New DOJ Investigation Has Haunted FBI for Months

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
John Durham, the prosecutor tapped by Attorney General William Barr to investigate how Trump-Russia allegations emerged and spread within federal law enforcement, has already been looking into whether the FBI’s former top lawyer, James Baker, illegally leaked to reporters.

In fact, the U.S. attorney from Connecticut appears to have begun that work more than seven months ago, to judge from an underreported transcript of an October congressional interview with Baker. The Baker interview, at which Durham was not present, suggests that the prosecutor nevertheless has some people very worried.

Baker testified about the Trump-Russia affair on Oct. 3 before the House Judiciary Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

In that session, the former FBI general counsel admitted that versions and variations of Christopher Steele’s dossier were being turned in to the bureau from the strangest of places. Baker said he had even heard about it from David Corn, Washington bureau chief of left-leaning Mother Jones, who wrote one of the first pieces on the dossier, in October 2016. But in one of those company-town connections that happen frequently in Washington, Baker said he was not just a contact or source for Corn; they were also old pals.

(Excerpt) Read more at ..

Now if the cards are played JUST RIGHT to do the most damage to the DemonRATS and ALL the intelligence services even ABNORMAL Americans will have a hard time SPINNING it to help them in their political endeavors!
DOJ and the FBI need to be investigated for there involvement in the Clinton and Obama cover-up.

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I must say I am very pleased an attorney from Connecticut, my current home state, a state only slightly less corrupt than New York state at the local, state and federal level, is investigating the Russian Hoax. IMO Blumenthal, Himes and the other frauds who lied their entire lives and specifically in regards to the Russian Hoax, should testify. But really, all the democrats and several TDS afflicted republicans also deserve to be subpoenaed to express what they know about the Russian Hoax, when did they know it, and why they promoted it knowing it was a fraud.

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