New Danish Study Finds Masks Don’t Protect Wearers From COVID Infection

Obviously you don't have a clue how to use good judgement...

Masks are for other people's protection from you.

When out and about when you see someone not wearing a mask there's a good chance they are an antivaxxer as you avoid that sick pup with at least 10 feet (3 meters) space at all times...

You avoid sick pups like that... getting near them is only asking for trouble.
The definition of insanity is: Doing something that fails over and over again while expecting a different result each time you try.
They do not keep you from spreading this virus.. This is a bald face lie.


One mask is enough to protect others and by now there shouldn't be anybody so stupid as to think they're for protecting oneself.

But there sure is!

Masks can reduce the range of coughs sneezes, but only temporarily does anything else.
As soon as the saliva dries, then the virus gets through in both directions, as if you had no mask at all.
I don't get what you're trying to say, Donald.

Wearing a good quality N95 mask gives you an excellent level of protection against airborne diseases, as far as I know.

Actually no.
Viruses are less than a tenth the size of the holes in an N95 mask.
They are only good for large bacteria, and temporarily for saliva droplets until they dry out.
So you have about a 15 minute window of effectiveness.
Direction does not matter.
They can't help reduce spread or intake, once the saliva droplets have dried out and the virus are free by themselves.
The thing is, w/out googles and gloves a mask is basically 1/2 a helmet when dealing with an airborne pathogen

The thing is, w/out googles and gloves a mask is basically 1/2 a helmet when dealing with an airborne pathogen

Its what communist do. They just double down on Lying about the mssks. They know thst if you tell a lie enough it becomes the truth. Most of America has no clue of most information
DO your glasses fog? The water vapor is aerosolized particles that collect on the glass and cool forming droplets. People need to use some common sense and think about the whole breathing process. Then we need to look at the building you're in. Humidity level of 30% by controlled means. The moment you breath out those particles are drying out as they are at >80% humidity levels.

People need to understand what is actually generating the particles <3.0 microns in size.
What a groundbreaking study. No longer do surgeons and nurses have to keep putting masks on the patients instead of on themselves, like they never have, ever.
Masks will reduce the spread of droplets. That's ALL they do. To the extent that viral particles are suspended within the droplets, the masks help stop most of it. Recall the worry about people singling, laughing, TALKING, in enclosed areas being an invitation to infection? That's because if the viral load is high enough, the particles stay suspended without being trapped in water vapor.
These masks, unless they're N-95 or higher, AND properly worn, are useless. Certainly, the cotton cloth masks most of us used are more likely to cause illness than prevent it. It's like a soft, moldable Petrie dish for all sorts of nasty little critters to keep breathing in, all day.

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