New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions

Because that is exactly how it sounds when they say it. We’ve been hearing and seeing people screaming “racism” over the last ten years or so for the stupidest reasons and people are getting tired of it.
Which people? What I see are people and society becoming more and more tired of racism and less interested in the opinions of people wanting to dismiss the fact that racism exists.
As for the word “microagression” itself, I in fact hate the term, just as I hate the terms “woke” or “tone deaf” or any idiotic fad phrase they come up with to make themselves appear more hip and virtuous than they are.
Your hate for innocent words that express the sentiments and feelings of minorities was more than obvious.
These videos notwithstanding, the concensus seems to be that only whites are guilty of this. They are not.
Of asking to touch black women's hair and making people feel strange and less than because of the color of their skin? That's because that is mostly white people. If you knew more black people you'd know this.
So they hug it out. So what? Like I said, in the scenario in the video, there was no reason to lecturing the kid about microagression when all he did was make the observation that he was darker than his mom.
As I said if your kids loud observation was that the person was fat, and was going around commenting on people's weight you'd talk to them about that and explain why it was inappropriate.
Completely different. Obesity is a source of embarrassment for many people, skin color is not. At least, it shouldn’t be.
So now you're the arbiter of what makes other people embarrassed and uncomfortable? Maybe you're fat and so you more easily empathize with that scenario but it isn't different for black people when they are emphasized as different from what white people consider the "normal".
You’re talking about an entirely different situation. You’re talking about kids blurting out shit to strangers in public. I’m talking about kids interacting with their friends who are from different races, cultures and countries.
Even if they were friends with the overweight kid you don't think that kid would be uncomfortable with your child commenting about their weight? You wouldn't talk to your child in that case and explain why that's insensitive? I'm failing to see the difference other than your empathy for the over weight and your lack of it for minorities.
I never suggested anyting like that in regards to the video. However, I have encountered that type of thinking right here on this forum. There are actually blacks (and to some degree, whites) who seriously believe blacks cannot be racist. Which of course is bullshit because I was the target of black racism once.
I'm talking about the video, not about how some random black person hurt your feelings.
This is precisely what I’m talking about: “ long as WHITES refuse to listen...”
Sorry if reality hurts your little feelings.
That remark right there tells me you think whites are the only reason we don’t have racial harmony and in so thinking, ironically, YOU are also part of the problem.
Not what I said at all. My family is from Jamaica and I'm Chinese, Indian and African ethnically. In Jamaica there is this rude and insensitive thing where black Jamaicans call every Chinese man and woman Mr or Ms. Chin. Doesn't matter what their names actually are it's just a thing that Chinese Jamaicans get called all the time. Something my chinese jamaican mother used to get called all the time. That's uniquely cultural to Jamaica. I understand racism exists everywhere in varying degrees and forms. It just happens in this country its mostly white people asking to touch black peoples hair and asking people who are not white what they are. That's a question I got asked a lot growing up and my reply was always the same, "American". It did make me feel less than when white people didn't see me as American and something foreign. I was born in this country, I'm as American as anyone else.
Thank you. I have that poster on ignore, but I can tell by your responses what he’s saying.

His remark “as long as WHITES refuse to listen” does indeed show the problem with this entire situation: Leftists, as you note, have come right out and admitted that only whites can be racist - and they strike back hard at any white who objects to that. Ironically, they double down and call such a white person “racist!!!” if they in any way imply that it’s a two-way, and that blacks are contributing to problems of racism. Having a leader of BLM, for example, threaten to “burn the system down unless whites give us what we demand” is creating hostility - and reveals the inner attitude of a black racist.

The Left goes even further than that, though. Not only is it only whites who can be racist, they are modifying definitions to say that only blacks can be victims of racism. (That is why Whoopi, for example, had problems acknowledging that the Holocaust was related to antisemitism. She sees the world as black or white, and Jews falling into the latter category.)

And that is a dangerous mindset: essentially denying that any actions or speech against whites, if by blacks, is racist or hateful - and setting up a wide berth in which blacks can do no wrong (while whites can do no right - unless they come around to “admitting” that whites are the entirety of the problem.)

Finally, back to the video: it is a solution in search of a problem, and the very fact that white children are being admonished as committing micro-aggressions when there is no such “aggression” involved not only shows how far the Left has to go to prove to little white children that they are being micro-racist. It is setting up young white children to feel they are being bad. Whatever happened to the leftist concern about “gold stars for everyone” for self-esteem?
Liberals, not the left.

Liberals despise the left and would destroy it if they could.

