New IRS chief says it violated American's trust: unacceptable political partisanship

Your problem is clearly pathological. I doubt even those in the IRS or in the White House who cooked up this scheme are that badly afflicted. Finally, you have no point. You simply have a puny argument which futility tries in vindicate the totalitarian instincts of big government and your own.
You think I have the problem? At least I know what my argument is and can explain it in detail and it's relevence to this thread. All you seem to be able to do, is throw out these little bullshit innuendo's as if you knew what you were talking about.

But you don't! You think I'm trying to vindicate a government I withdrew my support for over 3-1/2 years ago. You think this IRS scandal is the mark of a totalitarian government. I find it funny, that when this government enacted laws 12 years ago (with republican's in complete control of the legislative and executive branches), that made it legal for them to snatch anyone off the streets of this country and indefinately detain them for the rest of their lives without charges or ever seeing the inside of a court room, YOU SAID NOTHING!

But when the IRS doesn't review your little "bagger nation" tax exempt claim in a timely fashion, you get outraged and think government is over-stepping it's Constitutional authority.

There's something wrong with that picture and it ain't me!

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