New Georgia billboard depicts Trump as the Second Coming of Jesus


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast
WoW is right! And it isn't even a correct quote from the Bible. :rolleyes-41:

A billboard comparing former President Donald Trump to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has appeared in Georgia.​
Washington Post political reporter Eugene Scott was the first to draw attention to the advertisement on social media, posting an image of the distinctive display panel to Twitter alongside a caption that simply read: "Wow!"​
The billboard features a picture of Trump looking stoically into the middle distance alongside what is purported to be a Bible quote from Romans 8:17, which reads: "Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders."​

WoW is right! And it isn't even a correct quote from the Bible. :rolleyes-41:

A billboard comparing former President Donald Trump to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has appeared in Georgia.​
Washington Post political reporter Eugene Scott was the first to draw attention to the advertisement on social media, posting an image of the distinctive display panel to Twitter alongside a caption that simply read: "Wow!"​
The billboard features a picture of Trump looking stoically into the middle distance alongside what is purported to be a Bible quote from Romans 8:17, which reads: "Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders."​


And, Georgians are howling with laughter.

Romans 8:17
King James Version​

17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.​

WoW is right! And it isn't even a correct quote from the Bible. :rolleyes-41:

A billboard comparing former President Donald Trump to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has appeared in Georgia.​
Washington Post political reporter Eugene Scott was the first to draw attention to the advertisement on social media, posting an image of the distinctive display panel to Twitter alongside a caption that simply read: "Wow!"​
The billboard features a picture of Trump looking stoically into the middle distance alongside what is purported to be a Bible quote from Romans 8:17, which reads: "Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders."​


Board did its job
WoW is right! And it isn't even a correct quote from the Bible. :rolleyes-41:

A billboard comparing former President Donald Trump to the Son of God, Jesus Christ, has appeared in Georgia.​
Washington Post political reporter Eugene Scott was the first to draw attention to the advertisement on social media, posting an image of the distinctive display panel to Twitter alongside a caption that simply read: "Wow!"​
The billboard features a picture of Trump looking stoically into the middle distance alongside what is purported to be a Bible quote from Romans 8:17, which reads: "Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders."​

Would you rather more Biden billboards?
The people that put up this billboard are Republicans in Marjorie Taylor Green's county..

New billboard in Georgia.


Maybe Marge designed it and put it up?
Stranger things have happened!

OMG I thought you were kidding!! :heehee:

Fort Oglethorpe is part of both Catoosa County and Walker County. Both counties are part of Georgia’s 14th congressional district represented by Marjorie Taylor Greene.

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