But the cartoon is repulsive, and even I was shocked by its dangerous fascism and racism.
Liberals, not the left.

Liberals despise the left and would destroy it if they could.

But the cartoon is repulsive, and even I was shocked by its dangerous fascism and racism.
I’ve heard this distinction made between liberals and the left, and I don’t get it. The entire Democrat side of the House is going along with this racist nonsense - not trying to destroy it. Didn’t Pelosi, and Schumer, and the other leaders don African garb and get down on their knees to bow before the Victimized Blacks and beg forgiveness for the Horrible Racist White Race? That display was disgusting. Americans bow to NOBODY.

And remember, we still apparently have 40% of people (which would be close to ALL Democrats) who approve of Biden despite his race-baiting scoldings….telling those of us opposed to the voting fraud act that we side with Jim Crow and other racists…..that the jury was wrong to acquit a “white supremacist” Kyle…..that we would put blacks back in chains I’d we could….and so on.

So while you may not want to face it, the vast, VAST majority of Democrats who were previously reasonable have swing to the leftist side, probably around 90% based on Biden’s approval numbers.

Republican Governor Youngkin did not win because such a big percentage of Democrats objected to the far-left racist nonsense. Just look at the Northern Virginia counties where the “parents need to butt out of the schools” Maculiffe won by a comfortable margin.

No, the Republican won in Virginia because Republicans and Independents came out in numbers not even seen in the 2020 presidential election, and a small sliver of Democrats objected to the leftist and went with the R. But make no mistake - 90% of the Democrats have been so brainwashed by leftist media lies that they will vote for a candidate pushing for CRT in the classroom.

New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions​

So change the channel and don't watch the show?

Lazy-ass. Good lord
I’ve heard this distinction made between liberals and the left, and I don’t get it. The entire Democrat side of the House is going along with this racist nonsense - not trying to destroy it. Didn’t Pelosi, and Schumer, and the other leaders don African garb and get down on their knees to bow before the Victimized Blacks and beg forgiveness for the Horrible Racist White Race? That display was disgusting. Americans bow to NOBODY.

And remember, we still apparently have 40% of people (which would be close to ALL Democrats) who approve of Biden despite his race-baiting scoldings….telling those of us opposed to the voting fraud act that we side with Jim Crow and other racists…..that the jury was wrong to acquit a “white supremacist” Kyle…..that we would put blacks back in chains I’d we could….and so on.

So while you may not want to face it, the vast, VAST majority of Democrats who were previously reasonable have swing to the leftist side, probably around 90% based on Biden’s approval numbers.

Republican Governor Youngkin did not win because such a big percentage of Democrats objected to the far-left racist nonsense. Just look at the Northern Virginia counties where the “parents need to butt out of the schools” Maculiffe won by a comfortable margin.

No, the Republican won in Virginia because Republicans and Independents came out in numbers not even seen in the 2020 presidential election, and a small sliver of Democrats objected to the leftist and went with the R. But make no mistake - 90% of the Democrats have been so brainwashed by leftist media lies that they will vote for a candidate pushing for CRT in the classroom.
Oh, the Democrats virtue signal and throw verbal bones & empty promises to the left, but they DESPISE the left, and in fact exist to keep it at bay if not destroy it.

Democrats/liberals could not be more diametrically opposed to the left.

And the left DESPISES Biden and the Democrats, whom they regard as deranged fascist totalitarian conservative/corporate warmongers.

Because that's what Democrats/liberals are.

Liberals/Democrats and the left are as different as Nazis and the Jews they murdered.

And of course the Democrats won in 2020 by destroying the socialist vote.

Liberals/Democrats: Nazis.

The left: Jews.
Thank you. I have that poster on ignore, but I can tell by your responses what he’s saying.

His remark “as long as WHITES refuse to listen” does indeed show the problem with this entire situation: Leftists, as you note, have come right out and admitted that only whites can be racist - and they strike back hard at any white who objects to that. Ironically, they double down and call such a white person “racist!!!” if they in any way imply that it’s a two-way, and that blacks are contributing to problems of racism. Having a leader of BLM, for example, threaten to “burn the system down unless whites give us what we demand” is creating hostility - and reveals the inner attitude of a black racist.

The Left goes even further than that, though. Not only is it only whites who can be racist, they are modifying definitions to say that only blacks can be victims of racism. (That is why Whoopi, for example, had problems acknowledging that the Holocaust was related to antisemitism. She sees the world as black or white, and Jews falling into the latter category.)

