New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions

^and this leftist poster is an example of what another was talking about: how the left has made it ONLY about whites being racist, and blacks being their victims.

The above poster, to show how awful whites are and blacks always the victim, finds an example of whites chasing down and shooting a black, and saying “see? This is what we have to prepare the black children for!”

But naturally, since in his leftist mind, blacks can do no wrong, he skips over the crimes of blacks - assaulting innocent people (seems to be mostly Jews and Asians) on the streets, mowing down white people with their car and killing six, shooting people in cold blood, etc., etc..

Where’s the cartoon ”preparing” white children for THAT?!
It's whites who have to be careful not to step into the territories claimed by Africans in America
Here’s the problem as I see it: Far too many of these same people who are “more tired of racism...” are the very ones who have become overzealous social justice warriors and make frivolous accusations of racism, white privilege, unwokeness, etc.
Those people are the vast majority. White privilege and racism actually exist and the term "woke" started as a term black people used to signify black people waking up to how much white privilege and white perspectives inform and influence our lives and biases.
Like I said, people are tired of it. As for me, I’m not racist but I’ve seen so many of these false and ridiculous accusations that I just don’t give a shit anymore. I don’t give a shit because no matter what I do or say (or don’t do or say), it’s never enough. In today’s culture, in the eyes of some, I will never be unracist enough.
I don't really care if you and others are tired of it. That isn't going to stop the burgeoning conversation on racism and white privilege happening in this country.
Don’t start that shit with me. I gave you absolutely nothing on which to assume that my distaste for these words has anything to do with minorities. Besides, I don’t hate the words as much as I hate the false morality behind them.
You've given plenty. And morality is subjective you moron.
All I said was that I hate these fad terms and you have already painted me as a racist. Congratulations, you have performed the fastest character assassination with the least amount of evidence in human history.
Boo hoo. We call them as we see them.
Your response is precisely what I’m talking about: false, frivolous and ridiculous accusations of racism for the stupidest reasons.
No one but hurt white racists thinks addressing racism and white privilege is stupid.
How do you know how many black people I know?
Seems fairly obvious. If you know any black women then you know they don't like people touching their hair and have been asked on occasion by a white person to touch it. There isn't a black woman in my family who doesn't have at least one story involving some white person asking to touch their hair.
And again, you’re talking about undisciplined brats accosting strangers in public. This is not at all what I’m talking about nor is it something I condone.

Of course I would. What gave you the impression that I think kids should do this sort of thing? Again, this is not at all what I’m talking about.
It is what I'm talking about though. If your kid was commenting on one of their friends weight you admit you'd say something but take offense when an innocent video does the same with respect to people of color. You are, by your own admission, more sensitive to the feelings of overweight people than people of color.
Are you saying minorities are uncomfortable with their skin color? If so then I would have to ask why. If not then I’m not sure I see your point.
You can't think of any social or historical reasons why black people would be made to feel uncomfortable in the skin because of white bias? Are you a complete moron?
Do you remember what I said in my first post? I said we used to teach our children to learn about other races and cultures and to ask questions. Nothing of what I said would suggest or even imply that I think it’s okay for kids to poke fun at fat people or touch a black person’s hair for Christ’s sake.
Nothing other than you crying about an innocent video teaching kids that that was inappropriate.
So what do you expect me to do or say about random white people who hurt your feelings?
I don't get hurt feelings over those types of things.
You mean people making false claims of racism? Yes, that hurts my feelings as much as whites refusing to listen hurts yours.
That doesn't hurt my feelings. It amuses me because what are those white people going to do but sit and cry about it? They certainly can't stop or influence the conversation.
I find it ironic that you’re here lecturing me about white racism in this country after having just told me about Jamaican racism.
Then you don't know what irony is.
Those people are the vast majority. White privilege and racism actually exist and the term "woke" started as a term black people used to signify black people waking up to how much white privilege and white perspectives inform and influence our lives and biases.

I don't really care if you and others are tired of it. That isn't going to stop the burgeoning conversation on racism and white privilege happening in this country.

You've given plenty. And morality is subjective you moron.

Boo hoo. We call them as we see them.

No one but hurt white racists thinks addressing racism and white privilege is stupid.

Seems fairly obvious. If you know any black women then you know they don't like people touching their hair and have been asked on occasion by a white person to touch it. There isn't a black woman in my family who doesn't have at least one story involving some white person asking to touch their hair.

It is what I'm talking about though. If your kid was commenting on one of their friends weight you admit you'd say something but take offense when an innocent video does the same with respect to people of color. You are, by your own admission, more sensitive to the feelings of overweight people than people of color.

You can't think of any social or historical reasons why black people would be made to feel uncomfortable in the skin because of white bias? Are you a complete moron?

Nothing other than you crying about an innocent video teaching kids that that was inappropriate.

I don't get hurt feelings over those types of things.

That doesn't hurt my feelings. It amuses me because what are those white people going to do but sit and cry about it? They certainly can't stop or influence the conversation.

Then you don't know what irony is.
You're "lucky" to have big WHITE corporations manipulating simple minds.

