New government in Niger kicks out US imperialist forces

I'd like: 'Famous Quotes From Kamela Harris' for $200, Alex.

Everything Kamala Harris has uttered for the last 30 years has been nothing more than a gag reflex due to one of Willie Brown's pubic hairs that's been lodged in the back of her throat since then.

That's also the reason she cackles so much, her throat muscles are unconsciously trying to hack it up.
Personally I think it's good to have allies that let you have an airbase in their country to project power if needed.

I would not disagree, but I wonder if we need as many people in as many countries? We have something like 750 bases around the world in something like 70 countries? That represents an ENORMOUS cost. And I won't even mention the 30 billion in weapons and hardware we left in Afghan because it "wasn't worth the trouble" to get it out? Why don't other countries need all this crap?

I only say that to point out that now China is starting to build bases in our backyard in Cuba and such here in the west, and it is funny how the USA doesn't like that meanwhile, we have had bases in other people's backyards (who didn't appreciate it) for ages!

Maybe we need less policing and other countries need to start doing more of their own?

I mean, I get that helping out bit, but we have been helping out the world for over a century now. When do they get on their own feet so we can take care of matters better here at home? I mean, if the world is going to fall apart or change or turn on us the minute we ease off, then aren't we fighting the inevitable or maybe we (the USA) is just doing something wrong or not a very good job?

I mean, if we are so good for the world and doing such a good job, then why wouldn't more countries emulate us and not turn against us in lieu of our police presence?
I would not disagree, but I wonder if we need as many people in as many countries? We have something like 750 bases around the world in something like 70 countries? That represents an ENORMOUS cost. And I won't even mention the 30 billion in weapons and hardware we left in Afghan because it "wasn't worth the trouble" to get it out? Why don't other countries need all this crap?

I only say that to point out that now China is starting to build bases in our backyard in Cuba and such here in the west, and it is funny how the USA doesn't like that meanwhile, we have had bases in other people's backyards (who didn't appreciate it) for ages!

Maybe we need less policing and other countries need to start doing more of their own?

I mean, I get that helping out bit, but we have been helping out the world for over a century now. When do they get on their own feet so we can take care of matters better here at home? I mean, if the world is going to fall apart or change or turn on us the minute we ease off, then aren't we fighting the inevitable or maybe we (the USA) is just doing something wrong or not a very good job?

I mean, if we are so good for the world and doing such a good job, then why wouldn't more countries emulate us and not turn against us in lieu of our police presence?

We have bases everywhere for our own self interests. The MIC gets it spend trillions and we push our agenda on those countries in which we have a presence.
Everything Kamala Harris has uttered for the last 30 years has been nothing more than a gag reflex due to one of Willie Brown's pubic hairs that's been lodged in the back of her throat since then.

That's also the reason she cackles so much, her throat muscles are unconsciously trying to hack it up.
Like a cat, she's probably collected a few hair balls over the years.
If I had all that shit in my mouth, I'd spit it out too.

Swallow! In one gulp! And do not forget to refill the following emptiness in your cranial cavity, Mr. Flintstone.

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Whatever the fuck is going on there, let it. Stop any aid, loans, whatever. A prudent country would write off any existing loans to those countries, but we won't do that. That would hit the books in a bad way. We'll extend/modify the loans to make it appear that those assets (the loans) are still on the books, regardless of whether we think we'll ever get paid back. The IMF/World Bank never loses.
Niger asked for help a while back. The Biden administration sent Kamala Harris to apply her diplomatic skills. She lectured them on LGBTQ+ issues.
Niger asked for help a while back. The Biden administration sent Kamala Harris to apply her diplomatic skills. She lectured them on LGBTQ+ issues.

So you seem to think this year will die no one in the Sahel because of the Russian war in the Ukraine while the world has to turn only around the double belly republicans and democrats of the USA?

I would not disagree, but I wonder if we need as many people in as many countries? We have something like 750 bases around the world in something like 70 countries? That represents an ENORMOUS cost. And I won't even mention the 30 billion in weapons and hardware we left in Afghan because it "wasn't worth the trouble" to get it out? Why don't other countries need all this crap?

I only say that to point out that now China is starting to build bases in our backyard in Cuba and such here in the west, and it is funny how the USA doesn't like that meanwhile, we have had bases in other people's backyards (who didn't appreciate it) for ages!

Maybe we need less policing and other countries need to start doing more of their own?

I mean, I get that helping out bit, but we have been helping out the world for over a century now. When do they get on their own feet so we can take care of matters better here at home? I mean, if the world is going to fall apart or change or turn on us the minute we ease off, then aren't we fighting the inevitable or maybe we (the USA) is just doing something wrong or not a very good job?

I mean, if we are so good for the world and doing such a good job, then why wouldn't more countries emulate us and not turn against us in lieu of our police presence?
We have a huge, world, industrial military complex. Trump knew how to use and control it. Biden is stupid and hapless so it's running wild. A lot of rich, military bureaucrats getting a lot of tax dollars for nothing.
We have a huge, world, industrial military complex. Trump knew how to use and control it. Biden is stupid and hapless so it's running wild. A lot of rich, military bureaucrats getting a lot of tax dollars for nothing.

Trump is an idiot, an empty word salad. He knew not even what really had happened in world politics during his own lifetime.
Trump is an idiot, an empty word salad. He knew not even what really had happened in world politics during his own lifetime.
The status quo became too comfortable over the years since WW 2 for some overseas nations and for people inside our government. We need to renew ourselves and shake up the old way to a more prudent leaner and meaner efficient national apparatus. The realities are that the world is more competitive. And we legislated it to potential enemies. Change is difficult. And the internal social changes had many virtues then got out of hand. We have yet to attempt foreign changes which are needed.
France has made it clear that they will do whatever it takes to protect their interests in someone elses country. Their interests just happen to be continuing to steal all the resources and money from someone elses country
The status quo became too comfortable over the years since WW 2 for some overseas nations and for people inside our government. We need to renew ourselves and shake up the old way to a more prudent leaner and meaner efficient national apparatus. The realities are that the world is more competitive. And we legislated it to potential enemies. Change is difficult. And the internal social changes had many virtues then got out of hand. We have yet to attempt foreign changes which are needed.

Eh? What do you say here?
So you seem to think this year will die no one in the Sahel because of the Russian war in the Ukraine while the world has to turn only around the double belly republicans and democrats of the USA?

WTF was that and how was it relative to my comment which you quoted?

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