And that is a dangerous mindset: essentially denying that any actions or speech against whites, if by blacks, is racist or hateful - and setting up a wide berth in which blacks can do no wrong (while whites can do no right - unless they come around to “admitting” that whites are the entirety of the problem.)

Finally, back to the video: it is a solution in search of a problem, and the very fact that white children are being admonished as committing micro-aggressions when there is no such “aggression” involved not only shows how far the Left has to go to prove to little white children that they are being micro-racist. It is setting up young white children to feel they are being bad. Whatever happened to the leftist concern about “gold stars for everyone” for self-esteem?
The greater problem is that this type of thinking requires racism to be codified.

Essentially, the ideology states racism in inherent in our being and then declares one race as the only one capable of racism. Hence the new concept that being white MEANS you are racist by definition. It is how things like this get taught in schools:


Some how this is not an 'aggression' but the student in the cartoon was guilty of aggression...
The greater problem is that this type of thinking requires racism to be codified.

Essentially, the ideology states racism in inherent in our being and then declares one race as the only one capable of racism. Hence the new concept that being white MEANS you are racist by definition. It is how things like this get taught in schools:


Some how this is not an 'aggression' but the student in the cartoon was guilty of aggression...
Absolutely horrific! And that shows two things:

1) CRT is indeed infiltrating our schools and poisoning the minds of innocent white children, who are being taught that they are intrinsically evil, as well as black children, who are being brainwashed to consider themselves oppressed victims.

2) the most blatant, hate-inspired racism is allowed to be spewed at whites, including children, such as in the “contract” in your post, while an Innocent, non-racist question asked of a black by a white is categorized as an unacceptable “micro-aggression” - and disallowed.
Which people? What I see are people and society becoming more and more tired of racism and less interested in the opinions of people wanting to dismiss the fact that racism exists.

Here’s the problem as I see it: Far too many of these same people who are “more tired of racism...” are the very ones who have become overzealous social justice warriors and make frivolous accusations of racism, white privilege, unwokeness, etc.

Like I said, people are tired of it. As for me, I’m not racist but I’ve seen so many of these false and ridiculous accusations that I just don’t give a shit anymore. I don’t give a shit because no matter what I do or say (or don’t do or say), it’s never enough. In today’s culture, in the eyes of some, I will never be unracist enough.
Your hate for innocent words that express the sentiments and feelings of minorities was more than obvious.

Don’t start that shit with me. I gave you absolutely nothing on which to assume that my distaste for these words has anything to do with minorities. Besides, I don’t hate the words as much as I hate the false morality behind them.

All I said was that I hate these fad terms and you have already painted me as a racist. Congratulations, you have performed the fastest character assassination with the least amount of evidence in human history.

Your response is precisely what I’m talking about: false, frivolous and ridiculous accusations of racism for the stupidest reasons.
Of asking to touch black women's hair and making people feel strange and less than because of the color of their skin? That's because that is mostly white people. If you knew more black people you'd know this.

How do you know how many black people I know?

And again, you’re talking about undisciplined brats accosting strangers in public. This is not at all what I’m talking about nor is it something I condone.
As I said if your kids loud observation was that the person was fat, and was going around commenting on people's weight you'd talk to them about that and explain why it was inappropriate.

Of course I would. What gave you the impression that I think kids should do this sort of thing? Again, this is not at all what I’m talking about.
So now you're the arbiter of what makes other people embarrassed and uncomfortable? Maybe you're fat and so you more easily empathize with that scenario but it isn't different for black people when they are emphasized as different from what white people consider the "normal".

Are you saying minorities are uncomfortable with their skin color? If so then I would have to ask why. If not then I’m not sure I see your point.
Even if they were friends with the overweight kid you don't think that kid would be uncomfortable with your child commenting about their weight? You wouldn't talk to your child in that case and explain why that's insensitive? I'm failing to see the difference other than your empathy for the over weight and your lack of it for minorities.

Do you remember what I said in my first post? I said we used to teach our children to learn about other races and cultures and to ask questions. Nothing of what I said would suggest or even imply that I think it’s okay for kids to poke fun at fat people or touch a black person’s hair for Christ’s sake.
I'm talking about the video,

So am I.
not about how some random black person hurt your feelings.

So what do you expect me to do or say about random white people who hurt your feelings?
Sorry if reality hurts your little feelings.