Only blacks have ever made an issue of their skin color to excuse their failures in this country.
You're "lucky" to have big WHITE corporations manipulating simple minds.

Only blacks have ever made an issue of their skin color to excuse their failures in this country.
Don’t the white leftists realize that they are DRIVING racism where it didn’t exist before? There’s more hostility between the races now than in any point in 50 years.
You're "lucky" to have big WHITE corporations manipulating simple minds.

Only blacks have ever made an issue of their skin color to excuse their failures in this country.
Lucky? We pushed and fought and bent corporations to our will. We are using them as a bludgeon against the culture of white racism and what can you do about it? Not a fucking thing.
Don’t the white leftists realize that they are DRIVING racism where it didn’t exist before? There’s more hostility between the races now than in any point in 50 years.
It's intentional. Leftists want to "burn it down" and rebuild society under the communist model. They want redistribution of wealth. White corporations think they have chosen the right side of this issue by pandering to the leftist crazies
Lucky? We pushed and fought and bent corporations to our will. We are using them as a bludgeon against the culture of white racism and what can you do about it? Not a fucking thing.
Nothing except watch them become irrelavent. "We" brought Zuckerberg to tears after they lost $40 billion overnight
It's intentional. Leftists want to "burn it down" and rebuild society under the communist model. They want redistribution of wealth. White corporations think they have chosen the right side of this issue by pandering to the leftist crazies
Doesn’t make sense, though. The leftist crazies are the ones demonizing large corporations, wanting to raise taxes on them, institute all sorts of regulations, force them to overpay unskilled workers, and so forth.

The only thing I can figure is that they are hoping if they support the crazy leftists, they will be spared as “one of them” as the left continues to dismantle capitalist America - not realizing they will turn on them too, eventually.

It’s sort of like the Jewish Kapos joining forces with the Nazis, hoping they’d be spared. Didn’t work. In the end, they came for them too.
Doesn’t make sense, though. The leftist crazies are the ones demonizing large corporations, wanting to raise taxes on them, institute all sorts of regulations, force them to overpay unskilled workers, and so forth.

The only thing I can figure is that they are hoping if they support the crazy leftists, they will be spared as “one of them” as the left continues to dismantle capitalist America - not realizing they will turn on them too, eventually.

It’s sort of like the Jewish Kapos joining forces with the Nazis, hoping they’d be spared. Didn’t work. In the end, they came for them too.
Hoping the alligator will eat them last. Coca-Cola has done the same thing but backtracked a little. So did the Salvation Army. They still push the Commie/racism nonsense, just not so overtly and in your face. They all need to feel the pain from the MAJORITY they're trying to avoid from the vocal minority. These corporations need to suffer
Nothing except watch them become irrelavent. "We" brought Zuckerberg to tears after they lost $40 billion overnight

No you didn't. Nor do you apparently know how Zuckerbergs wealth is calculated. That calculation is based on Metaverse's stock price, which fluctuates, dips and grows with the market. He didn't actually lose anything you complete moron. Also what the fuck do I care how much money Zuckerberg has? If he lost all his money it wouldn't matter to me, I care about corporations so far as they are useful in wiping out your culture.

No you didn't. Nor do you apparently know how Zuckerbergs wealth is calculated. That calculation is based on Metaverse's stock price, which fluctuates, dips and grows with the market. He didn't actually lose anything you complete moron. Also what the fuck do I care how much money Zuckerberg has? If he lost all his money it wouldn't matter to me, I care about corporations so far as they are useful in wiping out your culture.
Yep. Mark "got something in his eye" 😄
I care about corporations so far as they are useful in wiping out your culture
And Africans in America will be living like Hatians. You'll have no one left to blame for your failures as a race.

Good Allah you people as just too dann stupid to function in the real world
The video is prepping them for white people like this.

‘This Was Attempted Murder’: Two White Men Chased and Shot At a Black FedEx Driver While He Delivered Packages; Attorney Slams ‘Too Light’ Charges for Father-Son Duo​

You are such a dumbass!

The vast majority of murder is intracial. Blacks most kill blacks, whites mostly kill whites, Latinos mostly kill Latino etc. However, Blacks are much more likely to murder people of other races then they are to be killed by someone of another race.

We are not teaching who’re kids to prepare for black racists? No we are teaching them tolerance. But a dumb fuck like you thinks it is good to teach black kids to hate white people…

Again you are a dumbass!
You are such a dumbass!

The vast majority of murder is intracial. Blacks most kill blacks, whites mostly kill whites, Latinos mostly kill Latino etc. However, Blacks are much more likely to murder people of other races then they are to be killed by someone of another race.

We are not teaching who’re kids to prepare for black racists? No we are teaching them tolerance. But a dumb fuck like you thinks it is good to teach black kids to hate white people…

Again you are a dumbass!
The fact is that the dumbass goes right to an example of a white against black crime, which as you note, is the exception - to demonstrate what people have been saying on this thread: that the leftists are setting up a fantasy world in which all whites are racists and blacks can do no wrong, so what does Lefty do: “look here, I found an example of a white against black crime!”

These lefties are so convinced that they are morally superior to anyone who disagrees that they can’t even see how they are demonstrating the anti-white bias!

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