New Hampshire Bill Looks to Include Parents, Judge in Abortion Decision


Apr 23, 2009
The bill would reinstate a parental notification law repealed four years ago. A House committee is recommending passing the bill, which requires 48 hours' notice before the girl can get an abortion. House GOP leaders are backing it as a parents' right issue.
Four years ago, Democratic Gov. John Lynch made New Hampshire the first state to repeal a law requiring parental notice for minors to get abortions. Lynch said the unenforced law was unconstitutional because it failed to protect the safety of young women
New Hampshire Bill Looks to Include Parents, Judge in Abortion Decision -

Several things: How old are the girls were talking about? Are they of age in the state? Do we not already recognize that legal guardians should be involved in other medical decisions? Since these girls are under the age of majority (because society recognizes them as too young to make certain decisions), can they legally consent to any medical treatment beyond first aid or emergency care? How does the right to privacy apply when it comes to the underage, especially in light of the aforementioned?
At first instinct, requiring parental involvement seems perfectly fine. But then again, how many pregnant teens have parents who are involved in their lives in healthy and productive ways?

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