New Jan 6 Video Hidden From Public: Q Shaman Stands Outside Doors of US Capitol and Tells Everyone to Go Home – Reads Trump Tweet to Stay Peaceful

Sweet Jeebus, you're stupid.

The premise of this thread is that since some insurrectionists were filmed not being insurrectionists for a moment, that means they weren't really insurrectionists.

By the same logic train, that would mean a murderer isn't actually a murderer so long as they're filmed once not murdering someone.

You cant lump all those people together dummy. They werent all connected. Again, this was the guy in the film..and you mention being filmed once and comiting murder... so who did he murder?
Are you an AI-Bot set to stupid?
This from one who thinks murder wouldn't be murder so long as the murderer gets filmed once not murdering someone.

Even by Trumptard standards, the Trumptards on this thread are dim, and that's saying something.
Thx Ex

I'm hearing Dwight's warning 3 generations ago manifest in what is no more than the front man for them all

That he can smile through it should terrify any American, regardless of political stripe


That no one called him on it is the most frightening thing. The creature interviewing him is probably as compromised as Schumer is.
So violent insurrection is okay if you occasionally aren't violent?

By trumptard logic, murdering people is also okay, so long as you get filmed once when you're not murdering people.

Trump cultists really are the dumbest humans to every walk this planet. And they are all so proud of being so stupid.
Your ignorance is astonishing. There was no insurrection.
More like cooerced by a federal government with unlimited resources, and a desire to get Trump at any cost. They needed to get as many convictions as possible, but that isnt justice in the spirit of the law.
Ridiculous. If the feds have pictures of you with your hands in the cookie jar it's over.
Actual insurrection is a very specific crime. It actually takes planning and forethought of it being Insurrection. Therefore that video needed to be factored in to wether or not this guy was an insurrectionist.
Even if he later participated in a break in, and a participant of a riot, those are seperate crimes from insurrection and should be tried accordingly to the crime.
The shaman had one charge. Obstruction of an official proceeding.
This from one who thinks murder wouldn't be murder so long as the murderer gets filmed once not murdering someone.

Even by Trumptard standards, the Trumptards on this thread are dim, and that's saying somethin

* TILT *

It's videos like this they do not want to release because its dangerous to their fake narrative. Hundreds of January 6 defendants were denied access to evidence. Regardless of if the evidence proved anything they had the right to it. Every prosecutor, every judge, and every person who helped facilitate the cover up is guilty of violating the rights of every person accused in DC over the January 6 event.

That was all AFTER the assault on the Congress of the United States.

Nobody cares.

Now, if that had happened
BEFORE the assault on Congress, then you would have had a point to make.

Nice try.

That was all AFTER the assault on the Congress of the United States.

Nobody cares.

Now, if that had happened
BEFORE the assault on Congress, then you would have had a point to make.

Nice try.

How is it that you claim to be a "conservative", yet espouse utter nonsense???
I'll just call you Mr. Epps, and :itsok:
That was all AFTER the assault on the Congress of the United States.

Nobody cares.

Now, if that had happened
BEFORE the assault on Congress, then you would have had a point to make.

Nice try.

There was no assault on Congress. There was no insurrection. Trump supporters were peaceful. Antifa and undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters were not peaceful.
Calling bullshit -- context.

The Democrat-led committee shed light on the much-talked about but still murky 187 minutes that stretched from his speech to his supporters at 1:10 p.m. ET to his 4:17 p.m. ET video statement asking them to return home.

The House committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack detailed former President Trump's "complete dereliction of duty" as he ignored pleas to condemn the violence and call off the mob from his White House Counsel, top aides and members of his own family.

"This man of unbridled destructive energy could not be moved, not by his aides, not by his allies, not by the violent chants of rioters, or the desperate pleas of those facing down the rioters," said Chairman Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., during Thursday's prime-time hearing.

It was a poorly produced Infomercial.
That's it.
I wouldn't be surprised if the buffalo guy's spooky too.
most of us 'get' what you're saying SeaMajor

I like that, Sea7 & sparky Goatheadguy is a RINO?
Why do so many good and colorful Republicans betray Don Trump...and turn RINO?
What's up with that?
Why do they defect like that?
Are they seeing something that the rest of us don't?

Hell, 40 of the 44 people who served in his cabinet over his 4yrs won't now endorse his candidacy for president again. What's up with that? 40 RINOs ? Can we be persuaded he's a poor judge of character, talent, and loyalty?

He was coerced into pleading guilty.
How was he coerced?
And how do you know?
Please show the forum your due diligence, poster MMMan.
Help us understand all that happened.

The Federal government will be rightly sued by all the J6 political prisoners.
Betcha that won't happen.
Pleading guilty kinda sorta weakens your imaginary plaintiff's argument doncha think?

You mean falsified evidence.
Like what, MMMan?
What was falsified?
And how do you know?
What due diligence can you show that may lend you some credibility to the forum?
Your ignorance is astonishing. There was no insurrection.
Well then, can we settle on Sedition?
After all a handful of 'em have been convicted of conspiring to sedition, some even plead guilty to it.
So, I'll take sedition for 20yrs in the slammer, Alex.
Antifa and undercover agents dressed as Trump supporters were not peaceful.
And amazingly, those Antifa and FBI guys let themselves be arrested, tried, convicted, sentenced to prison.
That is some friggin' loyalty to one's government, wouldn't you say, poster MMMan?
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