New Hopes Dashed


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2011
New Hopes Dashed US Disappoints at Doha Climate Talks
(excerpted from )
President Obama's comments in the wake of the Hurricane Sandy disaster raised hopes across the world that the US was finally willing to act on climate change. But America's refusal to make concessions at the Doha climate talks shows just how little its position has really budged.

Shortly before the US delegation boarded the plane to Qatar at the end of November for the global climate summit, Jennifer Morgan, a climate expert at the World Resources Institute, offered a bit of unsolicited advice. "I think there will be expectations from countries to hear a new voice from the United States," she said.

But Morgan's appeal would seem to have gone unheeded. When US President Barack Obama's climate envoy Todd Stern stood before reporters in Doha for the first time, he did what he has been doing for years: He lowered expectations.
He said he doesn't believe there is a "different tone" in Washington when it comes to efforts to combat climate change. The US, he then claimed, "has done quite significant things" on the climate front "in the president's first four years." As examples, Stern cited improvements in building insulation as well as federal support for promoting renewable energies.
But the message was clear: The US is unwilling to make significant concessions in the final days of this year's global climate conference.
For environmental activists who have spent the last week and a half at the Doha conference center waiting for a sign of progress, Stern's comments were only the most recent of many bitter disappointments. They had placed great hopes in the US delegation -- hopes that had been awakened by no less that Obama himself.
Climate change played virtually no role at all in the US presidential campaign -- until, that is, Hurricane Sandy swept up the East Coast of the US just days before Election Day. Obama also seemed to recognize the issue's sudden relevance. Immediately after his re-election, he emphasized more than once the importance of a far-sighted approach to addressing climate change.
Activists around the world interpreted his comments as meaning that the US -- the world's second-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions after China -- might finally end its blockade of a climate deal at Doha, and that Washington might finally commit itself to ambituous emission-reduction targets.
They were wrong.
No Progress After 18 Rounds
Stern's comments were greeted with disbelief and anger. The US is refusing to budge, and other counries are hiding behind its inaction, said Samatha Smith of the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). David Waskow, from Oxfam, accused Obama of saying one thing and doing another. Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo says that Obama has come down with a "severe case of cognitive dissonance." Comments coming from the US delegation, he went on, show a "fundamental ignorance of public opinion in the US and the rest of the world."
The President is losing a significant oppertunity to lead on this issue. He has wasted 4 of his eight years in regard to this issue. I think that if we do not get someone with a scientific background in the White House, we will see no progress on this. It seems that a non-scientific higher education simply does not equip people to consider global effects on a long timeline, long, that is, in terms of a lifetime.

And right now, I do not see a Theodore Roosevelt in the wings.
David Waskow, from Oxfam, accused Obama of saying one thing and doing another. Greenpeace head Kumi Naidoo says that Obama has come down with a "severe case of cognitive dissonance." Comments coming from the US delegation, he went on, show a "fundamental ignorance of public opinion in the US and the rest of the world."
Yeah, that's what Obama IS, that's what he DOES! Get's you to support him then turns on a dime and f*cks you over.

You know why? He's not your President. He's not the World President.

He's the International Banksters President and he ONLY works for THEM.

Wanna' know what he'll do next? Study what the Bankers want and you'll see.
The President is losing a significant oppertunity to lead on this issue. He has wasted 4 of his eight years in regard to this issue. I think that if we do not get someone with a scientific background in the White House, we will see no progress on this. It seems that a non-scientific higher education simply does not equip people to consider global effects on a long timeline, long, that is, in terms of a lifetime.

And right now, I do not see a Theodore Roosevelt in the wings.
Wrong again. And Obama isn't stupid because he doesn't have a Scientific Higher Education, in fact he's very smart.

The problem is YOU and other Obama supporters who are and were easily manipulated and tricked but refuse to acknowledge it.
This is the best part, because you Enviro-Whackos have always said that the New Economy would be the Green Economy:
In his first press conference after re-election, Obama said he would only promote further climate-protection measures if they didn't hurt his country's already struggling economy.
Translation: "I won't implement ANY of them!" :lol:

Obama must be gettin' ready to switch parties cause that sounded like it came form a Republican!
This is the best part, because you Enviro-Whackos have always said that the New Economy would be the Green Economy:
In his first press conference after re-election, Obama said he would only promote further climate-protection measures if they didn't hurt his country's already struggling economy.
Translation: "I won't implement ANY of them!" :lol:

Obama must be gettin' ready to switch parties cause that sounded like it came form a Republican!

No, I'm a Republican. That sounded like it came from one of the whack-a-doodle conservatives that corrupted and destroyed my party. And it is Obama's conservatism in too many issues of importance to me that has kept me from ever supporting his administration.
This is the best part, because you Enviro-Whackos have always said that the New Economy would be the Green Economy:
In his first press conference after re-election, Obama said he would only promote further climate-protection measures if they didn't hurt his country's already struggling economy.
Translation: "I won't implement ANY of them!" :lol:

Obama must be gettin' ready to switch parties cause that sounded like it came form a Republican!

No, I'm a Republican. That sounded like it came from one of the whack-a-doodle conservatives that corrupted and destroyed my party. And it is Obama's conservatism in too many issues of importance to me that has kept me from ever supporting his administration.

Ridiculous post of the day award.
The Republican Party was the birthplace of Progressivism in American politics. Try looking up Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Eisenhower, to some degree Nixon and Reagan. The nut-case conservatives didn't gain any real foot-hold until the party shot itself in the foot over Bubba.
The Republican Party was the birthplace of Progressivism in American politics. Try looking up Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Eisenhower, to some degree Nixon and Reagan. The nut-case conservatives didn't gain any real foot-hold until the party shot itself in the foot over Bubba.
Obama just f*cked you Liberals over in regard to "Climate Change" (which is a big hoax anyway) and all you can do is blame Republicans?





The Republican Party was the birthplace of Progressivism in American politics. Try looking up Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Eisenhower, to some degree Nixon and Reagan. The nut-case conservatives didn't gain any real foot-hold until the party shot itself in the foot over Bubba.
Obama just f*cked you Liberals over in regard to "Climate Change" (which is a big hoax anyway) and all you can do is blame Republicans?






I'm not blaming Republicans, I'm blaming conservatives like Boehner and Obama.
The Republican Party was the birthplace of Progressivism in American politics. Try looking up Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Eisenhower, to some degree Nixon and Reagan. The nut-case conservatives didn't gain any real foot-hold until the party shot itself in the foot over Bubba.
Obama just f*cked you Liberals over in regard to "Climate Change" (which is a big hoax anyway) and all you can do is blame Republicans?






I'm not blaming Republicans, I'm blaming conservatives like Boehner and Obama.

2nd most ridiculous post of the day claiming Obama is a conservative....what a silly assertion.
I'm not blaming Republicans, I'm blaming conservatives like Boehner and Obama.

2nd most ridiculous post of the day claiming Obama is a conservative....what a silly assertion.

You should know by now, that I don't make unsupported assertions.

Obama the Conservative | Tracking Obama's abandoning of the progressive agenda, and the disconnect between his words and deeds.

Why CEOs and Other Fiscally Conservative Individuals Should Vote for Barack Obama

Study: Obama Most Conservative Democratic President in Recent History |

Who is More Conservative: Ronald Reagan or Barack Obama?

Op-Ed: 2012 Election

many more available but this is the environment board, if you wish to focus on politics, I will be happy to join you over on boards more appropriate to that line of discussion.
Supported assertations really throws this bunch for a loop. That is not playing fair in their book.

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