New Jersey resurrects Obozocare Mandae tax


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 22, 2016
New York
Link on Drudge: The Republican tax cuts signed by President Trump repealed the Obamacare individual mandate tax nationwide, but New Jersey residents will be stuck paying it due to the state’s Democrat legislature and governor. Governor Phil Murphy on Wednesday signed the new tax into law that will impose the tax on residents who choose not to purchase “qualifying” health insurance as defined by Obama-era regulations.
Honestly - this country sucks. It's one of the worst places to live in the world.

1. Un-affordable healthcare.
2. Many are stuck working holidays and never can get vacation time because their employer won't hire enough people.
3. Vacation time is up to the employer's discretion, instead of mandated.
4. The world's worst banking system. Transfers are slow, merchants like to data mine, we're just getting chip, and nobody knows that contactless is.
5. No employee protections (I can get fired for looking at my boss in a way he doesn't like).
6. Extremely high tax rate for what we have... Garbage roads, healthcare, world's crappiest airports.
7. A Congress that gives out a 14% tax break to business, who turn around and don't do squat for their employees or customers.
8. Cell phone companies that provide the world's slowest internet speeds but charge prices 2-3x as high as other countries.
9. Cell phone companies that act like they own the phone "locking it" even though you're done paying for it -- like it's still their phone (it's not).
10. A judicial system that isn't supportive of preventing illegal immigration.
11. We're one of the world's fattest countries.
12. A Congress that can't check the other two branches of government but instead, sit on their hands.

Nobody should fall for the brainwashing that America is the "people's government,".... It's not. Do the majority want to be fined for not purchasing healthcare? Probably not, but America is not about the majority anymore, it's about the minority.
Honestly - this country sucks. It's one of the worst places to live in the world.

1. Un-affordable healthcare.
2. Many are stuck working holidays and never can get vacation time because their employer won't hire enough people.
3. Vacation time is up to the employer's discretion, instead of mandated.
4. The world's worst banking system. Transfers are slow, merchants like to data mine, we're just getting chip, and nobody knows that contactless is.
5. No employee protections (I can get fired for looking at my boss in a way he doesn't like).
6. Extremely high tax rate for what we have... Garbage roads, healthcare, world's crappiest airports.
7. A Congress that gives out a 14% tax break to business, who turn around and don't do squat for their employees or customers.
8. Cell phone companies that provide the world's slowest internet speeds but charge prices 2-3x as high as other countries.
9. Cell phone companies that act like they own the phone "locking it" even though you're done paying for it -- like it's still their phone (it's not).
10. A judicial system that isn't supportive of preventing illegal immigration.
11. We're one of the world's fattest countries.
12. A Congress that can't check the other two branches of government but instead, sit on their hands.

Nobody should fall for the brainwashing that America is the "people's government,".... It's not. Do the majority want to be fined for not purchasing healthcare? Probably not, but America is not about the majority anymore, it's about the minority.
/——/ It’s time you move to Worker’s Paradise Cuba where liberals get everything they want and Republicans are shot at sunrise.
Let 'em do it. Nobody liked the mandate and it'll just make people more determined to vote the Dems out in Nov.
Link on Drudge: The Republican tax cuts signed by President Trump repealed the Obamacare individual mandate tax nationwide, but New Jersey residents will be stuck paying it due to the state’s Democrat legislature and governor. Governor Phil Murphy on Wednesday signed the new tax into law that will impose the tax on residents who choose not to purchase “qualifying” health insurance as defined by Obama-era regulations.
Democrats screwing the poor and middle class to fund a failed government program. Again....
I thought the SCOTUS threw out that individual mandate as unconstitutional, am I mistaken? And if so, how does any state get to resurrect it?
I thought the SCOTUS threw out that individual mandate as unconstitutional, am I mistaken? And if so, how does any state get to resurrect it?

The indivdiual mandate was upheld by the SCOTUS, not thrown out.

The case -->> National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius - Wikipedia

But when Republicans took control of Congress and the White House last year (2017), there was perhaps no safer bet than the GOP ending the hated mandate. They stumbled at first, when the Senate failed to pass a more sweeping Obamacare repeal bill. But they stuck the repeal of the mandate into their tax bill — it actually, for technical reasons, helped pay for the tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy — and Congress passed it in December. In 2019, the mandate would end for good.

A requiem for the individual mandate

SCOTUS did not rule it unconstitutional as you say, but nonetheless it's gone. Which means I guess, that a state can resurrect it for their citizens, but man, it's going to cost them. New Jersey is already bleeding wealthy taxpayers leaving for other states, especially since the SALT exemption went into effect, so I dunno how they're going to make this work. If you are a millenial, would you stay in New Jersey and pay for somebody else's HCI, unless you are unemployed or at or near the poverty line? Where are they going to get the money to pay the insurance companies for their losses, and there will be big losses. No payments, you say? Then no coverage, you won't have any health care insurance companies left in NJ.
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