New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa​

I'll circle back to you on that...........

Fucking coward. I come from a line of warriors and you from yellow streak cowards. Below is the definition of an opinion. You’re an uneducated fool aka a typical Biden voter. That’s fine but a coward? That explains a lot.

  1. a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.
"Not necessarily"

But often.
It's a fact that 96 percent of people dying from Covid are unvaxxed. Only retards dispute this fact.

If you insist on sticking to your delusions, just visit your local hospital and ask them.
Yeah and democrat's/leftist have blood all over their hands, because they politicized the entire thing. If Trump said something about the many alternative treatments even as he pushed for the vaccines, the leftist crats weren't having any of it because he spoke about it. Even Obiden and Harris said they weren't getting vaxed because Trump had uttered the vaccine word. As soon as Trump was out, they quickly adopted everything Trump had done on the virus front when it came to the vaccines, and even took the vaccine their selves as if it was ok since Trump was gone. ROTFLMBO.

And you sit here trying to say the Trump supporters are crazy ? ROTFLMBO.

You know that you've swallowed the blue pill hook line and sinker, and it's been quite embarrassing for you, but you hold on to the idiocy like it's a badge of honor. ROTFLMBO.
You should read the whole article, if that variant is as bad as feared, we could be forced to start at 0, or worse.

In two weeks you will be seeing how effective our vaccines are against this new variant. And in about 3 or 4 weeks you will be seeing the real transmission rate relative to the delta variant. These two factors will determine the future course of the pandemic. What is disturbing about omicron variant is that there are 40, not 30 mutations of the spike protein which is critical for the virus to break into cells and is also critical to the effectiveness of vaccines as it is used by vaccines to identify the virus to the immune system.
You can't seem to find any web sites other than kook ones?

Go to your local hospital. Ask them about the unvaxxed to vaxxed ratio of Covid deaths. I guarantee they will tell you they are getting really fed up with the unvaxxed filling their hospital.
No it's a narrative that lying Joe and his admin have come up with for political purposes, because our local hospital's aren't having any such high pressured problem's, in fact in our state we've been living normally since this thing began. Yeah we've lost some people in the last two years, but it hasn't stopped our state from keeping our minds in the right place, and in keeping our job's and economy going. Blue states are crumbling in fear under the weight of it all, and they've been cowering in fear over it all to the point of hysteria. Not good.

There's an end game to it all, but it's tough to see where it is. To many lies, and to much confusion, and our enemies are loving every minute of it.
In two weeks you will be seeing how effective our vaccines are against this new variant. And in about 3 or 4 weeks you will be seeing the real transmission rate relative to the delta variant. These two factors will determine the future course of the pandemic. What is disturbing about omicron variant is that there are 40, not 30 mutations of the spike protein which is critical for the virus to break into cells and is also critical to the effectiveness of vaccines as it is used by vaccines to identify the virus to the immune system.
Two weeks eh ? You know things that the government doesn't know or are you getting your information from the government ? Are you hopeful that in two weeks the citizen's will be attacked yet again in this country by a chain of virus mutations that the Chinese released upon the world, otherwise just to get at those you hate ?? Why don't you change your stance, and start calling for your current government to protect you by investigating why all this has become a series of problems for our people and economies here now ? You just sounded giddy in this post you wrote.
This shit will never will continue through our lifetimes

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Not as long as the world is in it's transitional period. It's working to well for the globalist who want to get us all back in chains. We've had it to good for to long in America, and the world through the lens of Obiden and company are going to cut us all down to size.
It doesn’t seem like that big of a deal.

Viruses mutate. That’s why we get a new flu shot every year. Most likely there will just be a new COVID vaccine every year to take in addition to the flu one.

Right now, COVID is more transmissible and has a higher mortality rate then the flu, but the vaccine and improved treatments will likely make COVID similar to the flu in those respects.

the media coverage and debate seems to have more to do with politics and ratings than anything else.
In two weeks you will be seeing how effective our vaccines are against this new variant. And in about 3 or 4 weeks you will be seeing the real transmission rate relative to the delta variant. These two factors will determine the future course of the pandemic. What is disturbing about omicron variant is that there are 40, not 30 mutations of the spike protein which is critical for the virus to break into cells and is also critical to the effectiveness of vaccines as it is used by vaccines to identify the virus to the immune system.
Yes, it is already in the thread. And there 32 mutations in the spike protein.
How many common colds and flus are gonna be mis-diagnosed as Oricon, especially since there is no test for this new and improved variant!!
It’s also impossible to know that the variant is improved by its addition of new mutations to its old mutations, then boasting itself bad.
Yes, it is already in the thread. And there 32 mutations in the spike protein.
Dipshit, your thread is bullshit unless you list the mutations. Dipshit, where is the list of mutations for badger to critique? Are you afraid to show the prisoners where they can go to see a list of these mutations?
I just wish it was like Hurricane names so I could have one named after me
Dipshit, your thread is bullshit unless you list the mutations. Dipshit, where is the list of mutations for badger to critique? Are you afraid to show the prisoners where they can go to see a list of these mutations?
As if you would understand the changes the spike protein has undergone....
They are Fucking Evil. And all these idiots defending them are Brain Dead idiots.

But these evil fuckers are very good at brainwashing. See it everywhere now.
Yes the Mind Control aspect has been ongoing ever since
Obama made Potus.It has intensified ever since,more
each year.Obama was an advocate of CRT way back when his
mentor Derrick Bell a Harvard Professor was a big proponent
of.Then we have Obama and Tides Foundation colleague
and domestic Terrorist Bill Ayers also on the board.Plus
Annenberg Challenge of Chicago.Ayers and Bernardine
Dohrn introduced the Obamas into Chicago's political
sphere.In their Brownstone,not far from where the Obamas
bought a house.
Ayers and Dohrn { got off from being in Prison for life |
due to wiretapping laws.They then went about the bidness
of teaching at University.Basically using a sort of Frankfurt school method.Which is Marxism dressed up as if
Intellectual.Ayers was once on Alex Jones for a full hour and a half.Complaining that he wasn't getting his agreed upon
Rebuttal time.Jones loves to talk.Ayers used tactics like
saying " Well we have common ground regarding that ".
Commie talk.Jones was well aware of that tactic.
Ayers also mentioned making sure to teach kids at a
younger age.Like the Younger the better.
Now why do you think he was stressing that. ?
So they could grow up into Big Bad Democrat Wolves.

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