New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions

And Africans in America will be living like Hatians. You'll have no one left to blame for your failures as a race.

Good Allah you people as just too dann stupid to function in the real world

Thats the perspective of an ignorant white racist. Race is a construct and my family is full of wealthy and successful black people.
Remarkable how the racist right gets so needlessly upset about such a non-issue.
Non issue? Someone produced these children's cartoons with a specific purpose and message in mind.

The message is white people are inherently racist. Black people are inherently victims of that racism.

Got to start filling children's heads with a message that perpetuates racism before they are able to
think for themselves. Right? It's never too early to start proselytizing the message of racial animosity.
Non issue? Someone produced these children's cartoons with a specific purpose and message in mind.

The message is white people are inherently racist. Black people are inherently victims of that racism.

Got to start filling children's heads with a message that perpetuates racism before they are able to
think for themselves. Right? It's never too early to start proselytizing the message of racial animosity.
Imagine the outrage if they started producing movies directed at white kids to be careful while among blacks because of the very common risk of assault, robbery, bullying etc
Man, you sure do hate blacks.
Why do you love commies?


You're not fooling ANYONE!!!
Oh….you think it’s the “righties” who run Disney who put out a cartoon to make white children feel bad about their “micro-agressions” toward blacks children?!

Wow. This just shows how full of hate you leftists are, ready to interpret everything as “racist.” There is no such thing as superior or inferior race.

But you lefties have created an entire fiction where you believe all whites THINK blacks are inferior. (That‘s what CRT saying that whites are racist at the core is about.) So leftists, in an effort to “get back” at all the imagined white racists who think they are of a superior race, are trying to put blacks in a superior position so whitey will know what it feels like.

You leftists with all your race nonsense are dIviding the country.
It must be embarrassing attempting to protect the systematic racism from the white supremists republicans. There is no doubt slavery made them wealthy.
Oddly enough, no one spoke of racism and division while trump was there. Suddenly it all appeared from no where when Biden came along .
How convenient. Yet you expect me and the rest of the world to suggest it never started with that big fat trump? Don't make me vomit.
And here you are, banning the teaching of our history because someone “might feel uncomfortable”.

Nobody is banning the teaching of history. Students are still being taught the history of slavery, and how hundreds of thousands of whites died freeing the slaves.

What isn’t being taught is the anti-white, anti-American hate being cemented by leftists in the desire to get whites to hate themselves and go along with the destruction of our society.
Nobody is banning the teaching of history. Students are still being taught the history of slavery, and how hundreds of thousands of whites died freeing the slaves.
And then abandoned those newly freed slaves to Jim Crow and helped keep them second class citizens for the next 100+ years under segregation.
And here you are, banning the teaching of our history because someone “might feel uncomfortable”.
And the lies continue. Tell me, how does post 108, that you and every pathetic race baiter has studiously ignored, represent teaching 'history.'
Like I said, people are tired of it. As for me, I’m not racist but I’ve seen so many of these false and ridiculous accusations that I just don’t give a shit anymore. I don’t give a shit because no matter what I do or say (or don’t do or say), it’s never enough. In today’s culture, in the eyes of some, I will never be unracist enough.

That is really the whole of it, you can only demand that everything is racist until the point that no one gives a shit anymore.

And that is exactly what is happening. When someone is called a racist, no one cares anymore. It has become a joke.
And then abandoned those newly freed slaves to Jim Crow and helped keep them second class citizens for the next 100+ years under segregation.
1) We haven‘t had Jim Crow for almost 60 years. Why now all of a sudden, after two generations, is racism supposedly all of a sudden so bad (according to leftists).

2) And Jim Crow wasn’t everywhere...just in some of the states. My parents grew up in NYC in the 30s and 40s, and their classmates and neighbors included many children. My mother then taught in NYC in the 50s, and her class was black and white, both.
I know it's in your plans, but we ain't going nowhere
You're white racist culture is. Socially and culturally we are pushing white racist culture towards extinction. We're teaching your kids that your Founders were slaving and raping pieces of shit and tearing down monuments to your racist heroes. We use shame and ridicule to bend and break white racists who get out of line and we dominate your popular culture and social media and you have no viable counter response.
And here you are, banning the teaching of our history because someone “might feel uncomfortable”.
And here you are, a gullible and willing stooge, thinking that CRT is all about 'teaching history". :icon_rolleyes:

I doubt you will read but there it is anyway.

By the way, the only meaningful referendum on CRT being pushed on school children was in the last
Virginia governor's race where blacks rejected democrat Terry McAuliffe and CRT because it
treated blacks like helpless manipulated dupes always being bested by evil racist whites.
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1) We haven‘t had Jim Crow for almost 60 years. Why now all of a sudden, after two generations, is racism supposedly all of a sudden so bad (according to leftists).
Those generations are still alive, let's not pretend as if 60 years is that long ago. My parents are older than the end to segregation let alone my grandparents. Furthermore, no one is saying racism is all of a sudden so bad. Racism has always been bad and as minority voices have gained cultural cache they've helped to highlight the many insidious ways it manifests itself. Such as your attempts to paint Union troops as saviors of the slaves without acknowledging the nearly 200 years of Jim Crow and segregation that came after. Also while segregation changed the laws what it didn't change was who had the power. All the police officers who turned fire hoses on and sicked dogs on peaceful protesters sitting at lunch counters or marching in the streets still had their jobs.
2) And Jim Crow wasn’t everywhere...just in some of the states. My parents grew up in NYC in the 30s and 40s, and their classmates and neighbors included many children. My mother then taught in NYC in the 50s, and her class was black and white, both.
Segregation existed in the North as well and when Black Americans fled North during the decades of the Great Migration they faced racism and brutality there as well. White northerns redlined black families from white suburban neighborhoods and quarantined black Americans in urban neighborhoods they defended and straved of resources.

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