New Corona Variant, that might be very dangerous, spreads in South Africa

That was a study in Germany.

For every article you post there is one that disagrees or says something different. If you think for one minute there is anything close to truth coming from the media you trust you are the moron that you so clearly seem to be.
For every article you post there is one that disagrees or says something different. If you think for one minute there is anything close to truth coming from the media you trust you are the moron that you so clearly seem to be.
It's a fact that 96 percent of people dying from Covid are unvaxxed. Only retards dispute this fact.

If you insist on sticking to your delusions, just visit your local hospital and ask them.
You can't seem to find any web sites other than kook ones?

Go to your local hospital. Ask them about the unvaxxed to vaxxed ratio of Covid deaths. I guarantee they will tell you they are getting really fed up with the unvaxxed filling their hospital.
Fear mongers even have already given this new variant a 'Transformer' like name in calling it OMICRON!

They are using the Greek alphabet, dumbass.

Remember the Delta variant?

Jesus, the ignorance among you rubes is astounding. You are living in a cartoon world.
I bet Lastamender is too chickenshit to go find out for himself and visit a local hospital and ask.

Or ask any nurse or doctor in the local area.
You can't seem to find any web sites other than kook ones?

Go to your local hospital. Ask them about the unvaxxed to vaxxed ratio of Covid deaths. I guarantee they will tell you they are getting really fed up with the unvaxxed filling their hospital.
Did you see the proof? Twitter did. That is why they censored it. You are a fool. and that is putting it lightly.

Oh cool it, it's just Fauci all dressed up. Again.....
The World Health Organization (WHO) named it. The same organization that ran cover for Wuhan-CCP!
Yeah, just yesterday it was reported via article released by Science that the new variant was going to start with the letter N as the next one in the labeling system was the letter N, but WHO decided the name should be Omicron instead. Much more impactful in sound compared to Nu, yes? So what happened to Nu and why did Nu get kicked to the curb in less than a day? A valid reason for the name change that I’m missing? Does anyone know the reason for the switch?
Yeah, just yesterday it was reported via article released by Science that the new variant was going to start with the letter N as the next one in the labeling system was the letter N, but WHO decided the name should be Omicron instead. Much more impactful in sound compared to Nu, yes? So what happened to Nu and why did Nu get kicked to the curb in less than a day? A valid reason for the name change that I’m missing? Does anyone know the reason for the switch?
I think you are correct, Nu wasn't scary enough.

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