they dont want to get pregnant.
Are you stupid or something Forrest?
One of the advantages of a democracy is that the will of the majority is expressed.

Conservatives took from women their rights contrary to the will of the majority of the American people.
No, the federal government made murdering babies a state by state decision doofus.
This is a lie.

No one advocates for ‘killing babies.’
That is exactly what you advocate. Among the ilk too lazy to prevent a pregnancy, you support the murder of an innocent fetus as a matter of convenience. What a pathetic human you are.
Are you are saying that the murder of a viable infant, called a late term abortion is fine with you.
You need to read the OP. Women going in for an abortion need protection from lunatics.
We can all agree on that.
And a "minister for women" should fight for that right. Not vote against it.

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