New Disney Cartoon Displays Marxist Black Symbol and Teaches About White Toddlers’ Mixro-Aggressions

Yeah. This new “wokism” is going to divide the country, with blacks convinced they’re oppressed victims and whites convinced they’re horrible racists.

I still think the end goal for this - maybe in 10 or 20 years - is to institute a permanent reparations system where whites will have a certain percentage of their salary withheld for “slavery reimbursement fee” and then deposited directly into the accounts of blacks, perhaps on a quarterly basis.

You'd think they made us feel bad enough as it is. I mean white guilt for decades has been built into our society.

White people have to preface everything with "I'm not racist and I have black friends" before they say anything, comedians that are white always have to talk about their inferior penis and how blacks all have huge dicks, we have to hush to say "n word" while blacks get to run around yelling the full uncensored version constantly, whites always talking about reparations to blacks that never even had a grandparent that was a slave, whites all have to call blacks African American even if they were born in Wisconsin and ignore the fact for centuries Africa has had millions of whites and Indians in it, white people have to live with affirmative action that makes it so blacks can get in a college or get a job before anyone else based on their skin color, we all sit and be silent while Al sharpton and BLM get to run around and call us racist just for being white, and so on.

So our socities level of white guilt wasn't enough for them, it seems they want us to feel even more guilty.
This thread proves Democrats are the racist they claim to hate as they defend blatant racism.

Democrats believe things like black people can't be racist because they are an inferior race. They believe the holocaust wasn't racist because jews are white.

Democrats are the nazis they claim to hate
You'd think they made us feel bad enough as it is. I mean white guilt for decades has been built into our society.

White people have to preface everything with "I'm not racist and I have black friends" before they say anything, comedians that are white always have to talk about their inferior penis and how blacks all have huge dicks, we have to hush to say "n word" while blacks get to run around yelling the full uncensored version constantly, whites always talking about reparations to blacks that never even had a grandparent that was a slave, whites all have to call blacks African American even if they were born in Wisconsin and ignore the fact for centuries Africa has had millions of whites and Indians in it, white people have to live with affirmative action that makes it so blacks can get in a college or get a job before anyone else based on their skin color, we all sit and be silent while Al sharpton and BLM get to run around and call us racist just for being white, and so on.

So our socities level of white guilt wasn't enough for them, it seems they want us to feel even more guilty.
Yes…thats the woke way. We whites are expected to sit by quietly while all sorts of favoritism is bestowed on blacks, and keep our yaps shut.

All sorts of laws and policies are being adjusted to specifically advantage blacks. That is what is behind this decriminalization wave we see now. In NY, armed robbery is now a misdemeanor, and why? Because blacks are disproportionately in prison. So Instead of working in blacks stopping their criminal activity, they think “hey, let’s make crimes legal and then blacks won’t be going to prison in such massive numbers.”

Compare that to the fate of a white woman. She is facing a prison term of as much as a year because she left her 4-year-old in the care of her 14-year old, and the kid walked out of the house and to the neighbor’s house to plat with his friend. The mother of the friend called the police, and now she’s being charged with child endangerment. In the meantime, blacks can loot and commit armed robbery, and it’s a simple misdemeanor.

There are some very evil, racist people trying to turn whites into the inferior race. It’s like 1930s Georgia, but in reverse.
This woke school is making this girl's l8ke absolutely miserable. She comes here in weekends and breaks. Her family is planning a move to Texas.
No child so young that the Democrats won't stoop to damage their lives.

Between their terrorist ScamDemic and the racial stuff they've been using to cover for the chaos and destruction it created in the poorest communities, no low is too low for them.
Come together all you Black chilluns, we'll show you how to end racism. You start by looting the stores in your own Black neighborhoods, then setting them on fire!

Power to da peoples! Stick it to da man! Yowsa!

I saw the Marxist symbol of the clenched pumping fist of hate. Fuck Disney. That's not what they should be teaching kids.
I sure don't understand why Black Americans don't flock to the Rightwing.
Just when you think the leftists can’t sink any further with their racial division, now they have a cartoon that explains to the little ones how white toddlers guilty of micro-aggressions against the downtrodden black toddlers. And in a nod to our new superior black race, they kick it off with the Marxist black power symbol.

Their god looks like whinnie the pooh
I think some people feel threatened - obviously - by what they regard as attacks on their core integrity and worldview.

And the liberal elite are delighted to exploit race with virtue signaling and other bullshit while doing nothing substantive to address the issues of systemic, race-based economic disadvantage.

They're too busy destroying the ENTIRE middle class after all. :)
"core integrity"....................:heehee:
^ Mindless troll/ing.
If that video isn't trolling then it's totally lacking in self awareness. I mean the cartoon that sparked this thread had a message that said some of this behavior makes some people fell uncomfortable and less than and maybe let's not do that. In fact they call it a microaggression to let you know it's not the end of the world. If you contrast that with the triggered adult making the reply, she called it "dangerous to society". Hahahahaha!

You only get that sort of oblivious self owning humor from morons on the right.
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Try this. There is also some commentary included.

Well, Disney DID make a movie about beastiality.

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