You mean people making false claims of racism? Yes, that hurts my feelings as much as whites refusing to listen hurts yours.
Not what I said at all. My family is from Jamaica and I'm Chinese, Indian and African ethnically. In Jamaica there is this rude and insensitive thing where black Jamaicans call every Chinese man and woman Mr or Ms. Chin. Doesn't matter what their names actually are it's just a thing that Chinese Jamaicans get called all the time. Something my chinese jamaican mother used to get called all the time. That's uniquely cultural to Jamaica. I understand racism exists everywhere in varying degrees and forms. It just happens in this country its mostly white people asking to touch black peoples hair and asking people who are not white what they are. That's a question I got asked a lot growing up and my reply was always the same, "American". It did make me feel less than when white people didn't see me as American and something foreign. I was born in this country, I'm as American as anyone else.

I find it ironic that you’re here lecturing me about white racism in this country after having just told me about Jamaican racism.
Just when you think the leftists can’t sink any further
Where does it say anything about the left being responsible, you lying dog.
with their racial division, now they have a cartoon that explains to the little ones how white toddlers guilty of micro-aggressions against the downtrodden black toddlers. And in a nod to our new superior black race, they kick it off with the Marxist black power symbol.
You call them racist but then talk about a new superior black race. That implies the whites held that mantle just prior. No racism there though. No bloody brains either.

New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions​

So change the channel and don't watch the show?

Lazy-ass. Good lord
Run a parallel TV system. That is Deplorable dominated. And allow Deplorable type businesses in all ways without interference from Progs.
Where does it say anything about the left being responsible, you lying dog.
Oh….you think it’s the “righties” who run Disney who put out a cartoon to make white children feel bad about their “micro-agressions” toward blacks children?!

You call them racist but then talk about a new superior black race. That implies the whites held that mantle just prior. No racism there though. No bloody brains either.
Wow. This just shows how full of hate you leftists are, ready to interpret everything as “racist.” There is no such thing as superior or inferior race.

But you lefties have created an entire fiction where you believe all whites THINK blacks are inferior. (That‘s what CRT saying that whites are racist at the core is about.) So leftists, in an effort to “get back” at all the imagined white racists who think they are of a superior race, are trying to put blacks in a superior position so whitey will know what it feels like.

You leftists with all your race nonsense are dIviding the country.
Also, to reply to the leftists who say kids shouldn’t go up to a fat person and ask them about being fat as an example of why kids shouldn’t ask another kid about questions related to his black skin….

…. being fat is seen as a negative in this society! When the deranged lefties, in an effort to find racism under ever rock, tell a kid…..”shhhhh….don’t say anything about the kid’s color because it might make him feel bad,” they are sending the message that it’s anything To feel bad about.

The best thing to do if a kid asks about someone being a different color - which is unlikely because are pretty much unaware of race - is to say, “eh….people have different colored skin, just like different color eyes, and different color hair,” - and then shrug your shoulders to convey it‘s no big deal.
There’s more to this story.

I shan't advance any theories that might turn out to be false.

Let's wait for a thorough investigation.

The results may be quite enlightening.

When it comes to such cases as this one, never jump to any immediate conclusions either way.
The video is prepping them for white people like this.

‘This Was Attempted Murder’: Two White Men Chased and Shot At a Black FedEx Driver While He Delivered Packages; Attorney Slams ‘Too Light’ Charges for Father-Son Duo​

^and this leftist poster is an example of what another was talking about: how the left has made it ONLY about whites being racist, and blacks being their victims.

The above poster, to show how awful whites are and blacks always the victim, finds an example of whites chasing down and shooting a black, and saying “see? This is what we have to prepare the black children for!”

But naturally, since in his leftist mind, blacks can do no wrong, he skips over the crimes of blacks - assaulting innocent people (seems to be mostly Jews and Asians) on the streets, mowing down white people with their car and killing six, shooting people in cold blood, etc., etc..

Where’s the cartoon ”preparing” white children for THAT?!
….or better yet, let’s have a cartoon with an elderly Orthodox Jewish man walking down the street, and a black kid punching him out of nowhere, and then saying “these micro-aggressions hurt Jews’ feelings.”
^and this leftist poster is an example of what another was talking about: how the left has made it ONLY about whites being racist, and blacks being their victims.

The above poster, to show how awful whites are and blacks always the victim, finds an example of whites chasing down and shooting a black, and saying “see? This is what we have to prepare the black children for!”

But naturally, since in his leftist mind, blacks can do no wrong, he skips over the crimes of blacks - assaulting innocent people (seems to be mostly Jews and Asians) on the streets, mowing down white people with their car and killing six, shooting people in cold blood, etc., etc..

Where’s the cartoon ”preparing” white children for THAT?!
Get off your dead ass and produce a video

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