New Drive by session is now in place for this week.

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Well now that the Boss is back the Drive by writers are gearing up for the next period of grinding out the "News" on a daily schedule . I am sure they will pick up with the Europe's opinion (left wing) and progressive coverage of the Russian talks. I am sure they will add stuff on how the President was running late to the Tea time that she had to wait. I am just glad he did not Bow or anything like that, they would have nailed him to a cross. The balloon coverage was outstanding as far as they could push it. They did not see any Pro Trump the next day due to hangovers. I guess they will keep the border stuff and poor kids being used as border fodder. The need to keep it up for about 5 more years. The next shots fired will be ab
out how old people are being deprived from pain meds.l Nope that is not going to happen.

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